My ship girl, my world

Chapter 232 You know so much

Life on the ship is actually very boring, because the space is so big and there are only a few people, but Qin Ge is quite used to it.

Because his life is usually quite boring. In addition to training with the ship girl every day, he spends most of his time preparing lessons or reading books to enrich his knowledge.

So the boring and tasteless life on the ship did not have much impact on him.

Because the distance between Donghuang and Chongying is quite far, and this time we are not outside Chongying, but heading to Chongying main island.

So along the way, Qin Ge spent most of the time carrying a book to the second floor of the command ship, finding a place close to the sea breeze, opening the book, and reading there all afternoon.

Of course, apart from him, there is another person who is like that, and that is Bismarck, the flagship of the iron-blooded army.

Bismarck usually has no smile on his face and has a serious expression, so many people are not too close to her, especially several destroyers, who were so frightened that they could not speak when they saw Bismarck.

Perhaps because he sensed this, Bismarck also preferred to sit next to Qin Ge and read books together. Perhaps this way, she would not appear so unsociable.

There are still too few iron-blooded people recently. Qin Ge's fleet only has three people: Bismarck, Prince Eugen and U96. Needless to say, U96 is naturally with those destroyers every day.

As for Prince Eugen, he usually doesn't like to talk much, especially when he is with Bismarck. Apart from talking about business matters, she rarely talked about other personal matters. Perhaps it was because she knew Bismarck's character was like that, so she didn't want to mention it.

So in such a large fleet, only Qin Ge could chat relaxedly with Bismarck and discuss some strategies and tactics.

However, other people will also join in while Qin Ge is reading, chatting about things that have nothing to do with the battle, which can neutralize the atmosphere and not make it so boring.

But there was one thing that made Qin Ge a little embarrassed. After all, he was driving on the sea, especially when there was sufficient sunlight.

There are a few shipgirls who like to wear swimsuits and bask in the sun on the deck above the second floor, and because the shipgirls have the same skin color as they originally were, they will not change their color even if they are exposed to too much sun.

So this also makes many ship girls, most of them prefer the beach, so when Qin Ge is reading on the second floor these days, he can always see several ship girls in swimsuits, chatting with each other and saying hello to him. . After saying hello, we walked to the deck outside the business and leisure area and began to bask in the sun.

This situation gave Qin Ge a headache. It might be said that he was a little embarrassed. After all, except for a few destroyers in his fleet, the other ship girls are all very proud.

Especially when wearing a swimsuit, it definitely brings out the proud figure. No matter what, Qin Ge is a man, and he naturally likes beautiful things.

So looking at this extremely tempting scenery over and over again made him unable to help but think about it.

And the most important thing is that sometimes his shipgirl will drag him over to bask in the sun, and Belfast thoughtfully prepares swimming trunks for him, which makes it even harder for him to refuse.

So as time went by, Xu Fei, who was initially embarrassed about such things, now gradually became numb.

"The sunshine is really nice today, but speaking of the fact that Commander has been with us these past few days, he himself has turned dark." Guanghui smiled and said to Qin Ge, who was lying on a chair reading a book.

"Is it dark?" Hearing Guanghui's voice, Qin Ge put down the book and looked at his arm, "It is indeed a lot darker."

"But this makes her look very attractive." Prince Eugen said on the side. "Although the previous commander had a pretty good figure, he still looked a bit delicate with fair skin."

"Oh, are you that delicate?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask other people." Prince Eugen smiled.

"I think Commander is fine." Bumblebee said while lying on the other side, "But Commander, is the book in your hand really that good-looking? There are several beauties lying around you, isn't that right? Is the book that I compared good to you?"

"Pfft..." Qin Ge choked.

In an instant, everyone around him laughed and looked at Qin Ge meaningfully, wanting to hear what he explained.

Qin Ge said speechlessly, "This kind of thing can't be confused at all, okay? After all, our goal is the front line, and time is relatively tight now. I want to take advantage of this period of time to replenish myself, at least in Get a good result in the next competition.”

"But I think the commander has put too much pressure on himself?" Lexington said, "Although I was summoned by the commander and did not see what your concurrent commander looked like, I also heard that Guanghui They said it.

Your current strength and thinking are already several levels higher than theirs, so I think commanders should not put so much pressure on themselves. They should relax occasionally and combine work and rest, so that they can learn. More. "

"That's right, Commander puts too much pressure on himself." Bumblebee said, "I found that the goals you set for yourself are not people at the same time, but farther goals. In fact, goals like that are not at all There is no feasibility.”

"Actually, I quite understand Commander." Guanghui said with a smile, "The reason why Commander has been working hard is to enable us to survive better on the battlefield, because he has already lost his family, so he doesn't want to see anyone anymore. To lose us.”

Qin Ge smiled when he heard this, put down the book in his hand and said, "You are all right, so I won't read today."

"That's ridiculous." Bumblebee chuckled.

At this time, Belfast came out with a plate of desserts and juice and placed it next to everyone's table.

Qin Ge looked at Belfast and said to her, "Belfast, have you given it to them?"

The people Qin Ge was talking about were naturally referring to King Kong and others. Belfast nodded, "The master has been prepared and will be sent to them later."

Qin Ge thought for a while, "How about the two of us go together? After all, it seems more polite."

"Commander isn't going to take advantage of King Kong and the others, is he?" Guanghui laughed.

"Haha, I don't think so. After all, our commander is very shy." Prince Eugen said.

Qin Ge smiled awkwardly and said to Prince Eugen, "You know the best."

Prince Eugen smiled, "Haha, of course."

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