My ship girl, my world

Chapter 187 Schedule

Although Qin Ge knew that he had slipped into the trap of the Prince of Wales, he did not refuse to write a book about night battles.

Because if he works hard and writes a book, more people can gain an advantage in night battles, thereby greatly improving the survival rate, then he is willing to do it.

Just like when he wrote tactical textbooks before, Qin Ge never thought of using what he learned as his own bargaining chip, but shared it so that more people could get a chance to survive from this knowledge.

After all, this is an all-out war between humans and sirens, and I am just a small part of this war.

After learning the reason, Qin Ge took action as he was told. When he returned to the guest house that night, he drew up an outline of a night battle manual. But when I realized what happened, it was already late at night.

Looking at the outline drawn up in his notebook, Qin Ge couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then stretched.

At this time, a hand holding hot tea appeared in front of Qin Ge. Qin Ge took the hot tea and said thank you to the person next to him. Then he was stunned for a moment, turned around, and saw Belfast standing next to him, looking at him with a smile.

"Belfast, what time is it? Why haven't you gone to bed yet?" Qin Ge asked Belfast.

"The master didn't rest so late, how dare a maid to rest earlier than the master?" Belfast said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? I'm just acting on a whim. If I start writing, I want to finish it all at once. You should rest when you should. What's more, although you are a maid, don't live with me as the center. ." Qin Ge said to Belfast.

"I beg your pardon that Belfast cannot agree to this condition, because when you summoned me, Belfast had already sworn allegiance to you and dedicated his life to you." Belfast said with a smile. arrive.

"You." Qin Ge sighed helplessly. After getting along with Belfast for so long, he also knew that he was a very stubborn or principled person, so what he believed in would never be easily changed. .

"Then I'm going to bed now, so you go and rest quickly."

"Master, you have worked all day and you have to wash up, so let me help you finish washing up." Belfast said to Qin Ge with a smile.

"I found that if I let you take care of me so meticulously, I will become a useless person one day." Qin Ge put down the tea cup in his hand and stood up, saying to Belfast.

"How could it be? How could a person with a strong will like Master turn you into a cripple with such mere care?" Belfast said pointedly.

"So, you are going to increase your efforts in the future?" Qin Ge couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"If the owner is willing, it is not impossible to increase the intensity." Belfast said with a smile.

"Uh, forget it, that's fine." Qin Ge said quickly, because he couldn't help but think of the seductive scene in Belfast where he lifted up his skirt.

If it were taken care of like that, he believed that even with his strong will, he wouldn't be able to control it. After all, he was still a man, wasn't he?

After Qin Ge finished washing and packed all his things, he gently closed the door and exited Qin Ge's room. Qin Ge couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, then lay down and quickly fell asleep.

With the arrival of a new day, everyone went to the training ground early in the morning. Because today is the drawing ceremony for the second round, and the winner of the second round will be decided today.

Since there were 38 participants from each region in the first round, there were a total of 19 winners in the first round. The 19 winners from each region will be drawn again to determine the rankings in the second round.

Therefore, one of these 19 people will definitely get a bye, which means that only 9 winners need to be decided in the second round today to end today's battle.

After the lottery was completed, nineteen commanders and their respective ship wives were waiting in the preparation area, and this time the person who got the bye in the lottery was a first-year commander.

He held the No. 10 pick and waved happily to the acquaintances behind him. However, judging from the expressions of the people he waved to, they did not appear to be happy with him. Instead, they had the urge to beat him.

Qin Ge watched this scene and couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Then he called out the people who had drawn No. 1 and No. 19 in the second round, and handed them the communication devices and other things they needed for the practice match.

Since it is already the second round, there is no need to explain the rules of the game one by one. This made the early preparation time faster. By the time Qin Ge took the boat driven by Helena to the referee area, the ship girls from both sides had already glided into place.

"The ship girls on both sides have completed their preparations, and now the practice duel will officially begin."

With Qin Ge giving orders, a new round of practice league officially kicked off.

Compared with the battle in the first round, the battle in the second round was more impressive. Both sides are constantly pulling and pulling, giving full play to the strengths of their respective ship girls. Use effective means and tactics that each understands to defeat the enemy, but this also makes the game longer.

So when all the games in the second round are played, it actually takes longer than the first day. But Qin Ge, as a referee, can also clearly feel the progress of everyone.

At least during the night battle, I was not as confused as a headless fly on the first day, but made more reasonable arrangements and responses.

As a member of Qin Ge's Xinghai Fleet, Wang Yueqin also won smoothly in this round of competition. Maybe it was because she had drawn a first-year commander, but no matter what, she had won, and this was the best result.

When the third day of the practice league officially ended, there were now only 100 commanders left, scattered in various competition areas.

And on the next 4th day, it was time for a real showdown. The 10 commanders in each division will re-draw lots to determine the top 5 in each division, and the top 5 players in each division will be re-drawn. After two more duels, the top three in each division will remain.

After entering the 5th day, the top three from all divisions will be combined and drawn again, and then the top 15 will be determined. And because there are more commanders this time, the Prince of Wales announced again that the top 15 will have competition rewards.

Afterwards, lots will be drawn again from among the 15 to determine the top 8. After that, you can progress one round at a time to determine the final ranking.

Therefore, this practice league will officially end the individual competition process on the fifth day, and then the team competition will be held.

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