My ship girl, my world

Chapter 219 Old acquaintance

When Qin Ge returned to the guest house with his wife, the Prince of Wales and Yixian returned to the office.

After the two returned to the office, there was a knock on the door not long after.

"Come in," the Prince of Wales said to the door.

A figure then opened the door and walked in. After Yixian saw the person coming, he stood up with a smile and said, "Mikasa, long time no see."

The person who came was none other than Mikasa, the battleship instructor in the academy. She also looked at Yixian in amazement, and said with some emotion, "I didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for a few years, but you have changed so much. It seems that you have awakened." It’s very in-depth, which level are you at now?”

Yixian smiled and said, "If you express it in terms of training level, it should probably be around level 120 now."

"Tsk, okay, then it seems that I am getting farther and farther away from you. You leaders are simply more powerful than the other." Mikasa smiled.

"Haha, isn't your Chongyakura's divine son Nagato also around level 120 now?" Yixian said with a smile.

"That's right, but what do you say about that little guy? It's a little awkward." Mikasa shook her head and said, "When I returned to Donghuang last summer vacation, I was surprisingly clingy. It took a lot of effort to get back to Donghuang. Here it is.”

"Who makes you her senior?" the Prince of Wales said with a smile.

"Speaking of it, I am already a member of the older generation, so the current Chongying should be left to their new generation to lead. I can just go back and take a look occasionally. As for Chongying that I am asked to lead again, forget it. Yeah." Mikasa said, shaking her head.

"Let's sit down and talk." Yixian pulled Mikasa to sit on the sofa and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, we have known each other for almost 100 years."

"Yes, I had just woken up at that time, and you were also very immature." Mikasa smiled, "If you hadn't brought Ninghai and Hepinghai with you and rescued me on the sea at that time, I might have sunk again as soon as I woke up."

"It's a pity that Ning Hai..." Yixian looked sad for a while.

"Yixian, don't blame yourself. There is nothing you can do about it. Ning Hai's sacrifice is useful. At least because of her, you have gone through the most dangerous period and you are where Donghuang is today." Mikasa comforted.

"Yes, we have seen too many sacrifices along the way. It is precisely because of their efforts that Donghuang has achieved what it is today." Yixian nodded, with a smile on his face again.

"Haha, you asked me to come here today just to catch up with me, right? Is there anything you need me to do?" Mikasa smiled.

"You are still as thorough as ever." The Prince of Wales said to Mikasa, "I really need your help with something."

"Really?" Mikasa asked in surprise, "Could it be that this matter has something to do with Shige Sakura?"

"That's right!" Yixian nodded, "I wonder if you know about a battlecruiser called Tiancheng?"

"Of course I know that." Mikasa nodded, "In my memory, Amagi is the new generation of strategist of the Chongqing camp, and everything in the Chongqing camp has passed through her hands.

Moreover, she is also the sister of Akagi, the current apparent leader of Shige Sakura, and the person whom Kaga respects the most. However, he passed away due to physical reasons, so he never woke up in this world.

Why did you suddenly think of asking her? Could it be said that she has awakened in this world? "

The faces of the Prince of Wales and Yi Xian became solemn, and Mikasa became more determined when she saw their faces, "It seems that she has indeed woken up, but even if she wakes up again, she won't let Don't you look so ugly?

After all, for Shigesakura, Akagi and Kaga's current approach is a bit radical. If Amagi assists, Shigesakura will surely get back on track. "

After listening to Mikasa's words, Yixian couldn't help but shook his head, "If she woke up on Chongying's main island, then it is indeed the case. It can indeed make Chicheng and Kaga restrain themselves when doing things, and it can indeed bring Chongying back to her original self. s position.

However, she did not wake up on Chongsakura Island! "

"Ah?" Mikasa said in surprise, "Did something happen to her?"

"No, she is fine now. It's just that her body is a little weak due to her own reasons." The Prince of Wales said.

"From the tone of the two of you, it seems that you have already met her? So she is in Donghuang now?" Mikasa said.

"Yes, she is not only in Donghuang now, but she is also the ship's wife of a certain commander!" Yixian said helplessly.

"Huh?" Mikasa, who had always been calm, couldn't help but exclaimed. Then she paused, and the light in her eyes flashed continuously, "So, is the commander you are talking about Qin Ge?"

The Prince of Wales and Yixian couldn't help but nodded, and Yixian laughed, "Haha, who else could it be if it wasn't him?"

"Ah? Really?" Mikasa said speechlessly, "When I first met him this morning, didn't he still have Amagi? How come we haven't seen him for a few hours and he has Amagi again?"

The Prince of Wales said, “After the graduation ceremony, we took him to build it together.

After all, I told Yixian about Qin Ge's luck before, so Yixian also wanted to see it. As a result, during the construction process, not only Tiancheng appeared, but even the iron-blooded flagship Bismarck also appeared. "

"This..." Mikasa raised her forehead and said, "Should this really be said to be Qin Ge? Others would burn incense and pray if they want to see a battleship, and use all kinds of methods.

He can build the flagship of the camp just by building it casually. It’s really…”

"If he just built Tiancheng, it would not be a headache for us, because once it is built, it will be built. After all, the number of people from the Chongying camp who come to Donghuang is relatively small. As long as no one deliberately spreads this The matter is over.

The key is that a competition among the nine major camps will be held in the Chongying camp soon, and Qin Ge is playing as the Donghuang camp, so Tiancheng must go. " said the Prince of Wales.

"Haha, this is really a coincidence." Mikasa did not ask why this competition was held.

Because she knew that if she should know, then Yixian and the Prince of Wales would naturally say that if she should not know, then the matter would be like this, and there would be no benefit in asking more.

Sure enough, Yixian said to Mikasa, "Originally, the two of us decided to let you accompany Qin Ge there, but now it seems that more people will go there.

Moreover, this competition is related to a very important matter, which will determine Donghuang's future combat power structure! "

"So serious?" Mikasa asked in surprise.

"Yes, I believe that if you go to Chongsakura this summer, you will also understand, so it doesn't matter if I tell you in advance now." Yixian looked at Mikasa and said.

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