My ship girl, my world

Chapter 147 When your hair brushes my steel gun

After everyone finished eating, the centaur ran to Qin Ge's room and took out his guitar. Ayanami, who always ran back to the room to play games after eating, did not rush back this time. She sat quietly next to Noshiro and stared at Qin Ge with blinking eyes.

However, Qin Ge did not immediately pick up the guitar and sing. Instead, he tidied up the rest area with everyone, drank the tea that Belfast had made long ago, chatted for a while, and waited until Belfast finished processing. After all, I picked up the guitar.

After correcting the pitch more skillfully, Qin Ge plucked the strings of his guitar and said to the girls looking at him, "What song do you want to listen to?"

"What will Commander sing?" Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge thought for a while, "I can't tell, because when I usually practice, Centaur is also there. Once I'm familiar with this one, I practice the next one. There was no particularly specialized song at that time."

"Commander, what songs did you usually sing in your world before?" Prince Eugen asked.

"My world?" Qin Ge thought for a while, "We usually sing more military songs together and listen more to pop songs in private."

"Then why don't you, Commander, sing a military song? Which one should you sing the most?" Guanghui suggested with a smile.

"Okay, let me think about what to sing..." Qin Ge looked at the guitar and thought for a moment, "I thought of it."

After saying this, Qin Ge stroked the guitar and began to play the melody slowly.

"When your hair brushes my steel gun,

Don't blame me for still keeping a cold and handsome face,

In fact, I have both a steel frame and a soft intestine.

It’s just that the fire of youth needs to be refrigerated temporarily.

The days of being a soldier are both short and long,

Don't say that I don't understand style and only value masculinity.

Although there is war in this world, there is also the fragrance of flowers.

My tomorrow will be as romantic as yours.

When your delicate hands rest on his shoulders,

I will also look back and shed two lines of tears,

Maybe our roads are not in the same direction,

I still sincerely wish you girl,

When I take off, take off this military uniform,

I don’t blame you for not waiting for me longer,

Maybe you and I were already far apart at that time,

I believe you will still see my love,

Flying in the sea and sky..."

When the last note faded away, Qin Ge heard the warm applause of the shipgirls around him. He couldn't help but put down his guitar and said to all the ship girls, "How's it going? Is it okay?"

"It sounds very good, Commander." The centaur's eyes were a little red and he said to Qin Ge.

"The lyrics of this song are very good, and the commander also sings it very well." Guanghui said with a heartfelt smile.

"Well, it has both iron bones and soft intestines. It tastes like iron blood, Commander." Prince Eugen nodded.

"Haha, it's not as good as you said. I prefer listening to others sing than singing myself." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Have any of the commander's former comrades ever been in love?" the centaur asked Qin Ge.

"Yes, but most of them don't." Qin Ge thought for a while and said, "Maybe it was in that state that I remembered this song so well. Because we were soldiers in school at the time, although You are a student, but you must obey discipline and follow instructions.

So we rarely go out, let alone talk about asking girls out for dates. Moreover, the students in our school come from all over the world. I remember a comrade from far away. Their home is in the northernmost part of our country, but our school is in the south of our country. It is very far away. Even by car, it takes a whole day and a night. many.

This kind of long-distance love is the most test of the relationship between two people, but we were both young boys who had just grown up. At that time, feelings are the most pure, but also the most changeable.

The relationships of several comrades have broken down, but the relationships of several comrades have become stronger. So they liked singing this song very much, and after following them for a long time, I gradually learned it. "

"War and love, iron-bloodedness and tenderness are indeed contradictory existences." Prince Eugen said, "But conductor, do you want to fall in love when you sing this song to us?"

"Huh?" Qin Ge's expression suddenly became awkward, "It's just singing. Didn't you ask me to sing a familiar song, so I suddenly thought of this song when I saw you."

"So, who among us do you think is the one in your mind?" Prince Eugen asked Qin Ge.

"This..." Qin Ge was immediately confused by Prince Eugen's question and could not answer.

But not to mention that Qin Ge was too embarrassed to say anything, but everyone on Ship Girl's side did have different expressions on their faces. Especially the centaur, looking at Qin Ge, the blush on his face became even deeper.

"I'm here to sing today, not to talk about other things. Besides, who can explain this kind of emotional thing clearly." Qin Ge said to Prince Eugen.

"Haha, since the commander is already shy, we won't discuss it anymore. So, the commander sang so well just now, why not sing another one?" Prince Eugen laughed.

"What song do you want to play?" Qin Ge quickly straightened the guitar. He wanted to sing quickly to get rid of this embarrassing atmosphere.

"Let's sing a love song." Prince Eugen said with a smile.

"..." Qin Ge was speechless. He could see now that Prince Eugen felt that the water in the fleet was not muddy enough and wanted to stir it up.

"I'm not very good at singing love songs." Qin Ge said truthfully.

"Sing whatever you want, as long as it is sung by the commander, we all think it sounds good, don't you think?" After Prince Eugen said to Qin Ge, he did not forget to rope in other people to help her.

"Well, as long as the commander sings it, we all think it sounds good." the centaur said.

"Okay, okay, I'll sing." Looking at everyone's expectant eyes, Qin Ge couldn't help but touch his nose and said, "Then I'll just sing."

"Yeah." Everyone immediately sat up, looking at Qin Ge who was preparing, and couldn't help but smile.

The singing continued for a long time, and Prince Eugen let him go when he realized that Qin Ge couldn't sing anymore.

However, he dropped the words in front of everyone, "I had a great time having a rest today. I hope the commander can continue this. We happen to have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, so let's continue tomorrow afternoon."

"Ah?" Qin Ge was naturally confused. It seemed that he shouldn't have sang the song "When Your Hair Brushes My Steel Gun" today, otherwise things wouldn't have turned out like this.

But what Qin Ge didn't know was that before he was about to start singing for everyone, Prince Eugen had already made this plan.

So everyone returned to their bedrooms with satisfied smiles on their faces. After all, there were a lot of things waiting for them tomorrow.

However, just when Qin Ge finished washing, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door strangely and saw the centaur standing outside his door, looking at him with a red face.

Qin Ge asked the centaur, "Centaur, what's wrong?"

"Commander, can you accompany me to the beach to watch the stars?"

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