My ship girl, my world

Chapter 197 The turmoil after the practice league

Perhaps because of the results of the joint exercise, or because of Qin Ge's performance in the challenge, the reputation of the Star Sea Fleet is no longer what it was a few days ago. It is just popular.

"You're saying that there are a group of commanders who want to join our fleet, right? There are first-year and second-year students, right?" Qin Ge smiled and looked at Li Chenming, who was a little worried.

"Yes, you don't know. Since the last time you performed at the joint exercise, the door of my dormitory has been blocked by people every day. They are all clamoring to join our fleet, so now, I will come to you. Yes." Li Chenming said to Qin Ge.

"This is a good thing. It shows that the strength of our fleet has conquered them, but blocking your door every day is not a problem." Qin Ge said with a smile, and then thought for a moment, "Go over and count how many commanders there are. The officer wants to join our big fleet, so I have a calculation and plan."

"So Qin Ge, are you planning to expand our fleet?" Li Chenming asked Qin Ge.

"Yes, our fleet currently only has 6 people including me. At least our number must exceed double digits to form enough combat effectiveness to deal with any subsequent situations.

So it’s time to add new members, but this time is different from the previous one with Chen Baijun and others. We need to make a selection for the commanders who want to join our fleet. In addition, I will also discuss with Dean Prince of Wales later. Let’s talk about what I told you before. "Qin Ge said to Li Chenming.

Li Chenming suddenly understood. He looked at Qin Ge in a funny way and said, "It seems that you are planning to ask them to make a pledge, but if you say this now, I'm afraid there will be very few commanders who will join."

"I would rather have fewer people join, but also make sure that we are moving in the same direction, because if we recruit too many people now, it will lay hidden dangers for the future development of our fleet." Qin Ge said to Li Chenming arrive.

"That's what you said, so be it. Next, I will make a list of those who want to apply to join our fleet, and attach their personal information to it. You can go about your business now." Li Chen Ming said.

"Well, then I'll leave this matter to you." Qin Ge smiled.

"Hehe, of course, I am the deputy commander of the Star Sea Fleet. If these things cannot be handled, then I will be really disappointed with your expectations.

From now on, you will take over the tactical and command matters, and just leave these trivial chores to me. "Li Chenming finished speaking with a smile, then turned and left the reception room of the guest house.

After Li Chenming left, Helena stood behind Qin Ge and said, "Commander, is this okay? They joined our fleet with passion. If we treat them like this, will they cause trouble?" Are people criticizing me?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, because as a large fleet, we are first and foremost responsible for the members of the large fleet.

Our goal is always the front line, the place closest to the Siren, so it is full of unknowns and risks. You must have a firm belief, otherwise it will easily cause your own internal collapse.

Therefore, when selecting team members, you must be cautious and cautious. You are not only responsible for your own teammates in the Grand Fleet, but also responsible for those who join our Grand Fleet. "

"Yes, I understand." Helena nodded and said, "Then shall we go to the dean's place now?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Let's go. Such matters must be discussed with the dean first, because no matter what, I am still a member of the Commander Academy."


So Helena and Qin Ge walked towards the dean's office together. When they arrived at the dean's office, they found that the Prince of Wales was indeed in the dean's office, leisurely drinking black tea and listening to music.

"The dean seems to be in a good mood." Qin Ge looked at the situation after entering and couldn't help but smile.

"Haha, the work for the school year is about to be completed. Of course, I am still in a good mood. Why, Qin Ge, why did you come to see me this time?" The Prince of Wales said with a smile.

"Actually, I originally wanted to wait until the start of school in the second half of the year to bring this matter up, but now that the exercise league is over, a group of people want to join my fleet, so it's better to confirm it in advance." Qin Ge said to said the Prince of Wales.

"Oh, talking about this, I also remembered that your fleet really stole the show this time. It won both the individual and team competitions. It did quite well." The Prince of Wales smiled.

"Thanks to the support of the dean and director Canglong, our fleet can proceed so smoothly." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"We are just doing our job, and you have the glory in the large fleet, so you can naturally set up a small large fleet." The Prince of Wales said, "Also, what did you just say? Does it need to be confirmed so early?”

Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales, "You also know that the goal of my fleet is the front line. Although we will definitely not be able to reach the front line immediately after graduation, we still have to continue working hard to get to the front line.

Therefore, I plan to gather the members of my grand fleet and join the battlefield when the next Siren Tide arrives, to support war with war, and to use actual combat to promote the progress of the strength of the grand fleet. "

The Prince of Wales narrowed his eyes, "So what you are saying is that you want to participate in the next Siren Tide, and you will participate in the form of a large fleet?"

"Yes, I have an idea. That is, let us become a support force and go to some weakly defended areas to fight. This will not only reduce the pressure in those areas, but also allow us to face the battlefield directly and further familiarize ourselves with and use it. My own tactics." Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales.

"Should I say that you are really bold? You are usually a graduating commander, afraid of the siren tide that you can't avoid, but you are actually a first-year student, oh, wrong, you will be a second-year student by then.

As a second-year student, you want to lead your own fleet to face the enemy directly. I have to say, it is really an amazing decision. But from what you said, why do I feel so surprised? "The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Actual combat is the only way to test training, and it is also the fastest way to improve the strength of our fleet.

I have the confidence and ability to lead my large fleet to meet the enemy, and I also have the confidence and strength to bring them all back, but before that, I still need to consult the dean for his opinion. Qin Ge looked at the Prince of Wales and said.

The Prince of Wales nodded, then thought for a moment, "I think there is a better way..."

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