My ship girl, my world

Chapter 158 The Destruction of the Small Siren Fleet

The centaur raised his hand, and the other three carrier-based aircraft in different directions quickly flew in the direction where the enemy traces were found.

Soon, several carrier-based aircraft formed a formation, two in front and two in back. There were two fighter jets in front and two torpedo planes in the back. Like arrows, they bypassed the light cruiser, which was the greatest threat to carrier-based aircraft, and came directly to the vicinity of the battleship.

The two torpedo planes began to descend, each drawing a beautiful trajectory. After throwing a wave of torpedoes on the sea, they immediately rose up. The two fighter jets overlapped each other, avoiding the anti-aircraft firepower of the battleship, and accurately threw four 500-pound aerial bombs on the deck of the battleship.

The sky-high flames instantly illuminated the sea surface, followed by several loud noises, and the entire battleship transformed into a blazing fire ship.

"It's indeed quite powerful. One round of Centaur's attack did not sink it." Qin Ge looked at the burning battleship in the distance with a telescope and found that it was only burning with flames on the sea and had no sign of sinking.

"Well, it seems we need another round of attacks." Guanghui nodded at the same time.

The Centaur on the distant sea also discovered the same situation, so the four carrier-based aircraft quickly turned back. When they approached the Centaur, they turned into arrows and landed on her hand.

Then the centaur bent its bow and nocked an arrow, and an arrow was shot in the air, turning into four carrier-based aircraft and heading straight towards the flaming battleship in the distance.

Same attack, again. The aircraft carrier fleet that occupies air superiority is so unreasonable.

The flames erupted from this attack were more violent than the previous attack. The entire battleship's hull swayed slightly, then tipped over and fell on the sea.

A large amount of seawater directly extinguished the flames. From a distance, the battleship was slowly sinking, while the red flames gradually disappeared, and thick black smoke emerged from the other side.

At this time, Qin Ge picked up the communication device and said inside, "Attention all ship girls, this time we must conduct defensive operations while ensuring our own safety. Especially Helena uses SG radar to detect the enemy's exact target information. Distance, location, etc., provide sufficient information support to our own battleships."

"Yes, Commander!"

The voices of a group of ship girls came from the communication device. There was a hint of excitement in the tone. This was the first time they had fought against an enemy fleet, even though it was only a small Siren mass-production fleet.

Because most of the battles they fought before were isolated mass-produced ships, or they were exercises with each other. This is the first time for such actual combat at sea, especially actual combat between fleets.

Although the ship girls are all beautiful and lovely girls in appearance, they still cannot hide the fact that they are weapons in their memory. It's how gentle they usually are, but the place that truly proves their existence is the battlefield.

In the fleet, Belfast, who was in the center, looked at the approaching fleet and instantly released smoke bombs, covering his own front row.

This kind of smoke bomb will only create a visual illusion for the enemy, but your own units in the smoke bomb will not be affected by the smoke bomb at all.

Soon, Helena relied on the SG radar to lock onto the enemy's nearest destroyer.

"The target is the Siren mass-produced destroyer at the front, with a speed of 34 knots and a distance of 18 nautical miles."

"Received, the target is the Siren mass-produced destroyer at the front, with a speed of 34 knots and a distance of 16 nautical miles. Adjust the angle of the gun and fire freely after locking it." Veneto repeated Helena's range measurement and pointed to the side. Hiei and Rodney said not far away.


On the three people's ships, the gun base began to move slowly, adjusting its position to the angle of locking the destroyer.

Veneto was the first to fire. After all, her training level and ability were much stronger than Hiei and Rodney.

Nine shells quickly passed through the sky with a trace of fire, heading straight towards the Siren mass-produced destroyer. In an instant, fire broke out everywhere.

A shell accurately hit the rear deck of the Siren mass-produced destroyer. Two shells hit the front deck of the Siren mass-produced destroyer, and several other shells fell next to the Siren mass-produced destroyer, but the near miss was enough to cause huge damage to it.

Immediately after Veneto fired, Hiei and Rodney's bombardment angles were also adjusted, and then they fired one after another. As the shells swayed, they quickly rushed towards the direction of the destroyer.

But compared to Veneto who accurately hit three cannonballs, Hiei and Rodney were not so lucky. The two of them hit a total of two shells on the Siren mass-produced destroyer, but these two shells were like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The sky-high flames rose from the hull of the Siren mass-produced destroyer, and along with the billowing smoke, the mass-produced destroyer began to lose power and gradually sank.

"Success, the destroyer was sunk!" Helena said on the communication device, her tone a little more excited than the usual sadness.

"Helena, continue to report the second target." Veneto smiled slightly and said to Helena.

"Yes." Helena responded quickly, "The target is the Siren mass-produced light cruiser on the right side, with a speed of 29 knots and a target distance of 15 nautical miles."


And just as the battleship was shooting, the enemy's Siren mass-produced battleship was getting closer and closer. A group of light cruisers in the front row also started attacking when the enemy ships entered the effective range.

And with Belfast's smoke bombs, highly practiced suppression, and after occupying air superiority, the Centaur bombed at will. Soon, only one heavy cruiser and one fallen destroyer were left in this mass-produced siren fleet.

Belfast dodged the torpedoes fired by the fallen shipgirl, and raised his hand to fire a round of artillery fire at the Siren mass-produced heavy cruiser at close range. This round of shelling directly hit the core area of ​​the Siren mass-produced heavy cruiser, and a ball of fire burst out from the heavy cruiser's hull.

Immediately afterwards, Veneto and the others' bombardment was already in place. Because the distance has reached within 3 nautical miles, the accuracy has been improved to the extreme at this moment.

A deafening sound rang out, and the entire Siren mass-produced heavy cruiser was blown to pieces by the cannonballs. The wreckage of the ship's hull was walking on the sea, like a string of meteors.

immediately. Everyone turned their attention to the last destroyer, the Fallen Ship Girl, which was still speeding on the sea. The figure covered in dark red mist is now clearly visible.

Qin Ge also saw this scene from a distance, so he said to everyone in the communication device, "Aim all naval guns and fire freely!"


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