My ship girl, my world

Chapter 324 Before leaving

Sure enough, the next day, Anshan, Prince of Wales and Qin Ge came to say goodbye.

"There are still things to do there in Donghuang, so we have to go back first. As for you, just come back with Mikasa then, just in time for the start of the next school year." The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

"Are you leaving now? Are you in such a hurry?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Yes, now that the nine major camps have decided on things, we have to start construction on the laboratory. Regarding the contacts with the other eight major camps, as well as the issues of laboratory location and personnel arrangements, we need to go Take care of it." Anshan said to Qin Ge.

"Indeed, it's easy to decide but hard to do. Then I won't keep you here. Next, I have to go to Chongying's library to borrow some books." Qin Ge said to several people.

"Okay. Then goodbye, we'll see you at the end of the month." The Prince of Wales said with a smile, and then left the hotel with a few people from Anshan.

Seeing the Prince of Wales and others leaving, Qin Ge let out a long sigh of relief.

"What's wrong, Commander?" Guanghui, who was closest to Qin Ge, asked him.

"Suddenly I feel a little relaxed." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, but we can only take a break for a while. After returning to Donghuang, we will become nervous again." Guanghui sighed.

"No matter, let's talk about it later." Qin Ge said with a smile and shook his head.

Indeed, this is the only way Qin Ge can face various problems now. He dared to say that the commanders in his childhood, or those classmates in the previous world, had never experienced anything as incredible as his own.

In the next few days, Qin Ge went to Chongying's library with Prince Eugen to search for information. Mikasa had also told him before that he could move back to his house, but Qin Ge refused.

Because Qin Ge didn't want to trouble Mikasa anymore. After all, that house was Mikasa's own house. It was already quite troublesome for him and Kanniang to live there before, but now that they are staying in a hotel, they will stay there until they leave.

The senior leaders of other major camps also left one after another, but when they left, they all came over to greet Qin Ge and gave a brief greeting.

Aurora also returned from the Northern Union. After all, she had experienced too many partings like this.

However, it is worth mentioning recently that the Five Aviation Battles that originally hosted Qin Ge have not appeared recently. It was replaced by Hiei and Shentou. I heard from the two of them that Akagi and Kaga were called over for the Five Aviation Battles to do some temporary training and study.

Qin Ge can understand this situation if he thinks about it. After all, Akagi and Kaga plan to go back to Donghuang with him and will not appear in Chongying most of the time in the future, so they must give an explanation to the Chongying camp.

The operation of the Chongying camp cannot be affected by his departure, so the Five-Hong Kong Battle is naturally a very good choice. Not only because they are the descendants of Akagi and Kaga, but more importantly because they are also the most advanced battleships of Jue Sakura.

As time gradually passes, a new book on the right to control information has also been written with a clearer outline.

Qin Ge did not want to write too much in this book, because most of the information warfare in modern warfare is between the two sides. But since he last saw the Siren's technology, he has some doubts about obtaining clear information from the enemy, controlling and destroying the opponent's information transmission links.

Therefore, the focus of this book is on how to manage and protect your own information rights from being stolen by the other party.

When the outline was finished, Mikasa also came to Qin Ge and told him that it was time to go back.

"Is it already late August? Time flies so fast." Qin Ge looked at Mikasa in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, it's not too fast anymore. It should be that you have spent too much time writing books recently, but you can't rush this matter. Take your time and don't rush.

Although sometimes it is good to be cruel to yourself, but you also understand that the biggest stakeholder in this matter is not you. From the perspective of a senior, my biggest hope is that you protect your body well. "Mikasa said to Qin Ge with a smile.

But even though he was smiling, his tone of voice was somewhat solemn.

"I understand, then when are we leaving? When we came, didn't King Kong and the others say that they would contact them when they left?" Qin Ge asked.

"Yes, actually I have already contacted him today, and I am sure that we will start setting off tomorrow morning." Mikasa said to Qin Ge.

"Tomorrow morning? Okay, then let's pack our things tonight and set off tomorrow morning." Qin Ge said to Mikasa.

"Well, we will set off together after breakfast tomorrow morning. I will also pack my things, and I will stay with you at the hotel tonight." Mikasa said with a smile.

"Okay." Qin Ge smiled.

After sending Mikasa away, Qin Ge went upstairs to tell the other ship girls this information. When they learned that they were going back tomorrow, all the ship girls were also a little surprised.

Although the trip to Chongying made them a little tired, the rewards were quite great. Not only did he complete his appointment with his commander, but he also determined his future path.

Now that I suddenly hear that I have to leave here, I may feel a little reluctant. But they still have to go back after all. Although Chongying's place is nice, it is not their home.

Because their home has always been beside Qin Ge, a place where Qin Ge feels safe.

Since it was still noon when Mikasa came, most of the shipgirls suggested taking advantage of the last afternoon to go out and buy some things to take back as souvenirs.

Hearing this proposal, Qin Ge also nodded. He should also buy some things back. As the commander of a large fleet, it is really unreasonable to come to a foreign country like Chongying and not bring something back to his fleet members.

And if they go back, school will start soon, and they will be in the academy soon. Giving it to them just in time for the beginning of school can also be considered as a way to win over people's hearts and bring them closer to each other.

With the same purpose in mind, Qin Ge left the hotel with his shipgirls and went to the busiest street in Chongying Island, where he picked out some unique souvenirs and bought them.

However, I didn’t just go back to the hotel after buying souvenirs. Instead, I bought them while having fun and spent the last leisurely time.

Because all the ship girls, including Qin Ge, knew that after returning to Donghuang this time, what awaited them would be more intense training and teaching than before.

They must try their best to improve their strength and strive to one day be able to sit together with the leaders of the major camps to discuss matters as equals, instead of leaving their destiny in the hands of others like this.

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