My ship girl, my world

Chapter 230 Discussion by King Kong and others

"Yes, neither humble nor arrogant. It seems that Guanghui is not with the wrong person." King Kong smiled, his eyes scanning Bismarck and Veneto behind Qin Ge.

"What, King Kong, are you also moved?" A purple-haired ship girl behind King Kong said to King Kong.

Her appearance is very gentle, and she looks like a big sister at first glance, just like the current Lexington of Qin Ge Fleet.

"Don't you know me, Feng Xiang?" King Kong smiled, "I'm used to being free, and I have never thought of joining any fleet.

I'm just a little confused about the fact that Guanghui, who has been asked the most among our front lines, joined a trainee commander's fleet so quietly. "

Qin Ge looked at the purple-haired ship girl and suddenly realized that this gentle-looking ship girl wearing a kimono, long purple hair, was Fengxiang, the world's first ship girl designed as an aircraft carrier.

"I think it's time to take over our mission now. Let's talk about old times later." A woman wearing a white navy uniform and holding a long knife in her hand said.

The feeling given to this woman by Qin Ge was very sharp, just like a long sword unsheathed.

King Kong sighed and said, "You are still so serious and old-fashioned, Kaohsiung. Well, since you said so, let's hand over first."

Following King Kong's sigh, Qin Ge also knew the woman's name, Kaohsiung.

As the last class of heavy cruiser announced by IJN, Kaohsiung is the only heavy cruiser in the Kaohsiung class that survived until the war. It is a battleship that has left a great reputation in history. Excluding the war crimes committed by Chong Ying, Kaohsiung's achievements as a heavy cruiser are also remarkable.

While Qin Ge was observing Kaohsiung, Kong and Mikasa began to hand over.

Only then did Qin Ge discover that it turned out that they were not going to Chongying by themselves this time, but that these eight fully trained ship girls would take over their command ship, and then they would sail the ship to escort them. Heading to Chongsakura.

Along the way, they just rested and didn't have to worry about driving or the siren ships that might appear.

Mikasa first took Kongo and the others to the middle of the ship, "Because this command ship can accommodate 50 people, the resting place will be waiting for Commander Qin Ge to arrange his ship girls later. You can use the remaining positions. Take your pick.”

King Kong nodded, "No problem, as long as there is a place to rest."

"It's okay. There is plenty of space on this ship, and we can't use it all." Mikasa shook her head and then took King Kong to the third floor.

"This is the operation room. I believe you don't need me to tell you. It should be okay, right?" Mikasa smiled.

"Don't worry, Mikasa-sama, we have done escort work like this many times, and there will be no problem this time." King Kong said with a smile.

"Then I'll leave this place to you first. Let's clean up the resting place first, and then we'll talk later." Mikasa said to Kongo and the others.

"No problem." King Kong nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Mikasa and Qin Ge walked down the stairs. The third floor was now full of free ship girls.

Mogami walked directly to the operating station, started to activate the command ship, slowly drove out of the civilian port, planned a route, and headed in the direction of Shige Sakura.

Others were gathered together and talking.

"Haha, let me ask why this emergency mission was sent to the front line. It turns out that this time it is not just as simple as escorting a commander." King Kong said while looking at the others.

"Those two are Bismarck and Veneto, right? I have seen their portraits and remember what they looked like before they awakened." Feng Xiang said.

"I think the most important thing is not Bismarck and Veneto, but Qin Ge." Kaohsiung said.

"Oh?" King Kong asked Kaohsiung, "Why are you so sure?"

"Intuition." Kaohsiung said, "And I think Mikasa-sama and Aurora are also very close to Qin Ge. What's more, the flagships of the two camps should also be Qin Ge's shipmates, so do you think Woolen cloth?"

"I said, these don't seem to have anything to do with us, right?" Feilong said nonchalantly, "We are free ship girls. Although our camp is Chongsakura, we do not belong to Chongsakura here.

So no matter how strong the ship girl Commander Qin Ge is, as long as he is the commander of Azur Lane, there will be no conflict with our purpose, right? "

King Kong smiled, "Feilong is right, it's just that we are a little curious. After all, we rarely see people like this, especially on the front line.

And I think if you think so, then it makes sense for Guanghui to join Qin Ge's fleet. With such an excellent commander, his fleet will become stronger and stronger. If he joins at this time, he will definitely have a very bright future in the fleet. "

"Didn't you say that you are unwilling to join a fleet with a commander? Why are you talking about this now?" Kawauchi rubbed his fists and said to King Kong.

"I think King Kong means to tell you, because this mission is very long. You have to protect them from Chongying, and then from Chongying back to Donghuang.

So you have a lot of time to observe Commander Qin Ge on the way. If you think he is more to your liking, you can also try to join his fleet.

After all, there has been a precedent like Guanghui. I believe he will not refuse you. After all, you are all fully trained ship girls. "Feng Xiang said with a slight smile.

"Like King Kong, I also prefer freedom, so I don't want to join any fleet." Feilong shrugged and said indifferently.

"Me too, and I believe that after entering the fleet with a personality like mine, the commander will definitely hate me. Because I always talk with my fists, and if I beat the commander, then what will happen to the commander in the fleet? The relationship completely collapsed." Kawauchi said, shaking his head.

"I think Xinyue and Fusang can give it a try." King Kong said with a smile.

"Ah? Why are you talking about us again?" Fuso looked at King Kong and said.

"I just recommend you two to give it a try." King Kong said. She looked at the somewhat fragile Xinyue and said, "Xinyue's personality is relatively delicate, and it is really difficult for her to be in a place like the front line.

If there is a commander, she can be better protected, which is much better than wandering with us. "

"Hey, Sister King Kong, are you going to abandon Xinyue?" Xinyue said with a sad look on her face.

"Of course not. This is just a suggestion. Just think about it for yourself. If possible, I certainly hope you can live a better life. You are different from the rest of us. We have been free ship girls for dozens of years. Years have passed, but you have only existed as a free ship girl for less than 10 years." King Kong said.

"If possible, joining a fleet would be very good for you."

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