My ship girl, my world

Chapter 192 Award Speech


The moment they saw the results of the individual finals came out, other members of the Xinghai Fleet gathered around and congratulated Chen Baijun for winning the championship.

Chen Baijun looked at his companions and Qin Ge, who was walking over not far away, and showed a silly smile for the first time, changing his previous calm and mature expression.

"It's a fluke, it's just a fluke, thank you everyone."

Seeing Chen Baijun's naive state, the others couldn't help but laugh. At this time, Qin Ge also came to his side, "Good tactics. Congratulations, Bai Jun."

"This is all the cultivation of the commander. If it weren't for you, then I would never have won the individual competition." Chen Baijun thanked Qin Ge sincerely.

Others around them also nodded in agreement. Without Qin Ge's call, without his corresponding training methods and drill tactics, they would now be just like these ordinary first-year students, perhaps even worse than them. .

"This individual competition final is based on your own efforts and strength. Don't deny yourself so easily." Qin Ge said with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Baijun's last ship girl, Firefly, had also jumped onto the dock. She ran towards Chen Baijun at full speed, calling for the commander as she ran.

At this time, Chen Baijun knelt down, opened his arms and hugged the hero who flew towards him, and stood up while hugging him.

"Commander, Commander, did you see my million-head hammer at the end? Isn't it awesome?" Firefly asked Chen Baijun with a proud look on his face.

"Awesome, awesome." Chen Baijun said with a smile.

"Hehe, right? I told you that my million headbutt is very powerful. The commander didn't believe it before and said he wouldn't let me hit her. Do you think I can win if I hit her?" Firefly looked happily at Chen Baijun. said.

"But it's still too dangerous. You should use it less in the future, unless it's absolutely necessary, you know?" Chen Baijun said to the firefly.

"Hey, hey, I know, I know." Firefly said impatiently, "Commander, kiss me, you promised me before."

"Uh." When Firefly said these words, Chen Baijun's face suddenly turned dark.

The people on the side burst into laughter, and Li Chenming laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, "Chen Baijun, it turns out you like this kind of thing, I really didn't notice it before!"

"Haha, that's right. The fireflies are still so small. Chen Baijun, aren't you afraid of the gendarmerie?" Wang Yueqin said from the side.

"What do you know? Chen Baijun is called caring. He should treat Firefly as his sister." Zhang Yingwei said.

Zhang Xiaotian on the side grinned and said to Zhang Yingwei, "There was nothing wrong at first. Why do I feel that something is even more wrong after you explained it?"

Chen Baijun's face darkened even more after hearing these words. He suddenly felt that everyone around him was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. At this time, he couldn't help but look at Qin Ge.

I saw Qin Ge and his ship girl whispering something, but they didn't look here for a while. Just when he felt helpless, the voice on the stage beside him was like the sound of nature, saving him.

"Now let us welcome the individual competition champion Chen Baijun and his ship girls to the stage to receive the award."

At this time, Qin Ge turned his head and glanced at Anshan on the stage, then smiled and said to Chen Baijun, "Go and welcome the glory that belongs to you."

"Yes, Commander." Chen Baijun nodded solemnly, and then took his ship girl with him to the stage.

Suddenly, applause resounded through the sky like thunder, and in the midst of this applause, Chen Baijun and his ship girl stood in the center of the stage and took the first place honor trophy from Anshan's hand.

"Commander Chen Baijun, as the winner of this individual competition, do you have any experience and skills to share with us? I think the commanders in the audience will definitely want to hear your sharing." Anshan said to Chen Baijun said.

Chen Baijun took the microphone from Anshan's hand and looked at the dark crowd below and the expectant expressions on their faces, and couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Hello everyone, I am Chen Baijun, a second-year graduate. I am very honored to stand here today to accept the award of the individual exercise competition champion. Here I am very grateful to my ship girls, because they are loyal to my tactics and I have exerted my own strength to achieve this moment.

And the next person I need to thank the most is my Grand Fleet Commander, Mentor Qin Ge. "

When Chen Baijun said this, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, and then several other people from the Xinghai Fleet also looked at Qin Ge with smiles on their faces.

They felt the same as Chen Baijun at this time, but there was someone who needed to be thanked very much, so naturally it was Qin Ge. But the other commanders don't know what it means. After all, they all know Qin Ge. He is the instructor of the tactics class and a first-year student in the school. But what does the commander of the fleet mean?

Seeing the confused crowd underground, Chen Baijun said, "Some people may be wondering why instructor Qin Ge became the commander of the fleet when he is still a first-year student and still in school?

In fact, this has to start from the beginning. At that time, several of us accepted the invitation of first-year student Li Chenming to join a large fleet that had not yet been formed, and that large fleet was the prototype of the large fleet I am in now.

At that time, I remember that 8 people went, but only 5 people stayed, and those 5 people included me. We became the first batch of people in the Star Sea Fleet.

Later, because instructor Qin Ge's fleet was strong enough to become the commander of a large fleet, after special approval from the Maritime Safety Administration, our Xinghai Fleet was named by the Maritime Safety Administration.

After that, we trained together and grew up together, and finally I am where I am today. I didn't dare to think about standing on this stage at the beginning, but now I am standing on it. This is naturally because of mentor Qin Ge, and of course my own efforts.

So I would like to take this opportunity to express my most heartfelt thanks to instructor Qin Ge, and to everyone in our Xinghai Fleet. It is our mutual help along the way that makes me who I am today. "

When Chen Baijun finished speaking and handed the microphone to Anshan, thunderous applause broke out. And amidst such applause, the name Star Sea Fleet appeared in the crowd's sight for the first time.

Some people were lost in thought, including some first-year students and some sophomores who were about to graduate.

They had heard such things before, but they had always regarded them as jokes because after all, there was too much uncertainty about the large fleet assembled in the school.

But now no one dares to make this matter a joke, because they know from Chen Baijun's dictation that this large fleet has been established at the Maritime Safety Administration.

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