My ship girl, my world

Chapter 288 The war begins

Qin Ge was stunned, because in his impression, although each ship girl had her own special skills, they were still within the range of artillery shells and aircraft.

Including Centaur air strikes, several torpedo planes can be summoned out of thin air to assist in slowing down the attack. Another example is that several battleships can trigger barrage attacks with a probability when their main guns fire.

But in general, all attacks are within the sequence of war. Even if they are a bit magical, Qin Ge can still accept them.

But what appears before him now? Huifei's enemies, and laser weapons far ahead of his time.

Because even though he comes from the world of the 21st century, the concept of laser weapons has already been proposed. And weapons such as electromagnetic guns have been developed and used for military purposes.

But the performance of laser weapons on the battlefield is still a mystery to everyone. After all, they have not been officially put into service. But now, in another world, this magical world, he saw real laser weapons firing.

And this was the first time I saw a laser weapon firing, and it wasn't just folded in half. The enemy actually fired at the plane in the sky, which was really jaw-dropping.

"Huh? Doesn't the world where the Lord lives have such weapons?" Tiancheng looked at Qin Ge's reaction and asked with some confusion.

Qin Ge shook his head, "It's not that it doesn't exist, but it's still in the experimental stage. It will still be a long time before it can be put into actual service.

So in this world, it is really surprising to see this kind of formed weapon system. "

"The world where the commander lives?" Shinano looked at Qin Ge, his sleepy eyes brightening, "It seems that the commander's identity is also extraordinary?"

"Yes, our Lord has a surprising identity." Amagi said to Shinano with a smile.

"Well, because today's time is quite urgent, I haven't had time to explain it in detail to Shinano, but we are in war mode now. We will wait until this war is over and I will explain it to you when we get back." Qin Ge said to the letter Nong said.

"Well, I understand. It seems that my appearance is not accidental, but rather inevitable." Shinano smiled.

"Two, let's start." Amagi on the side smiled and pointed at the screen and said, causing Qin Ge and Shinano, who were about to chat, to retract their words and focus on the screen in front of them.

Sure enough, as the Purifier destroyed most of the carrier-based aircraft, the expressions of several aircraft carrier ladies became solemn, and the remaining carrier-based aircraft began to fly scattered in an instant.

And began to consciously form a parallel array, quickly attacking the Purifier.

Accompanied by the sound of cannons, the carrier-based aircraft that first came into contact with the Purifiers had already engaged in a close-range aerial combat.

But facing the cannon of the carrier-based aircraft, the Purifier didn't pay any attention. He just waved his hand and a suspended shield appeared in front of the Purifier.

With the emergence of the shield, all the bullets hit the shield, and the Purifier in mid-air did not receive any damage.

However, these carrier-based aircraft were more than just cannon attacks. Just as the Evolver's main guns were cooling down, a group of carrier-based aircraft suddenly accelerated and passed over the Purifier's head.

Countless aerial bombs were thrown down, and those aerial bombs did not touch the ground, but exploded into a ball in mid-air. The Purifier was also enveloped in these explosions, and the entire air turned into a ball of flame.

"Hit?" In Chongying's main formation in the distance, Zuihe looked doubtfully at the flames that exploded into a ball in the air.

"It's a hit, but..." Kagami said softly, but the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Under everyone's gaze, the flames were instantly blown away, and the Purifier's figure emerged from the flames, but his whole body was unscathed. Moreover, on the shark suit behind it, the muzzle of the gun had been covered in purple again. The light shrouded.

"Ah, it's so dangerous. If it weren't for the shield, I would definitely not be able to receive this blow. But now it's my turn to attack."

A burst of laughter sounded on the ship girl's communication device. It was obviously the Purifier floating in the air in the distance. And when these words fell, six purple rays of light suddenly shot out from her ship's suit, shooting in the direction of Zhe Chongying's main formation.

"Spread out and avoid the attack!"

Among the crowd, Kaohsiung was the first to react. She said hurriedly, and then quickly ducked aside.

The rest of the people also dispersed and left their previous positions. And just as everyone dispersed, a few rays of light instantly fell on the spot where everyone was standing.

The water column splashed into the sky, and the huge attack wave stirred up the sea water next to it, causing the ship girls who had just escaped to cover their heads.

When the water column fell, Nagato waved his hand, "Combined fleet, lock the enemy and fire!"



A series of gunshots rang out from Chongying's main formation, and they rushed towards the Purifier in mid-air at high speed.

When the Purifier saw this, he naturally did not stay in the air for long. Instead of evading in the air, he directly chose to fall to the sea. The two floating cannons beside him attacked while the main body evaded.

At this time, the vanguard ship girls headed by Kaohsiung accelerated their speed and moved towards the direction of the Purifier. And on the way, they all took out their own weapons and maintained fire suppression.

At this time, Qin Ge, who was on the command ship, saw this scene and his eyes flashed, "Are they preparing for hand-to-hand combat?"

"Probably." Amagi nodded, "In Chongying, martial arts are very popular among ship girls, so most of the vanguard ship girls are masters in martial arts, especially martial arts masters represented by the Kaohsiung class.

Therefore, it is understandable that they choose to fight with close-range weapons when long-range firepower cannot be effective. "

"Well, it can contain the enemy's attacks and create more output space for your main fleet. It can also disrupt the opponent's rhythm and make the opponent tired of dealing with it." Qin Ge nodded and said.

"However, I'm afraid their plan will come to nothing." Shinano said while looking at the screen.

"This is?!" Qin Ge and Tiancheng looked at the rows of purple-red whirlpools that appeared behind the Purifier and couldn't help but wonder.

Just when they were surprised, Akagi looked at this familiar scene and couldn't help but said fiercely, "Sure enough, the testers were able to do this trick before, and it seems that the purifiers can also do it!

The vanguard fleet is ready to clean up the trash fish! "

Just when Akagi's voice fell, laughter resounded in the communication device, "Hahaha, although I also like the idea of ​​using less to fight more, but this time I have a task she assigned me, so the deal is called a helper, I guess. You don’t mind either, do you?”

As the Purifier spoke, the rows of purple whirlpools began to rotate, and red and black Siren mass-produced warships appeared in the whirlpools, slowly emerged from the whirlpools, and fell onto the sea. …

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