My ship girl, my world

Chapter 190 Individual Competition Finals

In the finals, Chen Baijun faced off against a second-year student named Ou Huang. Although he was not as good as Qin Ge, he had 5 ship girls so far, and only one of them was a destroyer. , including two light cruisers, one heavy cruiser and one battleship.

From the configuration, it looks like a very complete fleet. Except for the temporary lack of control of the air, the basic control of the sea can be said to be within the same level. Therefore, this time he is Chen Baijun's strongest opponent.

With Anshan's order, the two ship girls started practicing on the final stage.

Because Chen Baijun's fleet has the aircraft carrier Wasp, his strategy for this battle is to quickly use his heavy cruisers and battleships to knock out the opponent's two light cruisers, and then use all his strength to protect the Wasp and let her carry out the attack on the opponent's fleet. Harvest.

Obviously, this is a very reasonable tactic, because the other two infringement cases have relatively comprehensive anti-air capabilities, but the anti-air capabilities of destroyers, heavy cruisers and battleships are very poor.

Therefore, in such an environment, as long as the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower is knocked out, then oneself will firmly grasp the air superiority of this exercise. After that, you can let the Wasp take off the carrier-based aircraft as much as you want, then fly over the opponent's head and drop bombs.

Qin Ge had used this tactic before, and had used it during their first exercise.

At that time, the Centaur carrier-based aircraft flew into the sky. After Ayanami determined Atlanta's position, he then made step-by-step maneuvers to allow the Centaur carrier-based aircraft to avoid Atlanta, and then launched an attack on the opponent's battleship with the most ferocious firepower.

Although this battle was won at the cost of Ayanami, such tactics gave Chen Baijun a great inspiration. Qin Ge could launch such a raid on an aircraft carrier at that time. Now that he has the same aircraft carrier, can he also launch it?

So he simplified this tactic and changed it from avoiding the opponent's light cruiser to sinking the opponent's light cruiser, even at the expense of Nevada and Wichita.

However, since the competition venue was relatively small this time, Chen Baijun's tactic actually worked. At the beginning of the battle, in an instant, the guns of Nevada and Wichita were all aimed at a light cruiser.

Amidst the huge gunfire, Nevada and Wichita were instantly attacked by the opponent's battleships and heavy cruisers, causing medium damage. However, Qiang withstood this shot, causing the sinking of the opponent's two light cruisers. Suddenly, the number of people on the field changed instantly, from the previous 5:4 to 3:4.

However, even though it is 3:4, the price Chen Baijun paid is also painful. After all, of the two battleships on his side, only one Wasp is left in a complete state. Nevada is now in a state of medium-break and about to be broken, and Wych The tower's condition is also very critical, and it is also in a state of breakdown.

However, such a huge effort resulted in the ineffectiveness of the opponent's two anti-aircraft firepower points, so that the previous tactics could be implemented.

As the Wasp's carrier-based aircraft flew into the sky, the sound of engine rotation filled the entire exercise ground. Two fighter planes, two bombers, and a torpedo plane quickly advanced toward the enemy in three formations.

Obviously, the Hornet's method of controlling carrier-based aircraft is very similar to the Centaur's method of operating carrier-based aircraft. However, unlike the Centaur, the Wasp divides the carrier-based aircraft into three formations according to their types, while the Centaur divides the carrier-based aircraft into three formations. It is divided into three formations according to the attack level.

This method of aircraft control was obviously the work of Qin Ge, because Centaur had previously conducted carrier-based aircraft control training according to his method. Now that Centaur has become Wasp's teacher, he naturally hands over the carrier-based aircraft control skills to her.

When the enemy ship girl saw the slight advance of the carrier-based aircraft, she instantly understood why Nevada and Wichita did not avoid the shot, but chose to forcibly knock out their two light cruisers. It turns out that feelings have always been for They pave the way for aircraft carrier attacks.

Therefore, as the enemy's chief flagship, the battleship Tennessee ordered the others to quickly approach the opponent at all costs and knock out the opponent's aircraft carrier in the mode of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Because although the opponent has a numerical advantage now, a heavy cruiser and a battleship are all in the state of being mediumly broken and about to be broken, and will soon be eliminated. Although two light cruisers were lost here, one battleship and one heavy cruiser were both in full condition. It was still unclear who would win.

Both sides made the best choice for themselves at this moment, and a fierce battle began immediately. The other commanders and school instructors in the stands should not start cheering for them either! On the edge of the arena, the two participating commanders couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Facts have proved that the plan executed by Chen Baijun was effective. When a carrier-based aircraft came over the enemy's head and began to drop bombs, the high amount of aerial bomb damage caused the opponent's destroyer to sink. , and both the battleship and heavy cruiser suffered varying degrees of damage.

However, ship girls who can become second-year students still have the ability to fight back. Due to the approaching distance, they quickly captured the position of the opponent's battleship and heavy cruiser. After a round of shelling, Chen Baijun's battleship and heavy cruiser were hit by the shelling, and they all announced that they had been sunk.

At this time, there were only two ship girls left on both sides, and as the distance approached, the position of the Wasp was also exposed to the sight of the battleship girls and heavy cruiser girls.

While the Wasp was waiting for the carrier-based aircraft to cool down, the opponent was also waiting for the main gun to cool down. However, it is obvious that the cooling time of the Wasp's carrier-based aircraft can be faster. After all, after the carrier-based aircraft was released before, the opponent fired.

So when the carrier-based aircraft took off again and flew overhead, the opponent's two shipmates loaded their main guns. At this critical moment, the fighter jets began to drop aerial bombs, and at the same time, the opponent's battleships and heavy cruisers opened fire.

The artillery shell accurately hit the Wasp, and the two aerial bombs dropped by the fighter also accurately hit the heavy cruiser and battleship. At this time, the Wasp and the opponent's heavy cruiser retreated at the same time, but because the Wasp's bombers and torpedo planes did not drop bombs in time, it was announced that they could not continue the attack.

So now there are only two ship girls left in the entire field, one is the battleship Tennessee, and the other is the destroyer Firefly.

And at the moment when the entire audience held their breath, they saw the little ship girl charging forward towards the battleship girl. Because of the previous battle, she had already glided not far away from the battleship girl.

At this distance, she withstood the attack of the battleship's secondary guns, bravely moved forward, and bumped into Tennessee. The damage caused by the impact of the iron head just made up for the lack of damage caused by the previous aerial bomb.

At this point, the final ended with such a dramatic scene...

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