My ship girl, my world

Chapter 302 Write another book

Although Ted was in shock now, time would not stop because of his shock. Soon, he saw Qin Ge from Donghuang stand up and walk towards the tent set up next to him.

Judging from his appearance, he should be participating in the first round. When Ted saw this scene, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Thinking back to the beginning, I just thought Qin Ge was a lucky commander, but it seems that this is not the case now. Someone who can write a book like that must not only be explained by good luck, but can be regarded as an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs.

And while Ted was sighing, Qin Ge had already entered the examination room. The person in charge of this examination was the brain trust and martial arts faction in the camp.

They are Washington representing the White Eagle, George V from the Royal Family, Scharnhorst from the Iron Blood, Kaga from the Cherry Blossoms, Joan of Arc from the Free Iris, Algeria from the Vichy Vatican, Chapaev from the Northern Union, and Sardinia. Caesar of the Empire, and Anshan of Donghuang.

Because he has met Qin Ge several times, and his information and books written by him are circulated in the camp, people who have not spoken to Qin Ge before are very interested in him, so Qin Ge When Ge came in, everyone smiled and nodded.

"Commander Qin Ge, there is no need for us to tell you what other students said. After all, your old strategy and tactics books are still on my bedside.

After reading your two books, I feel they are of great practical value. I came here mainly with the attitude of asking for advice, so I may ask you more questions than other students later. "King George V said to Qin Ge with a smile.

The other camp leaders also nodded together. What George V wanted to say was what they wanted to say. In particular, they also found the relationship between the shipgirl and the siren that Qin Ge proposed earlier very interesting.

"If I knew what the adults mentioned, I would give a serious answer." Qin Ge nodded.

"Well, let's begin." George V nodded and said to Qin Ge, the light in his eyes became sharper.

"I saw in your book that the most emphasis was on sea control in battles and air control in campaigns. So in addition to gaining sea control and air control in campaigns, what else should we pay attention to in each battle?" George V asked.

Qin Ge said to King George V, "There is another thing I have not written about, and that is the right to campaign-based information."

"Battle-based information rights?" Qin Ge's point of view immediately aroused the interest of several camp leaders.

"That's right, actually before I came to Chongying, I didn't have any concerns about this aspect. But after coming to Chongying and seeing the power of the Siren Advanced Humanoid Purifier, as well as our Donghuang missiles, I I believe that combat control information power must be raised to a level comparable to sea control and air control!" Qin Ge said seriously.

"Because the emergence of missiles has upgraded warfare from ordinary warfare to precision-strike information warfare.

The purpose of controlling information rights is to seize and maintain one's own freedom and autonomy in using information and deprive the enemy of the freedom and autonomy in using information.

In information-based local wars, the actions of the opposing parties to compete for information rights are usually limited to other combat operations and continue throughout the entire operation. Seizing and maintaining information rights during combat provides the basic guarantee for combat victory.

The basic goal is to control the battlefield information space, and the highest goal is to control the enemy's cognitive and belief system. This requires our scientific researchers to work harder to develop targeted equipment in this area.

And the equipment we use now, whether it is computer radar, communications, navigation, or the development of guidance, electronics and other technologies required by the Donghuang missile, are closely dependent on the collection of information.

So if the Siren uses its technology to control and seize the power of our information transmission, then our entire combat force will be in a divided state. And he will do things that are contrary to our strategic and tactical goals based on the false information given by the Siren.

Therefore, even if we do not seize control of information rights, we must keep our information rights in our hands. And develop again on this basis to make greater progress.

In fact, if we can try to make a signal jammer, then for some siren mass-produced warships whose siren control is not strong, once the signal jammer is used, they will not be able to receive the transmission from the siren. signal, then they are equivalent to a piece of scrap metal floating on the sea.

In other words, we can change the siren's signal so that the siren's signal can be used by us, turn those siren mass-produced warships into our own warships, and use them to attack other siren mass-produced fleets.

This can effectively ensure the survival of our ship girls and commanders, and also achieve the purpose of consuming the enemy. "

Qin Ge's words made the senior camp officials narrow their eyes. In fact, they also knew the importance of information and intelligence, but they only had a conceptual understanding. But how to engage in a real battle and use it in a tactical manner in the battle? This is the first time Qin Ge has said this.

"Wonderful, actually when you say that, I really think of a very deceptive information war launched against us by the previous president. We deceived our frontline ship girls into one place with false information, and then attacked our defense in another place. Weak spots were attacked.

It seems that this aspect must be developed as the main direction in the future. "Scharnhorst said.

"That's right." The other camps nodded one after another, especially the royal George V. He said to Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, can you write a book specifically about sea control, air control, and control in the future?" A seminar book on information rights?”

"Ah?" Qin Ge suddenly opened his mouth wide and looked at George V in surprise.

"Good idea, I support it!" Washington immediately agreed.

"I also support it, and I hope that after Commander Qin Ge finishes writing this book, we, the Sardinian Empire, can learn from it." Giulio Caesar said to Qin Ge.

"Our Northern Alliance can also provide corresponding support and help. All non-top secret documents within the territory of our Northern Alliance can be read at will if Commander Qin Ge needs it." Chapayev from the Northern Alliance camp said .

"We Chongsakura can do the same. We can even read top-secret documents as long as there is a legitimate reason." Kaga said calmly.

"This..." Qin Ge was confused, "I said, aren't you competing now? Why are you writing a book again?"

Scharnhorst smiled and said, "Do you think that after you have written those two books, those of us here can test you in strategic and tactical theory?

The reason why I put you at the end is so that I can get something new. "


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