My ship girl, my world

Chapter 275 Prince Eugen’s Problem

Qin Ge shook his head, "As for the fact that I can summon the flagships of the two camps, I actually don't know why.

Because, from the first time I summoned, Dean Prince of Wales was right in front of me, and it was she who handed me the Mental Cube. That time I summoned my initial ship.

Noshiro also has a centaur. "

Upon hearing the names of these two ship girls, people from the three major camps all turned their attention to the Prince of Wales.

The Prince of Wales nodded naturally, "Yes, I recruited Qin Ge into the academy, and I was present when he first summoned the ship girl.

In fact, he originally wanted to summon a ship girl, but the first time he summoned a ship girl, a super-rare class ship girl appeared, so I am very curious whether he can also build it in the second round?

So, I used my personal supplies and gave them to him in exchange for his second summoned aircraft carrier. As you can see, he also summoned the second aircraft carrier, and it was also a super rare aircraft carrier.

Moreover, until now, he has summoned the ship girl twenty times in total, and only failed once. "


"How can this be?"

"You must be so lucky!"


When the Prince of Wales told Qin Ge's glorious deeds, almost everyone from the three major camps was shocked. Is there no European Emperor in their camp? have! But it is definitely not as exaggerated as Qin Ge.

"I think there must be something wrong with this, right? This can't be explained by good luck, right?" Prince Eugen said.

"I feel like it's destiny." Hu De looked at Qin Ge and said softly.

"Yes, it's fate," Littorio said.

"Then since Commander Qin Ge is so lucky, why doesn't he summon more ship girls?" Prince Eugen asked.

"Let me answer this question." Bismarck said to the iron-blooded Prince Eugen, "The method used by my commander is an elite cultivation method. The number of ship girls he summons is equal to the materials he possesses. Hooked.

In other words, every ship girl he summons will have materials left to train them, instead of focusing on quantity like other commanders.

Because of this, we only have 21 people in the fleet until now. "

"Elite training method?" Prince Eugen said, "So Commander Qin Ge is planning to make his ship girls develop strong combat effectiveness as soon as they leave the academy, so that they can go further afield?"

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "I am now the commander of a large fleet, and my goal is the front line.

Although it is impossible to reach the front line immediately after graduation, we are ready. And my ship girls are very supportive of me. I believe that the front line must be the stage for them to show their strength. "

"The front line that makes every commander talk about it has become a must-go target for Commander Qin Ge. He is really brave." George V said with a smile, "If there are more For a commander like you, why can’t he drive the sirens out of the ocean?”

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, I don't think that's the case. Although the frontline needs strong commanders, the rear also needs strong offshore defense.

Our position is just a matter of division of labor. If all commanders rush to the front line, the front line will most likely become a real meat grinder.

It will never be as orderly as it is now, both at the front and at the rear. It can only be said that because I am relatively capable, I set my goals relatively far. "

As soon as Qin Ge said these words, people from several camps nodded, especially George V, who admired Qin Ge very much.

Although Qin Ge refuted her point of view, it is obvious that Qin Ge's reasons are more reasonable and can better reflect the current situation of each camp.

"Commander Qin Ge, how much do you know about sirens during this year of study? What do you think the purpose of sirens is?" Prince Eugen smiled.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute, His Excellency Prince Eugen, are you asking me what I think of the sirens?"

"Yes, I think that a commander who can be praised so highly by my fellow shipmates and Bismarck must have an unexpected explanation." Prince Eugen said.

Qin Ge looked helplessly at the ship girl beside him, and saw his eyes sweeping over him. The ship girl smiled and nodded.

Seeing the encouragement from his ship girls, Qin Ge said to the senior leaders of several camps, "Actually, based on the information I have now, I can only think that sirens are a very, very powerful force, and humans and ship girls Being able to deal with the Sirens is a very remarkable thing.

However, looking at the overall situation and adding some of my conjectures, I came to an idea that is not very precise and practical. "

"Huh? What do you think?" Prince Eugen said.

Qin Ge said, "Actually, I feel that the Siren does not want to eliminate human beings, or that the Siren has no idea of ​​a decisive battle at all, or even that the Siren just wants to use the sea as a training ground."

"Oh? That's interesting. Commander Qin Ge, can you explain it in detail?" After the senior leaders of several camps looked at each other, Hu De said to Qin Ge with a smile.

"Actually, this situation is very easy to see, because the current situation in the sea is that the sirens are absolutely strong, and we are absolutely weak.

According to the information I know, erosion level 6 and above are areas where it is very difficult for humans and ship girls to move freely, let alone erosion level 7 sea areas.

What exactly is there, we don’t know. Therefore, in terms of overall strength, Siren is at an absolute advantage.

And if I were the Siren Commander and had such an absolute advantage, then I would definitely not be able to attack across the board like I am now and send meaningless cannon fodder to die.

Instead, they chose to hold off other camps and mainly attack one camp to eliminate it directly. Then attack point-to-point and line-to-line.

Although it seems that the nine major camps are deployed on the front line with so many forces, if you face the collective attack of the Siren Group, I believe you will not last long, because this is a fact.

It is already very rare to maintain the current situation, and it is very difficult to further expand the results.

So, why wouldn’t the sirens do this? Instead, groups of cannon fodder fleets must be sent to the front lines and offshore to destroy the ship girls and make them stronger.

What are they planning? What good will it do to them after the ship girls become stronger?

Perhaps the only explanation is that the siren is like an instructor, and the ship girls and commanders are like students facing exams.

The sirens and the others are constantly sending out fleets, which is like a teacher constantly assigning homework and difficult problems to students. After students solve these difficult problems, their knowledge points will become broader and broader, and their strength will become stronger and stronger.

All of this has only one purpose in the end, and that is to pass the exam. But, for Siren and Ship Girl, what is this test? "

My grandma has been seriously ill and has been hospitalized for the past two days, so the update will be delayed. I will try my best to find time to update, but I will not ensure that I can update every day.

So I hope everyone doesn’t worry. After these few days are over, you can probably resume updating.

One chapter first, and another chapter later.

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