My ship girl, my world

Chapter 163 The party begins

As the sky gradually darkened, other people from the college also came to the banquet hall of the guest house.

At this time, the banquet hall was brightly lit, and the light came from the lanterns arranged around it, reflecting the prosperous atmosphere of the entire hall.

At this time, the table was filled with dishes carefully prepared by Yixian, and all the ship girls were sitting around the table, waiting for the party to begin.

Finally, amid everyone's expectations, the Prince of Wales walked out of the stage.

"I feel like this is the most crowded party we have ever had, except for meetings." The Prince of Wales looked at the people below and said with a smile.

"Today is Donghuang's New Year's Eve. According to Donghuang's tradition, it is a custom for the family to get together for New Year's Eve dinner and watch the New Year's Eve. But because we all come from different camps, some habits are not particularly unified.

Usually during the Chinese New Year, Yixian and the others celebrate it together, but since it is not a very formal festival, many people are scattered, so this year I wanted to bring everyone together.

It just so happens that Qin Ge is relatively familiar with this aspect, so I entrusted him to organize this Spring Festival Gala for everyone. Looking at everyone's appearance now, I feel that they did a good job this time.

So in the end, I hope everyone can have a happy New Year's Eve today, make New Year's wishes, and continue to work hard for our mission next year. "

As the Prince of Wales finished speaking, there was warm applause from the audience.

Then as Hiei appeared on the stage, the applause gradually stopped. Because everyone knows that the highlight of today is coming.

"Hello fellow instructors, I am Hiei from Chongsakura. I am very honored to be invited by my commander and the dean of the college to be the host of this Spring Festival Gala today.

On the occasion of the Donghuang Spring Festival, on behalf of myself, I wish everyone here to work smoothly, attack and return victoriously!

Next, let’s start the formal part of today’s Spring Festival Gala. The artistic performances brought by the college members allowed everyone to enjoy the New Year's Eve dinner while waiting for the arrival of the Spring Festival in the beautiful artistic performances. "

After Hiei finished speaking, there was warm applause. After all, everyone had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Some people were eager to prepare, and some felt sad.

But no matter what the reason, everyone is looking forward to this Spring Festival Gala.

"Next, the first person to appear is the Prince of Wales, the dean of our college. What she is going to bring us is a ballroom dance. As a dance partner, everyone must be familiar with it. It is my commander's ship's glory, everyone. Welcome with applause." Hiei said to everyone.

Immediately, the audience burst into warm applause. After all, the Prince of Wales always has a majestic posture when he appears in front of people. Because she is the dean of the Commander Academy, she must shoulder the majesty of the Commander Academy.

But here today, we are all staff of the same college, so there is no need to keep such a serious look. Therefore, as a royal diplomat, the program chosen by the Prince of Wales is naturally ballroom dancing.

As for the choice of dance partner Guanghui, I also thought about it for a long time. After all, there are not many royal ship girls in the Commander Academy. It is impossible to let the Prince of Wales and the female admiral dance on the stage, right?

Therefore, the target of the Prince of Wales naturally chose her old friend Guanghui. But Guanghui did not agree to her directly at first. Instead, he informed Qin Ge and only agreed to the Prince of Wales with Qin Ge's consent.

This makes the Prince of Wales always have a teasing smile every time he sees Guanghui.

Hiei on the stage walked off the stage with applause. At the first backcourt, the Prince of Wales came out holding the glorious hand.

As the music gradually started playing, the two danced ballroom dancing on the stage. But speaking of it, although the Prince of Wales is a ship's wife, he is very heroic, so standing next to the glorious figure in white clothes does not feel awkward at all.

Even Qin Ge felt that the two danced very well. He even felt like asking Guanghui for advice on how to dance better when he had time?

When the music stopped, the two stopped their gorgeous dance, faced everyone with a smile, and gave a royal thank you, and everyone in the audience also gave them warm applause.

Because it is not easy to appreciate such a beautiful ballroom dance, and it is also a ballroom dance performed by two royal shipgirls, which is even more enjoyable.

And with the Prince of Wales and Kouki stepping down, Hiei once again came to the stage.

"I am very grateful to Dean Prince of Wales and Guanghui for the wonderful dance. Next, let us invite Yixian to bring us a traditional Donghuang music "Spring Snow"."

Following Hiei's announcement, Yisen, dressed in a cheongsam, walked to the stage holding a pipa. With a wave of his hand, a round stool appeared in the center of the stage. Then he sat down and started his performance. Play.

As the notes sounded slowly, Qin Ge finally understood the meaning of Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing". The big strings are noisy like the rain, the small strings are like whispers, the sounds are mixed, and the big and small beads are falling on the jade plate.

When the song "Spring and White Snow" was finished, the audience burst into warm applause. After all, music as a special language is universal.

Although some ship girls from other camps cannot feel the meaning contained in Yangchun Baixue, they can understand it. This is a very elegant piece of music. Coupled with some perfect interpretations, the whole piece of music is played like fairy music to the ears, which is endlessly memorable.

Immediately after Yat-sen finished playing, Mikasa, who has been teaching at the Commander Academy for the longest time, also took the stage to perform a song.

Immediately afterwards, Aurora and Langley, who were the mentor team, also went up to perform their own performances. Everyone's performance received warm applause. After all, everyone usually seems more serious, except of course Aurora.

However, there was also a little commotion during the performance, that is, the female lead was wearing a banquet dress, and when she was playing orchestral music later, she accidentally stepped on her own cloak and almost fell down. Of course, everyone laughed it off.

Then came the songs presented by Shuanghai and Anshan. Everyone sang very seriously and it was very nice. The atmosphere of the whole party was also heightened.

But in addition to these artistic performances, Maryland brought a set of boxing performances to the crowd when he took the stage. Of course, this was the idea Qin Ge gave her before the party started.

During the performance, the fists were fierce, and every time he waved his fists or turned around, there were bursts of murderous intent. It was both novel and exciting for everyone to see, and they applauded for a while...

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