My ship girl, my world

Chapter 272 Sudden association

Perhaps because of talking for such a long time, Tiancheng became very weak, and coughed from time to time while talking, which made Qin Ge extremely worried.

"Amagi, are you okay? Otherwise, take a rest and we will discuss the same thing later." Qin Ge said to Amagi.

"Thank you for your concern. Amagi's problem has been a long-standing problem, so don't worry. I don't have any problems." Amagi said with a smile.

"Then do your best and don't hurt your body." Qin Ge said worriedly.

"Thank you, Lord, for your concern." Amagi smiled, "And because of this, I said that this time might be our opportunity.

Because the Donghuang camp has learned about this situation, Yixian sent the master this time to let you get the possession of the Mental Cube.

Just imagine, which commander from other camps can compare with our Lord at this stage? Moreover, our Lord is more than just excellent. "

Amagi said this and paused for a moment, "Have you ever felt that the time when the Northern Alliance discovered that illusory city was so consistent with the time when our Lord came to this world?"

"Huh?" Prince Eugen blinked.

They had never put the appearance of Qin Ge and the discovery of the Northern Alliance together before, but now that Anchorage said this, they suddenly discovered that the coincidence between the two was so similar.

That illusory city didn't appear sooner or later, but it happened to appear when Qin Ge came to this world.

In other words, was it because the Northern Alliance discovered that city that Qin Ge was able to come to this world?

All kinds of speculations flew in everyone's minds, and everyone looked at Qin Ge.

Now, Qin Ge was also a little stunned, "Tiancheng, do you suspect that my coming to this world is related to the emergence of that city?"

"Not necessarily, but I don't deny it either." Tiancheng smiled, "Because these two things happened at the same time. Although there seems to be no connection between them, what if they are combined?

Perhaps we will get a very surprising result, if the emergence of the Lord is due to the discovery of that city, or the emergence of that city is due to the Lord coming to this world.

Then the mission of the Lord, or the destiny of the Lord, is very complicated and confusing. Being able to summon the flagships of all major camps and possessing excellent strategic and tactical qualities, don’t you think this is too much of a coincidence? "

"But this is just a guess. Whether the real fact is like this is still waiting for us to verify. Maybe the appearance of the Lord and the appearance of the city are completely different things, just a coincidence of time." Eugen the prince said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Tiancheng nodded and said, "But if we have the opportunity to go to the Northern Alliance in the future, we can go to that illusory city to have a look, if there is anything related to the Lord hidden there. , then we can determine the answer to this question.

But even if there is nothing similar to the Lord, we can still go and see what kind of secrets the place where these things are found holds. "

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "Indeed, let's focus on the things in front of us now. As for the illusory city on the Northern United side, let's wait until we have the opportunity to talk about it later."

"Oh? Commander, hasn't he been looking for a way to return to his own world before? If that illusory city appeared because of your appearance, or in other words, because of the appearance of that illusory city, you came to this world.

So, there must be a way to return to your world. Why isn't Commander in a hurry to go back now? Or are you saying that you are not very excited? "Prince Eugen joked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I have learned to take care of myself once I have been here for more than a year.

So instead of guessing so much, it is better to take the initiative to take a look when the time comes. If it really exists, then it will be great. If not, then there is no need to be too disappointed. "

"Haha, it seems that our commander has also grown up." Veneto smiled.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about how we should react to the upcoming opportunities from the nine major camps, shall we?" Qin Ge said.

“I mean we don’t have to worry too much, as long as the commander is like everyone else and plays his best.

Because what this camp cannot get this time, they will not let other camps get it so easily, so all the opportunities are your outstanding performance.

If the Lord can obtain the recognition of the nine major camps at the same time, then this time it will be our victory. "

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "I understand, then I will work hard during this period."

"Haha, it seems that the dates for the sisters who are next in line will have to wait a while. The most important thing this time is to win this competition!" Guanghui said with a smile.

Several ship girls smiled slightly and finally nodded at the same time.

In the next few days, Qin Ge asked Mikasa to arrange a training ground for them, and then immersed himself in the previous training again. Although this is a bit pretentious, it can allow many ship girls to become familiar with tactics in the shortest possible time, and it can also cultivate their tacit understanding.

Along with the training of Qin Ge and the ship girls, other camps began to arrive one after another. The third camp that came to Chongsakura was the discoverers of everything, the ship girls of the Northern Alliance.

The lineup of Northern United this time is quite luxurious, led by Soviet Rosia, as well as Mercury Memorial, Gangut, Tashkent, Shensu and others.

The fourth camp that came to Chongsakura was Royal and Free Iris.

The royal lineup is not compromised at all, headed by George V, Hood, Ark Royal, Nelson, Suffolk and Norfolk.

As for Free Iris, Joan of Arc came with Triumph, Reckless, Béarn and other ship girls.

The 6th, 7th, and 8th camps also came together, the Iron Blood, the Sardinian Empire, and the Vichy Holy See.

The iron-blooded ones are Tirpitz, Prince Eugen, Count Zeppelin, Z23, Z1 and others.

The Sardinian Empire arrived with ship girls such as Littorio, Zara, Caesar, Dragoon and Southeast Wind.

The Vichy Holy See, as Mikasa expected, came from Algeria, La Galissoniere, Dunkirk, and Vauquelin.

During this process, Donghuang also sent someone to come. The person who came was not Ning Hai as Mikasa mentioned before, but the four Vajras headed by Anshan. In addition to them, there is indeed the Prince of Wales.

When all the camps arrived, Qin Ge and his ship girls followed Mikasa to the reception hotel.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the game to come...

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