My ship girl, my world

Chapter 250 Collection Room

"It's the one I told you before." Mikasa explained to Xianghe.

"Wow... I remembered what Mikasa-senpai told us about her collection before." Zuihe's interest was suddenly raised.

"A ship model?" Xianghe also said with great interest.

"Huh? Haven't you visited Senior Mikasa's collection for such a long time?" Qin Ge was a little confused.

After all, Mikasa used to return to Chongsakura every summer vacation, and the two sisters of Wuhangzhan were in Chongsakura. How could they not have seen Mikasa's collection?

"No, I just heard about it." Ruihe explained, "Because we usually patrol the island, and after the patrol, we have our own things to do, and we never have time to spare.

And just because Mikasa-senpai is back, it doesn't mean that she has time, because Nagato-sama really likes to be with Mikasa-senpai. "

Qin Ge nodded. There is indeed such a possibility. After all, visiting the collection room requires both parties to have time.

"Then why don't we go visit together while you are here today?" Mikasa said to Shoukaku Zuikaku.

"Of course, I've wanted to go for a long time!" Ruihe stood up excitedly.

The javelin by the door didn't leave after hearing the conversation inside. He just stood by the door, waiting for Mikasa and his commander's decision.

"Then let's go together." Mikasa smiled.

Everyone stood up together and followed Mikasa towards her collection room.

Xianghe and Ruihe followed at the back. It was Ruihe who said to Xianghe, "Sister, do you want to inform the two seniors?"

"Haha, why are you informing them? You must know that you may see the model aircraft of the seniors of the First Air War later. Wouldn't asking them to come over just add to the embarrassment?" Xianghe said.

"Yes, that's what my sister said." Ruihe nodded.

At this time, everyone stopped in front of a door, and only a very thick big lock was installed on that door. At first glance, it looks like the kind of lock that is difficult to break open without using tools.

Mikasa stood next to the big lock, flicking her hand in the air, and a larger key appeared in her hand. It seemed that Mikasa kept even this key close to her body.

Gently unlocking the door, Mikasa pushed the dusty room open. And then the situation of the entire room was revealed in front of everyone.

Many cabinets are neatly placed in rows around the wall, and each cabinet contains a model of a ship, and there is also a large table in the middle with some models of battleships neatly placed.

"Wow, this is the collection of the legendary Mikasa-senpai!" Javelin looked at the ship model in the room excitedly and said in surprise.

Mikasa walked into the room first, looked at the collection in the house, and said to everyone, "Come, enjoy it, these are the collections I have worked so hard to collect!"

The proud look on her face made everyone smile. It seemed that Mikasa really liked collecting ship models.

So everyone walked into the room one after another, looked at the neatly arranged ship models, and began to look at them one by one.

"Haha, look at this perfect structure, look at this small and extremely restored turret, and these towering bridges, these are all works of art!" Mikasa pointed at the ship model and pointed it out to everyone.

While everyone was watching the battleship, Xianghe and Zuihe walked to the aircraft carrier area aside.

"Hengxiang, it turns out that Fengxiang-senpai's prototype ship looked like this." Zuihe looked at Fengxiang's ship model and smiled.

"Haha, I found something nice!" Xianghe walked to a pair of ship models and stopped, smiling as he said, but the laughter was a little weird.

Zuihe looked over, and it turned out that the two ship models were the ship models of Akagi and Kaga at the first terminal.

Xianghe smiled and said, "Where are the models of the seniors from the First Air War? I can't help but want to do something to them, hehehehe..."

"Sister, sister..." Ruihe looked at Xianghe like this and was speechless, but she couldn't say anything, so she walked past Xianghe.

Then, she saw the ship models of Soryu and Feilong from the Second Air Force, "Where are the models of Soryu-senpai and Feilong-senpai? They look very powerful. What about mine?"

Thinking of this problem, Ruihe continued to look behind him, and sure enough, he saw his own ship model behind several ship models.

"Why do I always feel a little shy when I see my ship model..." Ruihe couldn't help but blush when he looked at his ship model, feeling a little ashamed.

But this is normal, because the ship girl is the incarnation of the battleship, and the ship model placed here is equivalent to making a figure of the ship girl according to its own proportions and placing it here for people to appreciate. And I am sure that when I see these figures, I will feel inexplicable shame.

Thinking of this, Ruihe looked at his sister next to him, only to find that his sister was still staring at the two ship models from the first battle. She didn't know what she was thinking, but the laughter at the corner of her mouth never stopped.

On the other side, Hiei, who was following Qin Ge, looked at the house full of ship models and couldn't help but whisper, "It is indeed Mikasa-senpai's collection room... It would be great if we could have a banquet here... "

When Qin Ge heard such words, he couldn't help turning his head and looked at Hiei who was thinking about it. He couldn't help laughing, "Just think about this kind of thing. If you really want to bring it up, we may not be able to live here. ”

Hiei smiled and said, "I'm just talking. After all, banquets are suitable to be held in places that are more grand and commemorative."

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "You never forget that. But having said that, have you found your King Kong-level model?"

Hiei's face blushed slightly and he shook his head, "Not yet. If Commander wants to see it, you can try to find it yourself."

In fact, Hiei has been found, but she doesn't want to tell Qin Ge. Because of this, I had to take Qin Ge to visit. Just imagine, if you want to display yourself as a battleship to your commander in person, wouldn't it be a shameful play?

So Hiei would never do such a thing, and even if Qin Ge found it later, he would have found it on his own initiative. This kind of shame is much lighter than shame play.

Qin Ge looked at the blushing Hiei and nodded, "Then I'll look for it myself. Although I've seen it before, I think the one here should be more refined than the one in the academy."

After Qin Ge finished speaking, he began to look for King Kong-class ship models among the main battleship groups. Hiei quietly left Qin Ge's side and walked to the other side.

She only has one thought in her mind right now, what a shame!

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