My ship girl, my world

Chapter 255 Nagato’s invitation

"Think about it, as a first-year student in the academy, you can change the outcome of the entire Donghuang's battle against the Siren Tide. If such a person is placed in Shige Sakura, how will you make a decision?" Mikasa smiled at Nagato Speaking of.

"Of course I have to train him, because he will have a big stage in the future." Nagato said.

Mikasa smiled slightly, "If his existence alarms several other camps. And the other camps believe that he not only belongs to Chongsakura, but also belongs to Azur Lane, what will Chongsakura do then? "

"We can only..." Nagato suddenly understood, "We can only make his heart firmly belong to Shigesakura, but we cannot let his identity belong to Shigesakura."

"That's right, so Donghuang is taking this move now, instead of letting his existence be discovered and feared by other camps. Recently, such a commander who can change the situation, if other camps conflict with Donghuang camp, , which is fatal to other camps.

It would be better to put it out in the open and let every camp know that there is such a person in Donghuang. This is a very important opportunity for him and for his camp. "Mikasa smiled.

"The fact that you can think of this proves that you are now mature and have the strong heart that a true leader should make."

Nagato's face turned red during Mikasa's praise, and then he said to Mikasa dullly, "But isn't this unfair to him? He values ​​his own camp so much, but his own camp uses Use him as leverage."

"Is it fair?" Mikasa shook her head, "There is no absolute fairness in this world. Everyone needs to play their own role. He is a commander, and his mission is to destroy the sirens.

As for the rest, even though Donghuang now uses him as a bargaining chip, Donghuang has not betrayed him, and I think he knows that based on his intelligence. This is a matter of mutual benefit, and it is impossible to generalize. "

"Is that so? It seems that I still have a lot to learn." Nagato thought.

"Haha, even I am still learning now, Nagato, of course you can't fall behind." Mikasa smiled.

"Yes, Mikasa-senpai." Nagato nodded.

"Haha, let's not talk about these heavy topics. I found a lot of interesting things in Donghuang this time.

In fact, it's not something I discovered, but something Qin Ge discovered. He gave it to me. I brought it back specially to give it to you. "Mikasa smiled.

"Hey, no, it was given to Mikasa-sama." Nagato refused.

"You also know that my favorite thing is models, so I kept all the things about models, and there are some things I think you will like more than me." Mikasa smiled.

Then she took out a shadow puppet, a puppet, and a face man from her ship's space, and the appearances of these three things were all based on Mikasa's appearance.

These things were naturally made by Qin Ge in the old street at that time, because. His ship girls all found it very fun, so he naturally thought of the instructors in the academy who might not have played it before, so he made some as gifts for the instructors in the academy.

As for their appearance, Qin Ge found the pictures in the Ship Girl Handbook and asked the boss to compare them. So although there are some differences, the differences are not big.

"It's Mikasa-senpai!" Nagato's eyes lit up and he said as he looked at those things.

"Yes, I think you will like these more, so I brought them here for you. I believe you will take good care of them, right?" Mikasa smiled.

"Yes, I, I like it very much, thank you Mikasa-senpai." Nagato took the thing in Mikasa's hand and said to Mikasa very gratefully.

"I'm borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha, as long as you like it."

Then the conversation between Mikasa and Nagato became more relaxed, and Mikasa began to tell some interesting stories about her time in Donghuang. Nagato also occasionally told Mikasa about the things she encountered in the shrine. The two of them were both talkers and listeners, and there was something particularly harmonious about this scene.

But the good times always come to an end. As the sky gradually darkened, Mikasa also stood up.

"It's getting late, I should leave. I'll come back another day." Mikasa said to Nagato.

"Mikasa-senpai, won't you stay for dinner? Fuso should be preparing now." Nagato said.

"No, they went out to play today. I was supposed to accompany them, but they came to your place, so they have to go back early. After all, they are our guests." Mikasa smiled.

"Okay." Nagato nodded, and then said to Mikasa as if he had thought of something, "If you have a chance, please bring Commander Qin Ge over. I want to meet him and do a divination for him."

"Divination?" Mikasa nodded, "No problem, I will bring this sentence to him."

Then Mikasa said goodbye to Nagato and walked towards her home.

Qin Ge and others also completed today's shopping accompanied by Ruihe and Xianghe, and the group returned home together.

At night, Mikasa told Qin Ge that Nagato wanted to see him. Qin Ge was a little surprised, and then agreed.

"Haha, Nagato rarely sees commanders from other camps, and even commanders from her own camp are very rare. It seems that what I told her today made her curious about you." Mikasa said to her. Qin Ge said.

"Is that so?" Qin Ge nodded, "No problem, if that's the case, just let me know when Mikasa-senpai is going to go."

"Okay, then you go and rest first. I will take you with me next time I go to Nagato's place." Mikasa said.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, left Mikasa's room and returned to his own room.

And here, there are already several people waiting.

"Commander, what did Senior Mikasa just ask you to do?" Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"I'm just saying that Nagato, the chief flagship of Chongying, wants to see me and asks me if I can go." Qin Ge said as he sat down.

"Oh? As the flagship of Chongying, it's interesting that you want to meet a commander from outside your own camp." Prince Eugen smiled and said, "Does the commander agree to go?"

Qin Ge nodded, "I agreed, and we will go after senior Mikasa makes arrangements."

"It doesn't matter if you go there. Now that the Donghuang camp has pushed you to the forefront, it would be good to expand your network." Prince Eugen said.

"But what I'm a little worried about is that the power Nagato showed at the shrine was really hard to see through. What would happen if she knew my identity?" Qin Ge asked.

"This is also a problem." Everyone pondered.

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