My ship girl, my world

Chapter 285 Before the War

"The siren's reaction is so fast. It seems that they have been monitoring our sea area, otherwise they would not have reacted so quickly as soon as a miracle happened." Nagato knelt in the center of the shrine and faced Akagi Kaga said in front of him.

Akagi nodded, "But I think this time the Siren is more of a demonstration than an attack. Because according to frontline reports, only one high-level Siren humanoid came this time, and there was no Siren fleet around her. .

I think it was Shinano's appearance that, although it broke their layout, it did not disrupt their plans. Such a big battle this time is to tell us that even if the legend of the sea is summoned, it will not have much impact on their plan.

Because if they really want to get rid of Shinano, they won't directly attack our Chongsakura Island with such a huge momentum. Instead, they will wait until Qin Ge is on his way back and inadvertently dispatch to kill Shinano, who has not yet grown up. Killing in the cradle. "

After listening to Akagi's analysis, Nagato couldn't help but nodded, "Although Akagi, what you said is right, we cannot take it lightly this time when the sirens attack us.

Because the other eight major camps are also here, they will definitely watch us deal with this attack, so this time we must show the strongest posture of Sakura. "

"We understand. Judging from the time reported by the front line and the speed of the siren, it shouldn't take long to reach Chongsakura Island.

So we will prepare next, and hope that Lord Chengmen, as the flagship of Chongsakura, can serve as the general flagship of this attack. "Akagi said to Nagato.

"This is my duty. Even if Akagi doesn't say anything, I will attack as the chief flagship this time." Nagato nodded and said.

"Then this is best." Akagi nodded, and after standing up with Kaga, he said to Nagato, "Kaga and I will make arrangements now, and I will also ask Mikasa-sama to participate in this time. fighting."

"I understand." Nagato nodded, then turned around and began to pray to the gods.

Akagi Kaga walked out of the shrine. Akagi glanced at the shrine behind him and said to Kaga, "Kaga, you are responsible for informing other awakened ship girls, and let the unawakened ship girls do the same. Be prepared in case something unexpected happens.”

"What about you, sister?" Kagami asked.

Akagi looked at the cherry blossoms falling one after another in front of him, and stretched out his hand to catch one petal, "I'll go to Donghuang's place, inform Mikasa-sama, and take a look at my sister by the way."

"Understood." Kaga nodded and quickly disappeared next to Akagi.

Akagi dropped the petal in his hand and disappeared.

Isn't it that when Kagami was busy contacting other awakened ship girls on Chongsakura Island, Akagi appeared in Donghuang's reception hotel.

"Is the action so fast this time? It's no less than the last time the Northern Alliance discovered that illusory city." Mikasa couldn't help but sigh after hearing Akagi's story.

"I've made you tired." Qin Ge looked at Chicheng and said with some embarrassment.

After all, the reason why the siren attacked this time was because he summoned Shinano, so Shigesakura needed to be a shield this time. He was deeply sorry for such a thing.

"It doesn't matter, because this situation was not your intention. What's more, Commander Qin Ge, what you summoned this time is our Chongying Sea Legend. As the Chongying camp, we should thank you." Akagi smiled said.

"Then if you need help this time, please don't be polite, Master Chicheng." Qin Ge said to Chicheng.

"Yes, and this task belongs to Commander Qin Ge." Chicheng said to Qin Ge.

"Oh? What are you busy with?" Qin Ge asked quickly when he saw Chicheng say without hesitation.

"The general flagship of this attack is Nagato-sama, so Mikasa-sama needs to go to help, and my sister and Shinano are also needed to join." Akagi said to Qin Ge.

"You can just talk to her directly about Mikasa-senpai. However, Amagi and Shinano's training levels are quite low. Can they really help in this battle?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"My sister is Chongying's military advisor, so her most powerful thing is not her strength, but her strategy." Akagi said to Qin Ge.

"In addition, as a legend of the sea, Shinano must be different from other ship girls, so I believe she will surprise us." Akagi said to Qin Ge.

"Understood." Qin Ge nodded, "I will go and inform them both immediately, and then head to the dock with Senior Mikasa."

"Then I'll trouble Commander Qin Ge." Akagi smiled slightly, then said goodbye to Qin Ge and Mikasa, and left the hotel where Donghuang was.

Mikasa asked Qin Ge to inform her shipgirl first, while she waited for them at the hotel door.

So Qin Ge quickly came to the floor where his ship girls were, summoned all the ship girls, and told them about the siren's attack.

"So fast? It seems that every move of the major camps is under the surveillance of the Siren. It is similar to the assumption made by the commander before. I wonder what the Siren wants to do?" Prince Eugen said. arrive.

“Now is not the time to discuss what they want to do, but to deal with this siren attack first.” Qin Ge said, “I value Sakura’s preparation this time because I want to combine all the awakened ship girls to defend against the enemy. "

"Isn't this natural? This is the main island of Chongying. The enemies are coming to the doorstep. If Chongying doesn't respond, he will be looked down upon by other camps." Veneto said with a smile.

"I originally wanted to show off my skills this time, but it seems that we have nothing to do for the time being." Guanghui said with some regret.

Qin Ge smiled, "The battlefield that belongs to us is not here, but the frontline battlefield a year from now.

This time Shigesakura only asked Amagi and Shinano to fight, and I guess I was only responsible for doing some strategic things. They won't be allowed to fight in real battles. "

"Understood, Commander." Guanghui smiled, "But will you come too?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Amagi and Shinano are my ship girls. My ship girls are going to war now, how can I not follow them?

As for you, you don’t need to follow me, just follow Anshan and the others and Dean Prince of Wales. I guess since Chongying's side has made such a big move, other camps will definitely know about it soon, so you can also see the battlefield by then. "

"Understood." All the ship girls nodded, knowing that now is not the time to cause trouble to Qin Ge. This battle is obviously not theirs, and they are quite relieved about Qin Ge's safety.

If so many awakened ship girls in Chongying cannot protect Qin Ge's safety, then the destruction of mankind is doomed.

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