My ship girl, my world

Chapter 193 The results of the team competition

The overall number of participants in the team competition is still not as large as that in the individual competition. In the end, the number of people who signed up in Anshan was only about 100 teams.

After all, the gap between the first-year students and the second-year students had been seen before in the individual competition, and after the team competition, the advantage of the second-year students became even wider.

Therefore, relatively few first-year students participated in the team competition. Most of them had the mentality of practicing and communicating with their seniors, and called a few close friends to form a team to sign up.

There are still relatively few first- and second-grade players like Chen Baijun, Li Chenming, and Wang Yueqin.

Waiting for all the captains to draw lots, they then entered into battles one after another.

The rules for the team competition are different from the rules for the individual competition, so everyone basically already knows what to do. However, compared to the individual competition and team competition, there is an additional commanding position.

That is to say, all ships in the fleet are equipped with communication devices, and then one person in the team is selected to command the entire team.

Therefore, there is great emphasis on team collaboration and cooperation, as well as mutual trust between teams.

Because if there is no mutual trust, then it is very likely that the ship girls of three different commanders will be unwilling to choose to obey each other's instructions and act according to their own will. This will cause the entire common front to collapse, and then the other party will be destroyed.

This leads to the fact that even if the team adds a few more ship girls and adds some firepower, it will end much faster than the individual competition.

Of course, there are also some slow ones, such as failure to grasp the attack rhythm or confusion of attack targets, etc.

This is really an exercise as Anshan said before. If such behavior occurs on the battlefield, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, the purpose of the team competition is to remind commanders that although personal factors are important, in a real battle, no one will fight with you alone. The real strength is the strength of the team.

This purpose was especially evident when the commanders faced off against Chen Baijun, Li Chenming and Wang Yueqin.

The brilliant coordination and impenetrable attack left the commanders who faced them exhausted and unable to find any way to break the situation. Even if they wanted to rely on their own ship girls to break out of a breakout line, they were all exhausted. was mastered by the opponent, and then defeated this idea in the early stages.

Therefore, compared to the individual competition, the team competition has almost become a performance stage for a few members of the Xinhai Fleet.

No commander could withstand a few attacks in front of their combination, and they were defeated one after another.

When the team competition lasted for the third day and Chen Baijun and the other two stepped onto the podium, everyone seemed to be in a dream.

And this dream is still fresh in the memory of the entire second grade class.

Because at this time last year, some people also stood on the championship stage, but those people relied on the strength and large number of their own ship girls to win, but this year, all of them who met Chen Baijun and the others were convinced by their defeat. oral.

Because the opponent not only completely defeated them in terms of the training level of the ship girl, but also completely defeated them in terms of command.

So if everyone was only curious about the Star Sea Fleet when the individual ended before, then this time the team competition ends with full of yearning for the Star Sea Fleet.

Because most first-year students discovered that students of the same grade actually outperformed second-year students in tactics.

It also allowed them to understand what the strength of a team is.

So when the three people came on the court, there was warm applause from the audience, and everyone looked at them with eyes of admiration and hope.

"Commander Chen Baijun, this is the second time you have stepped onto the podium in the past few days. Compared with the previous individual championships, what do you think the team championship means to you? What do you need to talk to us? Shared by many commanders?”

Following Anshan's inquiry, Chen Baijun took the microphone, "Actually, for me, I think the championship of the team competition is far more worthy of being remembered and excited than the championship of the individual competition.

Because our commander has said that the key performance of some people on the battlefield may be able to change a local battlefield.

But to truly fundamentally change the entire battlefield environment, it must be the strength of the team, so our training has always been based on the team.

The method used is the three-by-three method that the commander taught in the tactics class before. If you have listened to that class carefully, you should be clear about the tactics and tactics we have used.

Therefore, winning the team competition this time is a recognition of the principles we have always adhered to and encourages us to continue to work together and work hard to carry forward our Xinghai Fleet. "

Anshan smiled and looked at Qin Ge who was nodding in the audience, then rolled his eyes and said to several people, "Commander Chen Baijun has always talked about the advantages of Commander Qin Ge and the benefits of joining the Star Sea Fleet. .

So let me ask here, do you want to recruit people for the Star Sea Fleet this time? "

"I have this idea. After all, I will graduate soon, and then the number of people in the Star Sea Fleet will be reduced. So I hope to attract more people to join our Star Sea Fleet through such an exercise league, and join our new A large fleet was established.

But let me make it clear here that because our fleet is newly established, it does not have as generous resources for you to use as other fleets, but there will also be corresponding subsidies, and the training in the fleet is relatively strict. So you need to think carefully before joining the Grand Fleet.

Furthermore, our large fleet is a large fleet preparing to go to the front line, so what we need are brave men and people who dare to face real dangers.

So if you choose our fleet, you should consider everything in advance. "Chen Baijun said while looking at the excited crowd below.

And Chen Baijun's words were like a basin of cold water poured directly on the heads of those excited people.

After all, there are very few large armies that target the front line, and now a large fleet that has not left the campus must target the front line. Just think about it.

"It seems that Commander Chen Baijun made it very clear. I believe others have understood it. If they want to join your fleet, they don't know who to contact?

Is it the Commander of the Grand Fleet, Instructor Qin Ge, or you? "Anshan said with a smile.

"I am just an ordinary member of the Grand Fleet. The current Commander of the Grand Fleet is Instructor Qin Ge, and the Deputy Commander of the Grand Fleet is Li Chenming next to me.

So if you want to join our fleet, please contact Deputy Commander Li Chenming. "Chen Baijun said to Anshan with a smile.

"I'm really surprised that you, who is so powerful, are not the deputy commander of your fleet." Anshan said with some surprise.

"Our commander said something that I think is quite good. That is, the division of labor in the revolution is different, so each of us accepts the assignment." Chen Baijun replied.

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