My ship girl, my world

Chapter 322 Awakening

When Qin Ge opened his eyes again, the sky had gradually darkened.

And the first face that came into his eyes was the one sitting next to him, the one closest to him.

"Commander, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling better?" Guanghui looked at Qin Ge who opened his eyes dimly, and hurriedly leaned down and asked.

"Glorious?" Qin Ge opened his mouth and said these two words, then pinched his head with his hand, "Don't worry, except for being a little dizzy now, there are no other big problems."

"That's good." Guanghui said with a smile, "Belfast is going down there to get sobering soup for you. She will bring it to you later. If you drink some, you will feel much better."

"Thank you." Qin Ge smiled and nodded, and then tried to push his body up from the bed.

Guanghui quickly stepped forward to help, using his body to support Qin Ge, making him sit up and lean on the bed.

However, contact cannot be avoided, so when Qin Ge leaned on the bed, the warm touch made his face blush a little.

Guanghui saw Qin Ge's face, so he quickly reached out and touched his forehead, "It's not hot. Why is the commander's face so red?"

Qin Ge coughed and said with some embarrassment, "The wine is red. It will be fine later when the alcohol wears off."

"Oh." Seeing Qin Ge's explanation, Guanghui didn't ask any further questions.

"Senior Gangut and the others have left, right?" Qin Ge asked Guanghui, trying to change the subject at the same time.

"Well, I left right after dinner." Guanghui nodded, "And when she left, Gangut said that if she had more time, she would come over and have a drink with you."

"Well, you don't have to drink anymore if you want." Qin Ge said with a slightly grimace.

Hearing this, Guanghui smiled at Qin Ge and said, "Commander was very generous when we were drinking before. Why are you shrinking back now?"

Qin Ge explained with a wry smile, "That's not called being bold, that's called risking one's life to accompany a gentleman. It's not like you don't know those ship girls from Northern United. They are all big drinkers, and they also like to drink vodka the most.

Although that thing is called wine, it would be better to just call it alcohol. Drinking is essential when dealing with them, because the more you drink, the more they will feel that you think highly of them, and they will be willing to have a close relationship with you.

Our foundation is still too weak. Even though the future seems to be infinitely brighter, at present, we still have no right to speak and can only strictly abide by orders.

Sometimes it is necessary to make some friends. In the Northern Alliance, the status of Senior Gangut and Senior Mercury Memorial is no lower than that of Senior Aurora.

Therefore, uniting all the forces that can be united will make our future journey easier. "

Guanghui looked at Qin Ge who was serious, and suddenly felt infinite pity in his heart, "Commander, actually you don't have to work so hard."

"It's not like I'm trying too hard. I'm just drinking some wine. As long as you don't hate my behavior." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"How could I hate it? The moment I chose the commander, I had already decided. No matter what happens in the future, I will be your ship girl." Guanghui said with a smile.

Facing Guanghui's somewhat emotional words, Qin Ge was deeply moved. Just when he was about to say something, he heard a soft laughter coming from the door.

"Ara, did we come at the wrong time?"

Qin Ge and Guanghui looked at the door at the same time and saw Belfast standing there holding sober soup, with Prince Eugen following behind her.

"Ahem, what could come at the wrong time? We are all a family, why are we saying such things to outsiders?" Qin Ge said immediately.

Belfast smiled slightly, then walked in, came to Qin Ge with the sobering soup, and handed the sobering soup to Guanghui. The meaning of this is very obvious. It is obvious that he wants to give Qin Ge the glory.

Prince Eugen also came to Qin Ge's bedside and looked at Qin Ge with a half-smile.

After drinking the hangover soup handed over by Guanghui, Qin Ge's somewhat groggy spirit finally cheered up. Then he said to Belfast, "Thank you, Belfast, I feel much better now."

"The master of clothing is the duty of a maid, so the master does not need to express his gratitude to me. This is what I should do." Belfast said humbly.

After Qin Ge listened, he smiled and nodded, then turned his head and looked at Prince Eugen beside him. "Prince Eugen, is the nine-camp summit meeting over now? Are Anshan and the others back now?"

Prince Eugen shook his head, "No, the summit is not that simple. There are many details to consider and many interests to compete for.

And every decision is about the future of a camp, so they have to consider it carefully. Therefore, it will probably be night when Anshan and the others come back, and the commander will get the information as soon as possible. "

"That's good. I'm worried that I'll miss the latest information while I'm drunk." Qin Ge said.

"Actually, Commander, you don't have to worry so much. We are always paying attention to things like this. You can take advantage of today's time to rest more.

Moreover, the vacation is now more than half over, and soon we will return to Donghuang to start the second semester of the Commander's studies. "Prince Eugen said.

"I can't rest." Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "I have been accompanying you all the time, and I want to take advantage of our last period in Chongying to go to the library in Chongying and read some books. , add some knowledge and insights.

In order to produce information rights books for the nine major camps in the future, do more preparation. "

Seeing Qin Ge's appearance, several ship girls didn't know how to stop him. Because they knew what Qin Ge said was right, they had no reason to stop Qin Ge.

"Then I will accompany the commander then. I happen to have some books that I want to read. It would be best to study with the commander." Prince Eugen smiled.

"Of course it's no problem." Qin Ge could naturally hear the implication of Prince Eugen's words. Since she wanted to accompany him, how could he refuse?

The subsequent chat gradually became more relaxed, and as the sobering soup took effect, Qin Ge also got off the bed and walked outside with several ship girls.

In the evening, Anshan and Changchun did not return until almost 10 o'clock. Moreover, they found Qin Ge and the Prince of Wales as soon as they came back.

"Today's leaders' meeting is over. Basically everything to be discussed this time has been decided." Anshan said to Qin Ge and the Prince of Wales.

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