My ship girl, my world

Chapter 237 Festival

Although there is no fighting on the surface between the nine major camps, everything is a common defense line to clear the Sirens from the entire sea.

However, the struggle behind the scenes has never stopped. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a joint meeting of the nine major camps again this time.

But now that such an excellent commander has appeared in Donghuang, Xianghe and Zuihe, as senior leaders of Chongying, are naturally worried.

At this moment, although the two of them were worried, they could not show it because this was an internal matter within Chongying and could not be talked about outside.

"The resting places previously prepared for the eight camps have been prepared. Please Mikasa-sama and Commander Qin Ge come with us." Xianghe said to several people.

Mikasa waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter. We'll wait until the other major camps arrive. I'll take Qin Ge and the others to live at my place first, and I also have to do things to let them know about our customs and customs in Chongying."

"Yes, Mikasa-sama." Seeing that Mikasa was determined, Xianghe could not interfere. After all, Mikasa is the senior person shared by everyone in Chongqing and the flagship of the Chongying Alliance.

As for Wuhangzhan, a younger generation, let alone admiration for him.

"Then Xianghe Ruihe, you just go and do your work. I'll take them with me next." Mikasa said with a smile, and then took Qin Ge and Aurora towards the outside of the pier and towards the port. passed.

Zuihe looked at the ship girls passing by one by one and couldn't help frowning. When she saw Bismarck and Veneto, she opened her mouth in surprise.

"I read that right, sister!" Ruihe quickly grabbed Xianghe's arm and said anxiously.

Xianghe nodded and looked in the direction where the few people were walking away, "I believe we all saw it correctly, why Bismarck and Veneto, as the flagships of the two camps, would go together with the Donghuang people, or rather they It is not the current general flagship of the Iron Blood and Sardinian Empire, but..."

Xianghe stopped talking at this point, and Zuihe was even more shocked. She hurriedly said to Xianghe, "Sister, it seems we have to report this matter. This is a big deal. Nothing like this has ever happened before!"

Xianghe couldn't help curling his lips, "Are you going to meet those two seniors again? It's really annoying. I'd rather patrol here for a while longer."

Ruihe couldn't help but stroked his forehead, "Why does my sister always have trouble with the two seniors? Although the two seniors do do things of their own accord, at least they are our seniors."

"Hmph, as a senior, you act like a senior, really." Xianghe said in a strange tone.

"Okay, Sister Xianghe, it's more important to get down to business now. It's still too late to talk about those things later." Ruihe pulled Xianghe's sleeves before pulling Xianghe away from the dock.

Just when Xianghe and Zuihe went to find the two seniors they mentioned, Mikasa and Qin Ge did not go directly to her home, but to the center of Chongsakura Island.

"We came at the right time today. At this time of every month, there will be a festival, and we can take advantage of this time to go see it." Mikasa said to Qin Ge and others.

"Sacrifice? Is it a sacrifice or something?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's the eight million gods who protect Chongsakura." Mikasa said to Qin Ge, "And this festival is not hosted by anyone else, but by the current Chongsakura flagship."

"Shige Sakura's main flagship?" Qin Ge suddenly realized, "Is Mikasa-senpai talking about Nagato?"

"That's right." Mikasa smiled, "She is now Chongsakura's divine son. I believe you will be able to see her later."

"Lord Shenzi? I'm really looking forward to it." Qin Ge smiled and said, "But having said that, the cherry blossom tree on Chongying Island is really big."

"This is not an ordinary cherry blossom tree. This is a cherry blossom tree called the Goddess Tree in Chongsakura." Mikasa smiled, "This huge Goddess Tree has been here since we appeared, and it is not here now." I know how old it is."

Qin Ge said in surprise, "It's really amazing!"

"That's why Chongying established a barrier that makes it feel like spring all year round for this sacred tree. That's why Chongying's main island looks like it does now." Mikasa smiled.

Barrier is a very fantasy word, but Qin Ge has been basically used to it since he has been here for so long. Because this world is not originally the world of ship-gun duels that I imagined, but a world full of mystery and magic. This is the existence of ship girls.

So a few people walked all the way, discussed and chatted all the way. Finally, at the end of the road, they saw a tall building. This building resembled a shrine. It was located at the root of the sacred tree. There was already a tall building under the shrine. It was full of people.

"There are so many people." The centaur looked at the crowded crowd in front of him and sighed to Qin Ge.

"Well, I found that there were not only commanders and ship girls inside, but also some people. Are they all here to participate in the festival?" Qin Ge said to Mikasa on the side.

"Yes, because this festival is open to all believers, that's why there are so many people here." Mikasa nodded.

Just when everyone wanted to continue talking, commotion broke out from the crowd.

"I'm coming!"

"It appears, the Son of God is here!"

"It's Sakura's divine son, Nagato-sama!"

Qin Ge, Mikasa and others were naturally attracted by the sound, so they quickly looked in the direction of the shrine.

Under the towering and huge Sakura Sacred Tree, the ancient shrine was surrounded by crowds from all directions. Amidst the cheers of the people, an elegant and dignified girl slowly walked out of the shrine.

Her steps were steady and her face was determined. Her petite body was in sharp contrast to the huge sacred tree behind her.

Wearing a light feather coat and jet-black hair, they represent the royal family's initiative and all emphasize her unique identity. The girl slowly walked to the center of the prayer platform, then stopped, turned around, and announced loudly.

"I am Nagato, the guardian of Chongsakura, the flagship of the United Fleet - Nagato. Here, on behalf of the Chongsakura royal family... I will offer my faith to the eight million gods!"

The girl held back her strength and spoke to the people in the audience in a solemn tone that was inconsistent with her figure.

"Please close your eyes and pray with me. I hope that the Chongsakura Islands will still have good weather and good crops in the coming year - and that the sacred tree will always be in full bloom."

And just after the girl finished speaking, everyone in front of Qin Ge closed their eyes and shouted, "May the sacred tree bloom forever!"

Even Mikasa beside Qin Ge solemnly closed her eyes and shouted, "May the imperial tree bloom forever!"

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