My ship girl, my world

Chapter 296 Recent Plans

"Thank you, Belfast." Qin Ge took the tea that Belfast poured for him, smiled and nodded to Belfast.

Belfast smiled slightly. Every time he poured tea for Qin Ge, he would say thank you. This has become a habit between the two of them. In the past, he would say "you are welcome" politely, but now it seems that he no longer needs it.

After Belfast poured tea for everyone, everyone began to look in Qin Ge's direction.

"Commander, what should we do next? Do you have an idea?" Prince Eugen asked with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "First of all, we must return to Donghuang. After all, we have to stay at the Commander Academy for another year. And during this year, we must try our best to accumulate resources and spend these resources. On the edge of the knife, try to improve your strength as much as possible.

Then there is the improvement of our fleet. The gap between our fleet and theirs is really too big, so we must try our best to help them narrow this gap.

You have also seen what happened today. Even if the awakened ship girls and fully trained ship girls from one camp are gathered together, they will not be able to cause fatal damage to the Siren high-level humanoid.

But it can stop her behavior and stop her offensive. Moreover, protecting the sea area is everyone's business. I am not confident enough that one person can handle such a big situation.

Furthermore, there is the competition between the nine major camps in front of us, although it seems that the situation of holding the competition is already very slim. But if there is a competition, we have to win.

This is the current plan, and the specific implementation will depend on the next situation. There is a saying that goes well, it is better to predict the situation than God. There may be other situations that will arise in the future.

So now we just need to take every step in a down-to-earth manner and work hard towards our original goals. "

After listening to Qin Ge's words, all the ship girls nodded. Indeed, now the whole situation has become complicated and confusing, and it is difficult to say what will happen in the future, so it is best to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time.

"But having said that, Donghuang has made a big appearance among the other major camps this time." Guanghui smiled and said, "He actually developed all the missiles that the commander mentioned before."

At the mention of missiles, Qin Ge instantly became energetic. He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I didn't expect that. At that time, I was standing on the bow of the ship looking at the approaching Purifiers. I thought I was going to die on the spot. .

Unexpectedly, four missiles passed over my head and hit the Purifier accurately. That scene was really shocking, even though I had seen missile launches many times in that world. "

"Commander, do you have any information about Donghuang's missiles?" Bismarck asked.

"Information?" Qin Ge looked at Bismarck in confusion, "You mean, are there any prototypes of this kind of missile in my world?"

"Yes." Bismarck nodded.

"There must be a prototype for this." Qin Ge nodded and said, "In another world, Donghuang, my country, there is indeed a missile called Upstream No. 1.

It is a copy of the Northern United P-15 ship-to-ship missile, and it is also the earliest ship-to-ship missile in service in my country.

Upstream No. 1 is 6.55 meters long, 0.76 meters in diameter, 2.4 meters in wingspan, and weighs 2,095 kilograms, of which 513 kilograms are heat warheads. The rate of fire is Mach 0.8, the flight altitude is 100~300 meters, it uses inertial guidance and active radar guidance, and the effective range is 42 kilometers.

It is mainly equipped with the Four King Kongs, namely Anshan and the others. In the follow-up, there will also be an improved version of the Upstream No. 1, called the Upstream No. 1 A, which is an armor-piercing ship-to-ship missile.

But I don’t know if this information is still the same in this world. After all, you also know that ship equipment is mainly controlled by the ship girl, and since Anshan and Changchun have awakened to become guided missile destroyers, they must have relevant abilities. Enhance missile performance. "

All the ship girls nodded, and then Bismarck sighed, "Sure enough, battleships will gradually decline in the future. With such powerful ship-to-ship missiles, with such a long range, and radar guidance, they can be regarded as The capital ships are coming for use.”

"That's right." Qin Ge nodded and said, "So when I came to this world, the dominance of the sea area was composed of aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines."

"Are there still submarines? Will submarines be very powerful in the future?" U96 looked at Qin Ge and asked.

Qin Ge nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, in my world, submarines are divided into conventional submarines and nuclear submarines.

The heavy torpedoes carried by conventional submarines can easily use one torpedo to destroy the ship directly in the middle, or they can be equipped with sea-based anti-ship missiles.

Moreover, the noise is smaller and the submersible time is longer. If it is not a country with well-developed sonar, it will be very difficult to capture the traces of enemy submarines.

As for nuclear submarines, only a few big countries in the world have them, including the disintegrated Northern Alliance, White Eagle, Royal, Iris Holy See, and Donghuang, and they are equipped with intercontinental missiles with nuclear warheads.

They are elusive in the ocean, and no one knows their exact whereabouts, because their whereabouts are the top secret of this country.

They can easily destroy a small or medium-sized country, and can cause fatal damage to a large country, so they are the last trump card in the hands of the above-mentioned countries.

Together with land-based intercontinental nuclear missiles and intercontinental nuclear missiles carried by aerial bombers, they form a triad of nuclear strike capabilities. "

"So what about the Sardinian Empire and Iron Blood? Why didn't the commander talk about it?" Veneto asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was stunned and suddenly coughed, "Well, didn't I tell you before? Most of you are ships in the Second World War in my world.

Therefore, in any war, there is bound to be a losing side. In World War II, the Iron Blood, Sardinian Empire and Chongsakura as the Axis powers all failed.

As a defeated country, it is not allowed to develop such strategic weapons that exceed conventional armaments. "

"Did you fail?" Bismarck and Veneto looked at each other.

Qin Ge shook his head, "But you don't have to take it to heart, because these situations only happened in my world. Maybe in other worlds, things like World War II didn't happen.

But just like in this world, all camps unite to fight against foreign enemies and jointly create a future for mankind. "

"Thank you for your concern, Commander, but we are not vulnerable to that point yet." Veneto smiled slightly.

"Yes, everyone is different, not to mention the gap between the world. And I firmly believe that we are fighting a just battle at this time, so we will win." Bismarck said.

"I believe so too." Qin Ge nodded and looked at his ship girls with a smile.

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