My ship girl, my world

Chapter 305 Winner

After the ship girls from both sides arrived on the shore, Qin Ge took his ship girls to Carlos, and Carlos also took his ship girls to Qin Ge.

The two met in the middle of the two docks. Then, Qin Ge stretched out his hand and said to Carlos, "I saw the bravery of your ship girl. This was a wonderful game."

"Are you mocking me?" Carlos frowned and did not hold Qin Ge's hand.

"It doesn't mean that, because you are not a loser, why would I mock you?" Qin Ge smiled, "Because for winners, failure will inspire them, and for losers, failure will crush them.

I believe you will not be defeated by this battle, so you are not a loser. Moreover, we still have a long way to go, and I have only taken a temporary lead.

The future Azur Lane belongs to us, so let’s work together. "

Carlos's brows widened, he looked at Qin Ge and sighed, "I finally saw today what it means to have someone above me. But you are right, today's failure will inspire me, and I will not fail again in the future.

Carlos, from Vichy, this is a great duel. "

After Carlos finished saying this, he reached out and held Qin Ge's right hand that had already been extended.

Qin Ge also smiled slightly, "Qin Ge, from Donghuang, this is a wonderful duel."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then put down their hands at the same time, turned around, and walked back to the place where they came from.

"How's it going? You weren't hit, were you, Carlos?" When Carlos returned to the Vichy Vatican's camp, Dunkirk smiled at him.

"No." Carlos shook his head quickly.

"Very good. I saw that you just finished. Commander Qin Ge came to find you. What did he say to you? Was it a sarcastic comment?" Algeria said.

"No, he just said that for the winner, failure is an inspiration. I hope I won't be depressed because of this failure. There is still a long way to go." Carlos said truthfully.

Algeria smiled and nodded, "Yes, you will still have a long road ahead, so don't worry about this momentary failure and believe in yourself.

In addition, this battle was actually destined to end from the beginning. Do you think the commanders of the other eight camps can challenge Qin Ge? "

Carlos thought for a while, and finally shook his head feebly, "I can't think of anyone who can face that kind of offensive, and he only dispatched six aircraft carrier girls to deal with me, and the other ship girls have not yet moved."

"Yes, a monster appeared in Donghuang this time, but we didn't want to fight about anything from the beginning." Algeria said, "But if Donghuang wins this time, maybe for our Vichy Holy See Also a good thing.

At the very least, Donghuang will not keep the information as its own and refuse to disclose it like the White Eagle and Royal factions. "

"Oh." Faced with Algeria's words, Carlos nodded in confusion. He didn't understand why Algeria said this to him.

"It's okay, you go and take a rest first." Algeria glanced at Carlos's reaction, then smiled and nodded.

"Yes." Carlos scored a salute against Algeria, then turned around and walked towards the back where he was resting.

"Alas." Looking at Carlos walking past from a distance, Algeria couldn't help but sigh.

"What happened?" Dunkirk asked.

"The gap is quite big." Algeria said.

"Haha, he is a normal person who doesn't understand these things, okay? That Qin Ge, ha, is a person who dares to do business with the eight major camps." Dunkirk said.

"It's a pity that we are not from the Vichy Holy See." Algeria couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Qin Ge who was preparing in the distance.

At this time, Qin Ge, who was preparing for the next game, couldn't help but sneeze.

"What's wrong, Commander, do you have a cold?" Guanghui asked Qin Ge when he heard Qin Ge sneezing. The other ship girls also looked worried.

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, I just feel like someone is talking about me, but I don't know who it is. Forget it, let's prepare for the battle in front of us."

"Yes." All the ship girls nodded and said.

Immediately, the second battle also started. This time Qin Ge faced the commander of the host Shige Sakura, Fengjiro.

He has two battleships, a heavy cruiser, a destroyer and a light cruiser, a total of five ships.

Originally, perhaps he might have achieved good results when meeting other commanders. After all, his two battleship battleship girls had already reached a very high level of training.

But it's a pity that the person he met was Qin Ge, and he still treated Carlos the same way. Perhaps it can be said that under the overwhelming combat power, there is no need for other tactics at all.

More than 30 carrier-based aircraft took off at the same time, and Fuujiro's ship sank faster than Carlos. Because compared to Carlos, his destroyer girl does not have the skill of smoke bombs.

This made Carlos, who was sitting in the stands and watching the fighting here, feel a little better. After all, although he was miserable, there were others who were worse off than him.

Therefore, Qin Ge also won two games in two games and naturally won the first place in this group. As for Carlos and Fengjiro, there was no need for another match.

Compared with the smooth progress on Qin Ge's side, the two groups on the other side were more anxious.

Especially the group of White Eagle, Iron Blood and Northern Alliance, they are full of moves and look extremely exciting.

Because the number of commanders and ship girls in the three camps is not much different, and they are all large camps, the training for the commanders is also very good, which resulted in such a situation.

After a long battle, the commander of White Eagle had the last laugh, while the commanders of the other two camps were eliminated.

As for the other royal family, Liberty Iris and Sardinian Imperial Phalanx, it was the royal family that had the last laugh.

So after all three groups had decided on the winners, it was already afternoon.

Finally, all the camps focused their attention on the training ground in the center. Here, three people stand here, they are the winners of each group.

James from White Eagle, Hepburn from Royal, and Qin Ge from Donghuang.

Although James only has 4 ship girls, his own ship girls are very skilled, especially Montpelier, Arizona, and York City.

Hepburn had six shipmates, two destroyers, Lafite and Crescent, a light cruiser, Edinburgh, a heavy cruiser, Pensacela, a battleship, Prince of Wales, and an aircraft carrier, Ark Royal.

However, the two of them were standing next to Qin Ge at this time, perfectly highlighting Qin Ge's strength in numbers.

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