My ship girl, my world

Chapter 170 Secretary Ship’s Proposal

When the next day came, Qin Ge felt a little awkward when he looked at Prince Eugen. However, Prince Eugen was still the same as before, as if nothing happened yesterday.

Prince Eugen's performance made Qin Ge a little disappointed, but after the disappointment, he was more relieved. Perhaps those actions yesterday were really caused by Prince Eugen drinking too much, and she forgot everything after she sobered up.

However, Qin Ge still guessed wrong.

Because in the next few days, he felt the offensive from Prince Eugen. That kind of extremely tempting and naked offensive, especially after that incident happened.

On this day, Qin Ge sat in the public rest area with several ship girls and discussed the future development of the fleet.

"Beery, Rodney, and Helena have been training very fast recently. In less than two months, they have reached more than 20 training levels, and are about to approach their second breakthrough. "Qin Ge said while looking at the people sitting next to him.

"That's right, because the overall strength of our fleet has increased, so starting from a low level of training, the pace will be much faster. After all, these experience in improving the level of training have been summarized by us and passed on directly to them.

Therefore, sisters in the future will only get faster and faster, and will not need to explore slowly like we did before. Veneto said to Qin Ge.

"That means by the time I graduate, we should be able to have 9 or more full-breakthrough ship girls?" Qin Ge said with some surprise.

"Perhaps this number will be more, my commander." Guanghui smiled, "After all, you are investing all your resources in us now. Under such conditions of sufficient resources, if our training progress continues If it’s not happy, then there’s something wrong.”

"This is better. At least the security of the areas defended by our future fleet will be guaranteed. And we can quickly develop from the offshore coast to the front line." Qin Ge said energetically.

"Indeed, if our fleet reaches about 20 people and can fully break through when the commander graduates, we can indeed step up our push to the front line." Prince Eugen also nodded.

"But Commander, this is a good wish, but there is one thing you are still lacking at the moment." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"What?" Qin Ge asked Guanghui.

"That is our fleet affairs capability." Guanghui said to Qin Ge, "Every mature commander of the fleet will be responsible for the most important command rights and interests, but because the commander is responsible for all large and small affairs of the fleet, Nod in agreement, so the commander will have to deal with a lot of things every day.

And the same is true for ordinary commanders, so in order to reduce the burden on the commander, every fleet or every large fleet has the commander's shipgirl as a secretary ship.

After having the secretary ship, some daily affairs of the large fleet can be completed by the secretary ship. Because most of the daily affairs are the same, we can also do it.

This can greatly reduce the total amount of things for the commander, allowing the commander to maintain a good state at all times. In case of an emergency, better command can be carried out, and command errors will not occur due to poor conditions. "

"Secretary ship?" Qin Ge nodded, "Indeed, I have heard about the secretary ship, but since it is for the second grade, I don't know much about it."

"That's because none of the others are as special as the Commander." Guanghui said with a smile, "Generally, it is very normal for first-year trainee commanders to have one or two ship girls, so under such pressure, Commander He can handle the affairs of the fleet well.

After the second grade, it is common to have two or more ship girls. At this time, the school will add the secretary ship course, so that there will be a more reasonable distribution of fleet affairs.

But Commander, you are different. You already have 11 ship girls, and you will definitely have more in the future. Therefore, regarding the appointment of secretary ships, I suggest that you implement it immediately.

Only in this way will you be able to work with ease in the future work of the large fleet. After all, some things cannot be completed by one person at all. So, Commander, what do you think now? "

"Well... this is good, and I support it very much. If we now have the secretary ship you mentioned in Guanghui, then the work of our fleet will go more smoothly, and I will have more time to write Textbook." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"So since the commander is going to start the secretarial ship mechanism, there must be an accurate outline." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"Gangcheng?" Qin Ge said in confusion.

"That's right, for example, the type of ship the secretary ship is set up, such as how often the secretary ship is replaced, and what are the affairs that the secretary is responsible for in peacetime, etc." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"Is it so troublesome?" Qin Ge asked Guanghui.

"Although this sounds troublesome, it's actually not troublesome at all." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"However, wouldn't it be better for the secretary ship to steadily assign one person?" Qin Ge said to Guanghui.

Guanghui shook his head, "Here I advise the commander not to do this, because the secretary ship is the person closest to the commander, so for other people in the fleet, becoming a secretary ship means getting closer to the commander. .

And if the commander wants to appoint someone to be in the position of secretary ship all the time, then that person will most likely be jealous of other sisters, or it may cause a conflict in the camp.

After all, there was a commander when he was on the front line. Because he always designated one person as his secretary ship, he was kidnapped by the entire fleet. Later, the incident intensified, and it was not until the gendarmerie from the frontline headquarters took action that it came to an end.

However, this also destroyed the harmonious atmosphere of the entire fleet, causing the commander's fleet to drop from the top fleet on the front line to a fleet with almost no combat effectiveness. "

"So serious?" Qin Ge couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

"It's so serious. After all, although we are ship girls, we are still ordinary girls after taking off the ship uniforms. Moreover, these girls come from different factions. Commander, do you think there will be less fights between us?

Even if there aren't many fights between people from different factions, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to see someone very close to the person they like every day, so it is inevitable that the strength of the entire fleet will be greatly reduced. "Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"Well, it seems that we really need to think about it carefully." Qin Ge nodded with sudden realization.

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