My ship girl, my world

Chapter 204 Commendation Order

After the Prince of Wales finished speaking, Yixian, who was sitting in the guest seat, stood up and walked directly to the side of the Prince of Wales. He nodded to the two of them, then turned around and spoke to the commander and staff below.

"Hello to all the new students, I am Yixian, the commander-in-chief of Donghuang. I am very honored to be invited by the Prince of Wales to attend the graduation ceremony at the college.

Because the Commander Academy is the cradle of all commanders, it is the place that supplies blood for Donghuang's fight against the Sirens. So it is a holy place in the hearts of all our commanders and all ship girls.

It is full of hope, full of dreams, and full of possibilities. Just like the outstanding talent Commander Qin Ge was born this year.

When the battle report of last year's Siren Tide was placed in front of me, my first reaction was that it was impossible, because the gap from what we had done before was really too big.

However, after many investigations, it was learned that all those who had attended his lectures and studied his tactics had achieved great results during the last Siren Tide and had also minimized their losses.

At that time, we discussed how to give him a reward, but more people believed that although he was a mentor to the commander trainees, he was only a first-year commander. So let it go for a while, and then we will reward it accordingly when it matures a little.

As soon as the result was released, it was put up now. As for why it is proposed to reward instructor Qin Ge now, it is because his second tactical textbook has been written, and after our command staff read it in full, we feel that it can be regarded as classic.

So at this moment I brought the order from the headquarters, and this is also the result of deliberations and decisions by all the personnel in the headquarters. "

When Yixian said this, he took out a piece of paper from his ship's space, and then started reading.

"Order No. 75 of the Donghuang Command, in view of the fact that Qin Ge, the instructor of the tactical course of the Commander Academy under our command, works seriously and teaches outstandingly. He not only contributed to Donghuang's coastal defense, but also compiled strategic and tactical textbooks, which made up for Donghuang's The shortcomings of Huang's tactics.

Therefore, after discussion by our ministry, his military rank is hereby upgraded to the rank of captain, and he is awarded the title of Outstanding Contributor. This is hereby certified. "

Sure enough, several of Qin Ge's ship girls in the audience couldn't help but nodded. They had discussed with Qin Ge about the idea of ​​improving his military rank before. Because now Qin Ge is not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of merit, which is beyond the scope of a private soldier.

It is urgent to upgrade the military rank, otherwise, the Donghuang Navy will be said to be stingy by other camps.

The military rank of captain is neither high nor low, because ordinary people can reach the rank of captain with hard work, so it will not cause too much jealousy and criticism.

Moreover, the rank of captain can be equal to that of commander of Qin Ge's fleet, so no one will be surprised by his rank every time he is mentioned as commander of the fleet.

After Yixian finished reading, he turned around and handed the order to Qin Ge. Then he took out the rank of captain from his ship's space and put it on Qin Ge himself. He also took out a medal in a small box and hung it on Brother Qin's chest.

"Thank you, Commander Yixian." Qin Ge said solemnly to Yixian.

"It doesn't matter, you deserve this. If you didn't consider your junior qualifications and fear of causing criticism from others, it would be impossible for a captain's rank to be equated with your merits.

So continue to work hard to create a new family situation in the future, and when the time comes, you will be more confident when we upgrade your military rank. "Yixian said with a smile.

"Yes." Qin Ge saluted solemnly.

Then Yixian waved his hand and said, "After the meeting is over, you take all your ship girls to the Prince of Wales's office. I have something to tell you."

Qin Ge's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, as Aurora and Mikasa had guessed before, Yixian was coming for him. But I don’t know what happened, so the commander-in-chief came in person.

But now Qin Ge couldn't help but have random thoughts in his mind. He could only answer affirmatively, "I understand."

"Yes." Yixian nodded to Brother Qin, then glanced at the Prince of Wales next to him, then turned and sat back in his seat.

The Prince of Wales asked Qin Ge to return to his original tutor's seat and began to speak later.

Since the chores were already done, subsequent projects went by quickly. After the graduation ceremony was over, Xu Fei walked down the instructor's stage, winked at his shipgirl, and walked outside.

As everyone walked on the road, heading towards the Prince of Wales' office, Qin Ge explained the situation just now.

"Yixian came to you personally, which means that this matter must be unusual. Otherwise, Commander Donghuang would not bother Commander Donghuang to come out personally." The prince and I thought for a while, and then said to Qin Ge.

"I don't know what it is. Are you asking for punishment? But the previous rewards and honorary titles are not like asking for punishment." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"I think Yixian must be asking for something." Veneto said to Qin Ge.

"Oh?" Qin Ge looked at Veneto together with several ship girls, "How should I say it?"

Veneto said, "It has been more than half a year since the Siren Tide last year. If you want to reward the commander, you can reward it at any time, but why choose this time?

Is it just to recite that order in front of many commanders in the school? I think it's obviously not the case. There must be something inside.

And if I mean, when you want to ask someone to do something, what is the first thing to do? "

"Bringing the relationship closer." Qin Ge said word by word.

"Yes, I think that's it. These rewards are just to get closer to the commander. Because after the commander got the rewards, what Yixian said, even if you don't want to go, you will still be because of what others have given you. Reward, not go,” Veneto said.

"Not bad. It is indeed the flagship of the Sardinian Empire. The analysis is so clear." Prince Eugen said with a smile, "I thought you only knew how to take a bath."

Veneto blushed, "Taking in the bath is meant to combine work and rest, okay? And is there anything more comfortable in the world than taking a bath?"

After hearing Veneto's words, everyone couldn't help laughing. It seems that the flagship of the Sardinian Empire does have real talents, but he usually behaves a bit lazy, or stupid.

After everyone finished laughing, Qin Ge looked up at the nearby office building, "We're almost there, let's take a look at the commander-in-chief. What's going on here?"

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