My ship girl, my world

Chapter 264 Prince Eugen’s speculation

In fact, Qin Ge didn't expect so many people to pour into his room at night. Almost all the ship girls came to his room, except for a few ship girls who didn't care about those stories.

But this also caused all the ship girls to go back to their rooms to sleep at night. After all, although Qin Ge's room was large, more than 20 people still couldn't sleep there.

This also allowed Qin Ge, who had been tortured for several days, to breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it was such a strange feeling to have beautiful girls sleeping next to him.

But what Qin Ge didn't expect was that after all the ship girls left his room, three of them did not go back to their respective rooms. Instead, they came to the same room together.

"Centaur, how was the result of your date with the commander today?" Guanghui said with a smile, looking at the blushing junior in front of him.

"Well, the commander is very gentle, and he agrees to whatever I say. After we went out today, we bought swimsuits and cameras, and went to the beach together. We walked there, chatted, and played in the water. When we finally came back, we even kissed. ..." The centaur said shyly, but his tone was full of happiness.

"Oh?" Guanghui looked at Prince Eugen in surprise, and Prince Eugen on the other side was also very surprised.

"You said you kissed?" Prince Eugen asked, "Did the commander take the initiative or did you take the initiative?"

The centaur's face turned even redder, "I took the initiative, but later it became the commander's initiative."

"Did you do anything else besides kissing?" Guanghui asked eagerly.

The centaur shook his head, "Does hugging and holding hands count?"

Guanghui was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "So the most you can do is kiss?"

"Yes." The centaur nodded, "And after we finished kissing, the commander said thank you to me. When I asked him why, he didn't say, he just said that's what he wanted to say."

"Really?" Prince Eugen blinked, and then sighed, "Maybe we should thank you, Centaur."

"Eh? Why?" the centaur asked doubtfully, and even the light on the side looked at Prince Eugen with some doubts.

Prince Eugen said, "Don't you feel it? The Commander used to be a very lonely person.

Coming to this world from other worlds, there are no relatives here, and there are no bonds with him here. Although we are with her, this only relieves the loneliness.

From the bottom of his heart, he only regarded us as comrades fighting together, and his purpose was to go home. So his heart is never in this world, his heart is never here.

And the reason why the commander has always been very self-disciplined and maintained his previous habits is to not forget what happened before.

It's like a centaur took the initiative to kiss him, and he chose to respond. This means that the two of you have established a bond, a bond of love.

This is such a precious feeling for the lonely commander wandering in other worlds, so he says thank you to you.

In other words, he already has reason to accept the world and us, do you understand? "

"Is that so?" Guanghui and Centaur were stunned for a moment. They had never thought about this.

"So we have to thank you. From this moment on, the commander will have a bond with our world, and he will be able to accept our world, so that this world will become his world in the future.

Even if we find a way to return to the Commander's world in the end, I think there is a high probability that the Commander will not go back, because his bond in this world has far exceeded that of the other world. "Prince Eugen said firmly.

"Really?" the centaur said happily.

"Based on my understanding of the commander, there is a high probability that this is the case." Prince Eugen said.

"No matter what it is, the current situation is a good thing. At least it means that the commander will not reject us, and the rest of us will also have a chance." Guanghui said with a slight smile.

"Speaking of which, it will be your turn tomorrow, Guanghui." Prince Eugen said.

"Yes, I'm here and looking forward to tomorrow's date." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Then where are you going with the commander?" Prince Eugen said.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but the beach is also a very good choice." Guanghui said.

"Haha, it's up to you." Prince Eugen said, "But I feel that there is a high chance that the commander will have something to do tomorrow, so you have time to think about it."

Kouki narrowed his eyes, "Is it because of Mikasa-senpai?"

"Well, I can most likely guess why Mikasa-senpai went to find Akagi and Kaga today." Prince Eugen said.

"Indeed, if the commander really wants to see Nagato, he must give a briefing to Akagi Kaga. After all, they are the real ones in charge of Chongsakura now." Guanghui nodded.

"Okay, that's it for now. You should rest early." Prince Eugen stood up and said, and then walked out of the Centaur's room.

Guanghui also stood up at the same time, told the centaur to rest early, and left the centaur's room.

The whole room became quiet again, and the centaur gradually fell asleep with a happy smile.

When the next day came, it was exactly as Prince Eugen guessed. Qin Ge was planning to leave with Guanghui early in the morning for today's appointment.

But unexpectedly, before he could go out, he was stopped by Mikasa.

"Senior Mikasa, what's the matter?" Qin Ge asked in confusion as he looked at Mikasa who stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Mikasa asked Qin Ge.

"Now we have arrived at Chongying, so I promised my ship girls to take them out and wander around here." Qin Ge said to Mikasa.

"Don't go today. Didn't I tell you before that Nagato wanted to see you?" Mikasa said to Qin Ge.

"So, is today the day?" Qin Ge looked stunned and asked Mikasa.

"Well, I went to explain to Chicheng and Kaga last night, because after all, you are the commander of Donghuang. If you want to see Chongqing's flagship, you must explain it to them. After all, they are in charge now. Foreign negotiation mission." Mikasa explained to Qin Ge.

"Oh, I just said that when I came back last night, they said that you went to see Chicheng Jiahe, and it turned out to be like this." Qin Ge nodded and said, "Then when should we go?"

Mikasa looked at the time and said, "Let's finish breakfast later and tidy up. I will take you to see Nagato."

"Am I alone?" Qin Ge asked Mikasa.

"Well, after all, this matter cannot be made public. It's just that Nagato is meeting you in a private capacity, and it's not Shige Sakura's relationship with Tohuang." Mikasa replied.


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