My ship girl, my world

Chapter 243 Wise Choice

After that, the atmosphere between the three of them gradually relaxed. After all, the sisters were more than happy to see each other.

Qin Ge had already walked outside at this time. When the ship girls saw Qin Ge coming out, they all stepped forward to ask what happened.

"The two Chongying people are very polite, and they all seem to be afraid of Tiancheng." Qin Ge said a little strangely.

"Afraid? Akagi, who was not afraid of anything that day, is actually afraid of people?" Mikasa also looked confused.

"That's right." Qin Ge nodded, "Amagi told me before that she has always been more protective of her sister, so before Akagi was transformed into an aircraft carrier, she had been living under her protection.

As for Kaga, according to her own words, Amagi is the person she admires most in her life, and he seems to have surpassed her many times, so she is obviously more qualified than Amagi, but she still calls Amagi her sister. "

"Tsk, I never knew about such a thing. It seems that I, Chongyakura's senior, am somewhat unworthy of my name." Mikasa said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Senior Mikasa, because he was once the flagship of Chongying Alliance, naturally pays attention to Chongying's direction, rather than these trivial matters, so it is quite normal not to know these things."

"You, the junior, really praise me too much." Mikasa said with a smile, but even though she said this, she was also very happy.

"So Commander, what's going on inside now?" Hiei asked on the side. As the girl of the Shige Sakura ship, she was still more concerned about these things.

"I asked the three sisters to chat for a while. After all, they came to our door specially. If we don't even give them some private time, it would seem that we are not treating guests well.

And just now Amagi has made a very serious statement that she will never leave our fleet and stay in Chongying. "Qin Ge said.

"Wise choice." At this time, Prince Eugen said, "If you stay here, you will only become a high-level member of Chongying, and you will be limited to this place for the rest of your life.

But following the commander is different, because our current fleet is already like this. If we wait until the commander grows again in a few years, what will our fleet look like?

I'm afraid anyone with a discerning eye can see this. In the future, we can even have three camp flagships of four or even five or six, and we will gather the strongest from each major camp here.

And those of us, under the leadership of the commander, will continue to become stronger and continue to challenge the existence of the sirens. Then the future will definitely be turbulent and magnificent.

Compared with this prospect, if you are in a small camp, everyone knows how to choose. "

Everyone present couldn't help but nodded at Prince Eugen's words. Especially Mikasa and Aurora, the two of them watched Qin Ge grow up with their own eyes.

And in just one year, Qin Ge's achievements made them sincerely admire him. Sometimes they even feel that this is an illusion and they are dreaming.

"Yes, what Prince Eugen said is very right." April smiled, "If I were not the instructor of the Commander Academy, then with this year of getting along with me, I would definitely join the Qin Dynasty without hesitation. Song’s fleet, join this fleet with miracles.”

"Senior Aurora, you are joking. Now is not the time to talk about this. Can you please trouble Senior Mikasa to help my ship girls arrange a place to stay? After all, it is getting late now." Qin Ge smiled and said. topic.

"Of course there is no problem with this." Mikasa said, and began to lead everyone to various rooms.

When everyone was arranged, everyone found that Mikasa's house was very comfortable for so many people, and it didn't even feel crowded.

"I didn't expect your home to be so big, Mikasa-senpai." The centaur said in surprise.

You know, there are 21 of them together with Qin Ge, which is a relatively large number.

"Haha, this is all arranged by them. You also know that I have been in Donghuang for a long time, and I only came to Chongying for a month or two.

I originally wanted a smaller house, but they arranged a big one for me, and I was too embarrassed to refuse. That's why this time I didn't ask you to stay in those hospitality hotels, but came directly here. "Mikasa smiled.

Qin Ge smiled, "I see, I wonder if Senior Mikasa also has a collection room here?"

It's not surprising that Qin Ge asked such a question, because when they went to Mikasa's home in the academy before, they had seen the collection room of the ship model.

Moreover, Mikasa also regards the collection room as a treasure. I heard that she has prepared a set of measures to prevent and prevent theft of the collection room. Although Qin Ge doesn't know what the facilities are, he always has a sense of unknown severity.

"Haha, it seems that Qin Ge understands me quite well. That's right, I also have a collection room here, but it only contains Shige Sakura's ship model." Mikasa said with a slight satisfaction.

"That's it." Qin Ge nodded.

"Ship model, what is that?" Javelin asked with great interest at this time.

"It's the prototype of the battleship that you, as ship girls, inherited." Qin Ge explained.

"Wow, is there such a thing? I really want to see what it looks like." Javelin said excitedly, and the unicorns and others who were following her were also very excited.

Also, except for that time when Qin Ge took the centaurs and the others to Mikasa's collection room, he went to Mikasa's place by himself the rest of the time. Basically, they rarely bring their ship girls there, so most of them don't know that Mikasa also has a collection room of ship models.

"Haha, if you want to see it, then I will take you to see it. That is my masterpiece over the past decades." Mikasa smiled.

Mikasa is very generous to her juniors, especially after she regards Qin Ge as her student and her own junior, she also takes special care of Qin Ge's ship girl. So as soon as Javelin said it, she agreed.

Qin Ge smiled at this time and said, "It's getting late now, otherwise we can wait until tomorrow. If the light is not good, looking at such a model will not achieve the best viewing effect.

Anyway, we have to stay here for a long time, and we have plenty of time to visit Mikasa-senpai's collection room. Next, you go and clean up your room first, and then we should have dinner. "

Mikasa nodded, "It is true that if the light is dim, some details on the ship model will be difficult to distinguish, so let's do it tomorrow. When the light is better, we can all go and take a look."


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