My ship girl, my world

Chapter 239 Report

Why did Akagi Kaga appear at Mikasa's door? This matter has to be discussed by Qin Ge and the others and Xianghe Zuihe just now.

Although Shokaku has always been irritated with his two seniors in the First Air War, now Shigesakura has his own flagship Nagato, but because Nagato usually only concentrates on things at the shrine, he is not concerned about the affairs of the entire camp. less.

Some other people were unable to take charge, so the candidate to lead the affairs of the entire camp fell on Akagi Kaga, who had the most seniority.

Even if there were thousands of reluctances, she had to go to Akagi to report first. As a result, the two members of the Fifth Aviation War quickly went to the executive office to report the relevant matters.

When they arrived at the executive hall, Akagi and Kaga were sitting on a tatami, holding teacups in their hands, looking at the cherry blossoms flying outside, chatting.

Seeing the two people approaching, Akagi looked up at them and said casually, "It turns out they are two juniors. Don't you usually come to the ruling hall rarely? What are you doing here today?"

Seeing Akagi's indifferent tone and indifferent attitude, Xianghe couldn't help but burst out in anger, and then wanted to turn around and walk away. But how could Ruihe on the side not understand his sister, so he quickly grabbed Xianghe who was about to leave and said to Akagi.

"Senior Akagi, we are here to report something to you and senior Kaga."

"Oh, tell me what happened." Akagi put down the tea cup in his hand and looked up at Ruihe.

Zuikaku said, "When we were patrolling the main island just now, we saw a command ship flying the Azur Lane flag and the Donghuang flag, sailing into the port of our Chongsakura main island.

So I stepped forward and found out that it was Master Mikasa who came to Chongying with the commander of Donghuang's competition this time. "

Akagi nodded, "Well, Donghuang is the closest to Chongying, so it's really normal to come at this time. And Mikasa-senpai is a tutor at Donghuang Commander Academy, right?"

If he leads the team, he can try not to conflict with us, Chongying, and it can be regarded as giving us Chongying enough face.

Then you just go and make arrangements. Just send someone over to inform us about something like this. There is no need to come in person. "

As the actual person in charge of Shige Sakura, Akagi naturally has a very thorough understanding of this matter, and also knows why Yatsen sent Mikasa here.

"No, these are not the things that really made us come here, but what I said next." Ruihe said quickly, after all, it would be bad if Akagi misunderstood.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Kaga beside him also raised his eyes with interest.

"Because the commander from Donghuang this time is really too surprising." Ruihe said with emotion.

"A trainee commander, and a first-year student at the academy, can actually make you feel so emotional. I'm curious about what kind of place he has?" Akagi said with a smile.

Zuihe replied, "If he is a first-year trainee commander, just a private or a private, then forget it. The most important thing is that he is a captain commander."

"Huh?" Akagi and Kaga raised their eyebrows at the same time, "Captain Commander? With Donghuang Yixian's character, he should disdain fraud. What is the specific reason? Have you checked?"

"We have checked. It is precisely because we have checked that we feel that we must inform you about this matter." Ruihe said seriously.

"Tell me about it." Akagi sat up and said.

"According to the information from the Azur Lane Commander Academy headquarters, Commander Qin Ge, who came to participate in the competition, entered the Commander Academy last year. At that time, he did not have any ship girls.

However, he was hired by the Dean of Donghuang Commander Academy, King Qin of Wales, as the instructor of the tactical course of Donghuang Commander Academy.

One year later, he now has 20 ship girls, four of whom are at the breakthrough level and one is at the full training level. And among these ship girls, there are two that are eye-catching.

One is Bismarck, the general flagship of the Iron Blood, and the other is Vittorio Veneto, the general flagship of the Sardinian Empire. "

Following Zuikaku's words, Akagi and Kaga looked at each other and slowly narrowed their eyes, "Interesting, this is the first time in this world that a commander has summoned the camp's flagship, right?"

"Yes, in the past, the general flagships of each camp were awakened alone from the sea, but Commander Qin Ge summoned it himself. I believe Donghuang will not make a fuss about this, because these have always been done. Keep checking." Ruihe said.

"Just now did you say that Commander Qin Ge is still a tactics instructor?" Kaga said to Zuihe.

"Yes, and the reason why he obtained the rank of captain was because of his tactics class." Zuihe said, "The two seniors should still remember that when Azur Lane announced the tidal loss rate of the Siren last year, Dong Huang’s appalling achievements, right?”

"Well, could it be that this overall strategy came from him?" Akagi asked.

"No, it's just that the commanders of their large fleets basically listened to his lessons, so during the Siren Tide, they all used his tactics.

And it is said that at the request of the Prince of Wales, he also compiled a tactical course textbook for Donghuang Commander Academy, which has just been completed. " Zuihe said to Akagi.

"Tsk, why do stories like this always sound like fairy tales to me when I hear them?" Akagi said.

"Yes, when I saw this information for the first time, I also felt that could a person like Unreal really exist in this world?" Ruihe said.

"It seems that there is a high probability that Donghuang will rise this time." Akagi narrowed his eyes, "And we can't take action yet, and we have to protect him. Now he is in our territory of Chongying.

If other camps know about this situation and take action against him, then we will be the first to be held accountable, which is really troublesome. "

"Perhaps this is why Yixian didn't send anyone from Donghuang. It's really clever." Jiahe said.

"By the way, seniors, have you been looking for a ship girl named Amagi?" Zuihe said to Akagi Kaga as if he remembered something.

In an instant, Akagi and Kaga did not live up to their previous calmness, but slapped the table and quickly stood up, approaching Zuihe, "Do you know something?"

"Ah..." Zuikaku was startled by Akagi Kaga like this, and said quickly, "In fact, we saw a girl in Commander Qin Ge's ship girl wearing a kimono, with nine tails, and beating Chongzakura Kanji with a red umbrella.

Originally we thought she was one of the Tosa class, but after checking the information just now, we found out that she is the Amagi mentioned by our seniors. It seems to be a battle cruiser, and we did not find a duplicate in the ship girl's file. . "

"Where are they now?" Akagi asked eagerly, and Kaga also looked anxious.

"Is this Tiancheng very important to the two seniors?" Ruihe asked doubtfully, and even Xianghe on the side cast his eyes in confusion.

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