My ship girl, my world

Chapter 262 Thank you

The two people walking talked a lot about the things they had been together before, such as in battle, training, and life.

Gradually, the two walked slower and slower, and finally they sat directly on the beach and started chatting with each other. But despite this, the two people's clasped hands never separated from the beginning to the end, and they just kept holding each other tightly.

"I've been with the commander for a year before I knew it." The centaur looked sideways at Qin Ge and said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded and looked at the sea with waves constantly rising in front of him, "Yes, a year has passed so fast."

"Yes, at the beginning there were only two ship girls, Noshiro-senpai and me. Now he has twenty ship girls as commander. Time flies so fast." Centaur said.

"I have grown a lot now compared to back then. Haha, I would have never dared to think about it at the time." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"I don't dare to think about it." Centaur smiled, "I am really a happy person to meet such a gentle and excellent commander, and to spend the holidays at the beach with him. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Me too, but I believe we will be happier in the future, even happier than now."

"Well, I have always believed it." The centaur nodded.

"By the way, I almost forgot. I still have a camera with me. How about we take some photos now?" Qin Ge suddenly thought of the camera he just bought and said to the centaur.

"Okay." The centaur nodded excitedly.

Qin Ge then let go of the centaur's hand, picked up the camera on the side, adjusted the parameters of the camera, and said to the centaur who had already stood up, "Just here, the scenery is pretty good, and then pose where you feel comfortable" posture."

"Okay." The centaur responded loudly, then struck a pose and said to Qin Ge with a smile on his face, "Is this posture and expression okay, Commander?"

Qin Ge pointed the camera at the centaur, looked at the centaur's posture through the camera, stretched out his other hand and made an OK gesture to the centaur.

The centaur then smiled even more happily, "Hehe, then please take pictures of me that look better."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Qin Ge said confidently. After saying that, he adjusted the focus and took a photo that he thought was 10 points good.

After he finished shooting, he said to the centaur, "Let's change the position and take more shots. Anyway, there are still a lot of films bought here."


So, the two of them took pictures everywhere on the beach, whether on the beach, on the boulders on the seaside, or in other places, leaving behind the centaur's laughing voice.

By the time the two of them reacted, the sky had gradually dimmed, and in the sky, the rays of the setting sun turned the entire sky red.

"It's already afternoon." After taking the group photo, Qin Ge raised his head, looked at the sunset and said to the centaur.

"Time flies so fast." The centaur sighed. "The time I spend with the commander always seems to fly by so fast. I just chatted and took photos together, and the sun is almost setting." ”

Qin Ge smiled slightly and reached out to touch the centaur's head. "Let's continue coming here when we have time another day."

"Yeah." The centaur nodded, "Then let's go home now."

Qin Ge smiled, "But before that, let's hold hands together."

"Okay." The centaur smiled and shook hands with Qin Ge.

But when the two of them raised their feet to walk to the locker room, the Centaur suddenly thought of something, and his face turned a little rosy, but then he glanced at Qin Ge and became determined again.

"Um, Commander?" the centaur said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge stopped and turned to look at the centaur in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Well, Commander, can you close your eyes for a moment?" the centaur said to Qin Ge.

"Close your eyes, what are you doing?" Qin Ge asked in confusion.

The centaur blushed even more, "Commander, just close your eyes and I will tell you what to do."

"Okay." Qin Ge glanced at the centaur and obviously didn't think much about it, so he closed his eyes.

At this time, the centaur came directly in front of Qin Ge. Looking at the love song with his eyes closed, his face became more and more rosy, but his eyes became more and more determined.

Then he stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips deeply against Qin Ge's lips.

The moment Qin Ge felt his lips being touched, he opened his eyes. What his eyes saw was that the centaur was kissing him on the lips with his eyes closed.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, but immediately became moved again. He gently opened his arms and gently hugged the waist of the centaur who was standing on tiptoes. He closed his eyes again and responded to the girl's kiss.

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the two of them, the waves were rolling around them, and the sea breeze was caressing them. The scene of the two kissing seemed so warm and harmonious in front of this natural beauty.

The kiss lasted for a long time, until the two of them opened their eyes at the same time, and then gently separated. A rosy complexion crept onto their faces at the same time, just like the red color of a rose.

However, although their lips separated, their bodies did not separate, because unknowingly, the centaur's arms also reached behind Qin Ge.

"Thank you." Qin Ge said to the centaur.

"Why did the commander suddenly say thank you to me?" The shy centaur looked at Qin Ge with some confusion after hearing Qin Ge's thanks.

"I don't know why, but I just suddenly wanted to say thank you." Qin Ge said with a smile, and then hugged the centaur tighter.

Although the centaur was a little confused at this time, she felt Qin Ge's strong embrace and her heart became sweeter. She leaned her head on the strong chest and enjoyed the tenderness of this moment.

It’s just that Qin Ge really doesn’t know why he wants to say thank you to the centaur? Maybe he just didn't want to tell the answer.

When a person wanders in a different world that is completely different from his previous life, he suddenly has his own love and his own ties. Perhaps at this moment, he truly has a connection with this world.

Thank you, my ship girl! Thank you, my world!

At this time, Qin Ge also closed his eyes, rested his chin on the centaur's head, and hugged the girl in front of him tightly.

At this moment, he didn't have a trace of desire, only the incomparable attachment in his heart and the gradually letting go of the knot in his heart.

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