My ship girl, my world

Chapter 26 Practice League

"I see. I didn't expect that a single exercise would be classified in such detail." Qin Ge nodded, showing great interest.

"Moreover, at the end of every school year, the academy will organize commanders to conduct a drill league, and the commanders who rank in the drill league will receive very generous rewards." Anshan said with a smile.

"What is the practice league?" Qin Ge asked with interest.

"The drill league is a league at the end of the semester where the academy tests the commander's learning achievements during the year. It is divided into three types: 1-on-1 drills, formation drills and small team drills. First-year and second-year students are allowed to participate at the same time. Each competition will There are rankings, and commanders with excellent rankings will receive rewards from the academy." Anshan explained.

"If first-year students and second-year students participate at the same time, wouldn't the second-year students have a huge advantage?" Qin Ge said with some confusion.

"Yes, second-year students will have a huge advantage. There are even no first-year students among the top 10 ranking rewards." Anshan said.

"Isn't this unfair?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"No, that's fair." Anshan looked at Qin Ge and said, "For the second-year students, what they lack is materials, Rubik's cubes and other resources, because they are about to leave the shelter of the college and truly embark on the journey. Going to the battlefield, so materials and other rewards are exactly what they need, which can greatly increase their chances of survival.

As for the first-year students, after learning theoretical knowledge and practice for a year, what they lack is not supplies and other things, but real practical experience. There are some things that are unique to second graders, so the biggest gain for first graders from second graders is experience, which is crucial for them to carry out entrusted tasks outside in their second grade. "Anshan patiently explained to Qin Ge.

"So that's how it is. It's really awesome and well-intentioned." Qin Ge suddenly said, then he smiled and nodded, and asked Xiang Anshan, "Has there ever been a situation where a first-year student defeated a second-year student?"

Anshan said with a smile, "Of course there are, but very few. When the rankings are finally summarized, generally no first-year students will appear on the award list. Even if they are, they will be in the 80s or 90s."

"That must be awesome." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"It's not that they are great, it's that their ship girls are great. All commanders who have ranked in the exercise league, their ship girls are without exception, all are super rare class ship girls." Anshan said, looking at Qin Ge's centaur and Noshiro, "So I'm very curious, how far can Commander Qin Ge go with your two ultra-rare ship girls?"

Qin Ge looked at Nodai and Centaur, smiled slightly, and nodded firmly, "Of course it's the first place! If you don't even have this bit of courage, how can you deserve the two of them to call me commander!"

As soon as Qin Ge's words came out, Centaur and Noshiro's eyes suddenly lit up. They did not expect that Qin Ge would be so heroic.

"I will practice with all my strength and I will not let you down!" Noshiro said firmly.

"I remember the commander's feelings, and I will practice with all my strength, and I will not let the commander down!" The centaur squeezed his fist and cheered for himself.

Qin Ge said with a smile, "It's not just about you cheering, I have to cheer together too, so let's set a common goal and win first place in the practice league this semester!"

"Hmm!" Centaur and Noshiro said at the same time.

Fushun on the side said with a smile, "Although the chance is slim, it is not impossible. However, if Commander Qin Ge wants to win the first place in the exercise league, I am afraid that only two people are not enough."

Anshan nodded and said, "Fushun is right. What I just meant was that the chance of a super-rare ship girl may be higher. It does not mean that having a super-rare ship girl will definitely lead to a place in the exercise league. After all, the training level of a ship girl has a great influence on the strength of a ship girl, and as Fushun said, generally the commander who gets the first place has about 4 ship girls."

"Oh, is it so powerful?" Qin Ge said in surprise.

"That's right, but most of the battleships are small and light ships. So, if you want to win with two ship girls, it may be a little difficult." Anshan said with a smile.

"I believe in them, and with reasonable tactics, we will definitely win!" Qin Ge said firmly.

"Hey, you said that and I got excited. No first-year freshman has ever won the first place in the practice league. If you can win, you can set a record since the founding of the college." Fushun said , "So, you can come to me when you have nothing to do. I can be your sparring partner, but you have to bribe me well first."

"Fushun!" Anshan turned around and glared at her. She couldn't pretend she hadn't seen such a blatant request for a bribe.

"Hey, Sister Anshan, this is called everyone getting what he needs, and Commander Qin Ge will never suffer. I am a highly trained ship girl with a training level of over 90. I usually don't practice with others!" Fushun Ai vocal channel.

Qin Ge smiled and said to Anshan, "Fushun is right. If she can help me practice with my ship girl if nothing happens, then I am willing to pay some price."

"Hey, Commander Qin Ge, you really know your stuff! Just bring a bottle of Coke with you every time you come to see me." Fushun heard Qin Ge say this and patted his shoulder with great joy.

"Coke?" Qin Ge reacted instantly, "Are you talking about acid coke?"

"That's right, Sister Yixian and Akashi sell it there. You can buy supplies and oil. And after school starts, 200 units of oil will be distributed to you every week to meet the daily needs of the ship girl. However, if you have two ship girls, and both are super rare, more will be given to you at that time." Fushun explained.

"Fushun is right about this." Anshan nodded, "Because the daily consumption of super-rare class ship girls is originally higher than that of ordinary and rare-class ones. What's more, you are also a teaching assistant. The corresponding level The treatment will be better.”

"And if you come and bring torpedo tempura then, I can drag Taiyuan to practice with you. Don't look at Taiyuan for being so weak. She is also a ship girl with a training level of over 90." Fushun patted the side. Taiyuan said.

"Hey, sister..." Taiyuan looked at Fushun helplessly, but he didn't expect that his sister would turn around and betray him.

"Anyway, except for daily patrols, you will have nothing to do when the time comes. You can't just stay at home like that otaku girl in Changchun. You might as well go out for some exercise and have tempura to eat." Fushun temptation road.

So Taiyuan nodded under Qin Ge's expectant eyes. Anshan on the side shook his head helplessly, these two sisters...

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