My ship girl, my world

Chapter 235 Episodes during the journey

At night, suddenly the sound of airplane engines pierced the night sky. Qin Ge, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, immediately got up, quickly put on his clothes and ran out the door.

I saw several other ship girls running out in the corridor. They looked at Qin Ge who ran out and nodded involuntarily. Without any verbal communication, we went directly to the third floor.

On the third floor, just now, he was standing at the helmsman's position of the command ship, looking steadily ahead.

After hearing footsteps on the stairs, she looked back and said to the first few people coming up, "Hey, Mikasa-sama, Senior Aurora, and Commander Qin Ge? Why are you here?" "

"We came out when we heard the engine sound of the plane. Did we encounter the Siren fleet?" Mikasa asked.

King Kong nodded, "Yes, we encountered a small fleet of sirens."

"Need help?" Qin Ge asked.

King Kong smiled and shook his head, "If we all need help when encountering a small Siren fleet, then we will not accept this mission. You can just go and sleep peacefully and leave this place to us. "

Aurora on the side took out the sea chart on the table, glanced at it and said to King Kong, "Is this already a level 5 corrosive sea area now?"

King Kong nodded, "Yes, after passing through this sea area, we will reach Chongying soon."

"But if the erosion sea area is level 5, the siren fleet inside is above level 85. Can they really hold on?" Aurora asked.

"Don't worry, we have encountered much worse situations than this one, but we still won in the end, so we will win this time too." King Kong smiled and said firmly.

Everyone looked at the determined King Kong and couldn't help but nodded, while Qin Ge walked out and stood on the top of the ship looking at the place where the firefight was taking place in the distance with a telescope.

The artillery fire roared there, and the sky and the sea were rendered with shining colors. Slowly, the sky turned red, which was the color of flames. And by the light of the flames, Qin Ge saw a mass-produced Siren fleet being gradually swallowed up by the flames.

Although he could not clearly see the battle situation in the distance, Qin Ge could imagine how strong the combat effectiveness of those ship girls was based on the known intelligence.

"Is this the free ship girl on the front line?" Qin Ge whispered.

"That's right."

At this time, a voice appeared behind Qin Ge. Qin Ge turned his head and saw Guanghui standing there pretty.

"Was Guanghui like this before?" Qin Ge asked aloud.

Guanghui walked up to Qin Ge, looked at the red sky in the distance, and couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, do tasks and fight with others."

"Is it hard?" Qin Ge said.

"No, because I'm used to it." Guanghui smiled, with a hint of lightness in his tone, "So when the commander arrives at the front line, he will also live like this. I wonder if you will get used to it?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I'm mentally prepared."

"That's good." Guanghui smiled and said, "The battle is almost over. Commander, go and rest quickly. They will definitely take care of this."

Qin Ge shook his head, "It doesn't matter, we still have plenty of time to rest, but now I want to finish this battle."

Guanghui couldn't help but smile, "As expected, it's you, you always have something to worry about. But if you don't mind, can you let me accompany you to finish this battle?"

The corners of Qin Ge's mouth raised slightly, "I'll be happy to do so."

In fact, this battle did not take long. For King Kong and the others, battles like this were already commonplace. They are one of the most powerful group of free ship girls on the front line. They often go in and out of eroding sea areas. We have seen too many scenes like this.

In fact, when it comes to this, it can be said that any ship girl or fleet that can accept the escort of important personnel has extremely strong strength. If there is no strength to support them, they will generally not be allowed to accept such an important task.

When the sky in the distance began to turn fish-belly white, and an orange-yellow light gradually rose from the east, several figures appeared on the sea, and these figures were the girls of the Liberty Ship who had been fighting all night.

In Qin Ge's telescope, they talked and laughed with each other, as if they just went to the amusement park after the fierce battle that just ended.

When they approached the command ship, they also saw Qin Ge and Guanghui standing at the top of the command ship. At this time, the two of them were waving their hands towards them, as if welcoming their return.

Fuso, who was gliding, couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene, "It seems like no one has welcomed our return like this for a long time, right?"

Everyone looked at Qin Ge and Guanghui standing at the top of the command ship and couldn't help but nodded.

Feng Xiang smiled and said, "King Kong told me two days ago that Commander Qin Ge didn't know why Guanghui joined his fleet, but seeing the scene in front of me, I suddenly understood why Guanghui joined his fleet."

"Yes, Guanghui seems to have found a good commander." Feilong nodded.

"What, are you envious?" Kawauchi looked at Feilong provocatively and said.

"Do you think I'm someone you would envy?" Feilong said, her voice suddenly became calmer, "It's just a slight feeling. I said that I want to find my sister myself. Before that, The fleet or anything has nothing to do with me.”

"Tsk, if you want to salvage a purple ship girl with your own hands, I'm afraid it will be difficult to realize this wish, especially since you also designated Soryu." Kawauchi said.

"Aren't you the same?" Feilong laughed.

"Actually, I don't want to fish out my sister's." Kawauchi couldn't help but curled his lips.

"Stop chatting, it's coming soon." Kaohsiung, who was silent on the side, said loudly.

"Kaohsiung, what about you, when are you going to find a commander?" Kawauchi asked.

Kaohsiung looked straight ahead and said steadily, "Let's wait and see when someone can take my sword."

"Okay, I'm afraid you'll have to be a free ship girl for the rest of your life. Taking your sword? You're kidding." Kawauchi couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

What kind of strength is Kaohsiung? These people they are familiar with naturally know, a commander who can take Kaohsiung's sword? I'm afraid, I haven't been born in this world yet.

As several people complained to each other, the command ship got closer and closer. However, Qin Ge and Guanghui, who were standing on the highest level of the command ship, did not move. They continued to look into the distance at the rising sun.

"I remember it was a long time ago that I last watched the sunrise with the commander. I didn't expect that I would take this opportunity to watch the sunrise with you again today." Guanghui said with a smile.

"I watch it every day, because the most beautiful sun is right next to me." Qin Ge smiled slightly.

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