My ship girl, my world

Chapter 149 lch liebe dich

Although the two of them did not express their feelings directly in the end, the atmosphere and the temperature were already more silent than loud.

When the two returned to the second floor and returned to their respective rooms, Qin Ge's mood was actually unsettled. There was a time when he thought love was far away from him, but now his feelings for him made him see a rose-colored look.

Stretching out his right hand, Qin Ge looked at it in a daze. I just used it to hold the centaur's hand and walk back. I have never felt so fulfilled and exciting like I did just now.

Do you like centaurs yourself?

Qin Ge's answer to this question is naturally yes. With such an exotic style, and such tenderness and cuteness, how can any man not like it?

But before, I always cared about how to return to my original world, and put these feelings aside.

Now that I have been encouraged by them and begun to slowly accept the world, it may be time to accept this feeling.

That night, Qin Ge didn't know what time he went to bed. He only knew that it was very late when he went to bed. I thought about a lot of things, my own world, this world, myself and my ship girl.

But in the end, I didn't consider a reason, but I strengthened my belief. Just like what the centaur said, let nature take its course and live well every day in this world.

When Qin Ge woke up the next morning, he found Belfast standing beside his bed, greeting his awakening with a smile.

"Good morning, Belfast." Qin Ge said to Belfast while yawning.

"It seems that the master didn't sleep well last night. Was it because he went out with the centaur?" Belfast asked with a smile.

Qin Ge was stunned, "How do you know about this? We should have been quieter yesterday, and you still live on the other side of the corridor, right?"

"If a maid cannot even grasp the whereabouts of her master, then this maid is really incompetent." Belfast laughed.

Qin Ge shook his head speechlessly, "I did go out with the centaur last night."

"Have you confessed your love?" Belfast asked with a smile.

Qin Ge suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment, "No."

"Wouldn't the owner cherish such a good opportunity?" Belfast asked.

"No, it's actually almost like a confession, but I didn't say those straightforward words. Centaur is shy to begin with, and I was also rendered speechless by the environment at the time, so the two of us couldn't say anything. Didn't say anything." Qin Ge explained.

"Oh, I understand." Belfast smiled, "Although the master and the centaur have not expressed their feelings to each other, they have understood each other's intentions?"

"That's pretty much it. But Belfast, don't tell anyone else about this." Qin Ge said to Belfast.

"Haha, it seems that the master is shy." Belfast said with a smile.

"..." Qin Ge found that he was becoming more and more powerful as a maid.

So, in this atmosphere, Qin Ge got dressed and went out for a morning run with Belfast's service.

When I came back from my morning run, I found that everyone else had already gotten up and were sitting in the public rest area chatting. The centaur sitting nearby had a red face.

Hearing Qin Ge's footsteps going upstairs, several people smiled at him and said hello, then continued talking.

In order to avoid an embarrassing scene like the one with Belfast in the morning, Qin Ge did not go up to them and ask them what they were talking about. After all, the centaur was already like that, and the conversation must have been close to what he guessed.

Because the current room is a guest house-style room, washing and other things can be done in the room, which makes Qin Ge find it very convenient.

But when Qin Ge finished washing, he found that Prince Eugen had leaned on his door frame at some point, looking at him with a smile.

"Prince Eugen, what's the matter?" Qin Ge said to Prince Eugen.

"It's okay. I was just a little surprised when I thought that the commander who was a bit submissive to women before suddenly accepted the centaur's confession so boldly, so I came here to see how much you have changed." Prince Eugen said with a smile. arrive.

Qin Ge's face darkened. What does it mean to be submissive to women? That's...well, a bit subservient indeed.

So he said helplessly to Prince Eugen, "Come over to Belfast in the morning and tell me, and you should also come over and tell me. Is this thing really surprising to you?"

Prince Eugen shook his head, "I'm not surprised, isn't there an old saying in Donghuang that states are easy to change, but character is hard to change?

Therefore, in my understanding, the commander is not someone who easily accepts other people's expressions of emotion. This time, it is indeed a bit unexpected. But you did a good job, Commander. "

"After all, everyone has feelings. After being with you for so long, I will naturally have feelings for you, so it's a matter of course. Just let nature take its course." Qin Ge said.

"Haha, is that right? Then lch liebe dich." Prince Eugen said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Is this German? In the language of this world, it is your iron-blooded language, right?"

"That's right." Prince Eugen smiled, "Commander, do you know what this sentence means?"

"I love you." Qin Ge said word for word to Prince Eugen.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the commander would understand." Prince Eugen smiled at Qin Ge.

"When I was at school, I briefly learned some other languages ​​when I had nothing to do. I can still understand simple German words like this." Qin Ge explained to Prince Eugen.

"It would be best if you can understand it. As for whether this sentence is sincere or a joke, let the commander himself decide~" After Prince Eugen finished speaking, he walked out of the room with a smile, leaving only Qin Gelin. in the room.

"I'm afraid I got off to a bad start..." Qin Ge said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect that one day I would be in such a situation. It's really..."

While thinking about it, he changed into the commander's uniform. As for why Belfast didn't serve him, it was because at this time, Belfast had already gone to the canteen to get food.

Sure enough, when Qin Ge changed clothes and walked out of the room, he saw that Belfast had brought breakfast to the public rest area.

So, Qin Ge hurried over, sat down where he was yesterday amidst everyone's laughter, and started eating.

In short, the meal made Qin Ge a little uncomfortable. It was not until Mikasa came to the second floor of the guest house that the situation eased...

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