My ship girl, my world

Chapter 20 Will the ship girl go to the toilet?

Yes, in close combat, the speed of drawing a knife is always faster than the speed of firing! "Nodai said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded, "Taking into account the reloading speed, it is true that the speed of drawing the sword is faster than the speed of firing, but it is a bit subversive." After all, the ships in his world are all in the form of ships, and they move during naval battles. It is slow and turns slowly, so in order to avoid this disadvantage, battles are basically conducted at long distances, and there are very few boarding battles and ship collisions.

But this is not the case in this world. As another form of ship, ship girls have extremely small bodies and flexible figures on the sea, and can easily implement some tactics that cannot be achieved in ship form. For example, after getting close, you can use your own ship equipment to inflict damage to the opponent, and you can also use your flexible body skills to avoid approaching artillery shells and torpedoes.

This fighting method gave the ship girl more diversity and broadened Qin Ge's horizons. He suddenly had the idea of ​​​​moving the previous World Army's combat system to the sea. So Qin Ge took a pen and wrote in a notebook, recording his thoughts.

"Okay, you two can move freely in the house now. Next, I have to read the basic books I brought back." After recording his thoughts, Qin Ge said to his two ship girls.

"Well, Commander, can I study with you? And if you don't understand something about us, you can ask me." The centaur smiled and said to Qin Ge.

"Of course, if you're not bored." Qin Ge nodded and smiled.

"Of course not!" the centaur said happily.

So the three of them went upstairs together, Nodai walked towards his room and the centaur entered his room with Qin Ge. The two sat side by side in front of the table. Qin Ge directly picked up a copy of "The Ship Girl's Detailed Explanation" and started reading, while the centaur randomly picked up a book from the pile and started reading. The room was extremely silent for a while, with only the sound of turning the pages of a book and Qin Ge recording the key points of the book in a notebook.

Although this "Details of Ship Girl" is called a book, it actually does not have many pages, only about forty or fifty pages. However, among these forty or fifty pages, things very related to Ship Girl are recorded, such as Ship equipment, such as training level, breakthrough, etc.

After reading, Qin Ge sorted out his thoughts, then marked them in his notebook, and said to the centaur beside him, "Centaur, I will ask you a few questions, and you can answer them for me."

"Okay, Commander!" the centaur said, putting down the book in his hand.

"First, how do you calculate your training level? It only says that training level is related to the strength of the ship girl, but why is it not explained in detail?" Qin Ge pointed to his notebook and said.

"Our training level is actually similar to the actual combat experience we gain from the number of times we participate in battles. Take myself as an example. The more times we participate in battles, the more comfortable we become in controlling our carrier-based aircraft. The speed of flying the aircraft every time It will also increase, and the control of the entire airspace will also increase." Centaur explained.

"I see, what about a breakthrough?" Qin Ge asked.

"The breakthrough is that after reaching a certain level of training, the ship girl will gain a qualitative growth. Specifically, she will send out more planes, and her control efficiency of the plane will also become higher, and each ship girl will You can break through three times in your life. And every time you can break through, you can feel it." Centaur explained.

"Yeah." Qin Ge nodded, "Where's the vow? I read in the book that the vow is similar to marriage in the human world?"

"Probably." The centaur said with a blush.

Qin Ge was stunned, then smiled. There was a saying that was circulated in the academy before. The army tried to use the steel gun in its hand as its second life. The air force regarded its aircraft as its partner, so the navy regarded it as its partner. He regards his warship as his wife.

Today's vows can basically be thought of. It is natural to have some love affairs after living and dying together for such a long time, but there is a problem that Qin Ge can't understand.

"Centaur, I touched your hand before and found that it is no different from humans, so I want to ask, why can you withstand the attacks of artillery shells and torpedoes?" Qin Ge asked.

"Because when we don't use the power of the Mental Cube, we are just like ordinary human girls, but once we use the power of the Mental Cube, we will become a real battleship." Centaur explained.

Qin Ge nodded, then asked seriously, "So, can I have sex with the ship girl after I get married?"

"Ah..." The centaur's face turned redder and he hesitated.

After seeing her reaction, Qin Ge immediately realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask, I didn't mean anything else..."

"Yes, because the body structure of the ship girl in her normal form is the same as that of humans, so..." the centaur said.

"Oh, so that's it." Qin Ge nodded and quickly wrote it down in his notebook. After finishing recording, he raised his head and said to the centaur, "Then can the ship girl have children?"

"Can't..." the centaur said speechlessly.

"Why? Didn't you just say that the ship girl's body structure is the same as that of humans in her normal form? Why can't she have children?" Qin Ge asked.

"Because the power of the ship girl is provided by the Rubik's Cube, and she has no fertility..." The centaur's head dropped lower.

"It's really strange. Since the body is structured but has no fertility..." Qin Ge said to himself doubtfully, "It would be great if it had fertility. Then there wouldn't be so few ship girls and so few commanders. .”

"Commander..." The centaur was speechless. He originally thought Qin Ge was teasing him, but he didn't expect that he was really considering this matter seriously.

"By the way, Centaur." Qin Ge turned around and asked, "Is the ship girl going to the toilet?"

The centaur immediately said nothing, turned and left, closing the door with a "pop" sound...

"Eh... Just answer if you don't want to answer..." Qin Ge shook his head and began to study again.

When Noshiro heard the centaur's door closing and came out, she saw the centaur with a red face. She asked in surprise, "Did the commander touch you?"

The centaur shook his head, "No."

"Then why do you look a little angry?" Nodai asked.

"Commander..." the centaur said hesitantly, "he asked a lot of strange questions..."

"Oh, what are you asking about?" Nodai asked curiously.

"He asked the ship girl if she would have children?" the centaur said speechlessly.

"Oh, what else did you ask?" Noshiro asked with a deep expression.

"He also asked the ship girl if she knew how to use the toilet..." the centaur said with a blush.

With a "crack" sound, the centaur looked at Noshiro, "Hey, Noshiro-senpai, don't draw your sword..."

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