My ship girl, my world

Chapter 333 Opening Ceremony

"Is this okay?"

Qin Gang stood in front of the mirror, looked at himself in the fitting mirror, and said with a smile.

"Well, the master looks very energetic and handsome." Belfast said with a smile from the side, the light in his eyes was flowing, and the deep feelings were beyond words.

Qin Ge smiled, turned around and looked at Belfast, "You took care of it well. If I did it myself, I would never have such good results.

But having said that, time flies so fast. I don’t even feel that these few days have passed by so quickly. Today is already the time for the opening ceremony. "

"Yes, after today, the master will be busy again." Belfast said with some distress.

As Qin Ge's personal maid, Belfast has seen too much of Qin Ge when he is busy. Compared to ordinary people, my commander has endured much more.

"Maybe I'm so busy that I can't rest." Qin Ge smiled and said, "Okay, don't say such depressing words. Senior Mikasa should still be waiting for me at her house. By the way, I have to call you this time. Cologne."

"But Master, do you really don't need us to go?" Belfast asked.

"No need, the opening ceremony is in the school, there is nothing unsafe. What's more, when I attended the opening ceremony for the first time, Centaur and Noshiro didn't go either." Qin Ge said.

Belfast nodded, "Then I will accompany the master to the edge of the venue. We have almost done everything today, but we can use this period of time as a rest."

Faced with such demands from Belfast, Qin Ge could no longer say no and could only nod and agree to her request.

So the two of them walked out of the guest house and walked along the road in front of the guest house towards Mikasa and Cologne's rooms. When they first arrived at the door of Mikasa and Cologne's room, they found that they were already standing there waiting.

"Hello, Senior Mikasa, Hello, Master Cologne, I was about to call you, but it seems that you are earlier than I thought." Qin Ge said hello to the two of them.

"Haha, hello, Teacher Qin Ge. In fact, we just came out. Senior Mikasa came over to call me and said that Teacher Qin Ge might be here soon. It seems that Senior Mikasa was right. We just came out and saw you leaving. Come here." Colon said with a smile.

Qin Ge looked at Mikasa who was standing aside, and saw Mikasa looking at him with a smile, "I think according to your past personality, it's about this time."

"Yes." Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Then let's go together?"

"Okay." Mikasa nodded, and they walked towards the venue together.

On the way, Mikasa said to Qin Ge, "Why did you bring Belfast with you to the meeting this time?"

Qin Ge looked at Belfast beside him, smiled and said, "I told her before, but she wants to insist on it, so that's the way it is."

"Haha, it seems that they are indeed maids with perfect trust. When will you give them rings?" Mikasa teased.

Qin Ge had a dark look on his face, "Senior Mikasa, stop teasing me. It's still early for rings and stuff."

"That is to say, you plan to give them rings, but not now, so when are you going to give them rings?" Mikasa heard the flaw in Qin Ge's words, so she asked immediately.

"This..." Qin Ge was speechless, turned to look at Belfast, and found that she still had that perfect and chic smile, not affected by Mikasa's words at all.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ge said, "I don't know either. Let's wait until we establish a foothold in this world first. You also know my situation now. Although I seem to be the favored son of heaven, the situation inside... …

Therefore, it is too early to talk about these issues now. At least we should wait until we can gain a foothold before talking about these issues. "

Hearing what Qin Ge said, Mikasa also nodded slightly. She knew what Qin Ge meant, but there was nothing she could do about it.

At this time, the light in Belfast's eyes, who was following Qin Ge, changed, but he didn't say anything, and he still had that smile on his face.

As for Colon on the side, he looked at Qin Ge with some surprise. It seemed that this commander who was famous in Donghuang had encountered some problems, and these problems were not very simple.

So with that in mind, the four of them walked to the open-air venue outside the auditorium.

Telling Belfast to be waiting for him not far away, Qin Ge, Mikasa and Cologne walked onto the instructor stage. As expected, just like the first time, they were the first to come.

Qin Ge, who was sitting on the stage, turned to look at the commanders below. At this time, the commanders of the two grades sat separately and behaved completely differently.

The second-grade students were relatively calm and quiet. After a summer of experience, they finally had a clear understanding of this war, and they were no longer the same as before.

The new first-year students were more active and curious about everything. Many of their eyes were filled with excitement, and they were whispering to each other and chatting happily.

"What are you looking at?" Mikasa asked with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "The passing time? You can say that."

"The passing time? Why do you suddenly say such philosophical words? You are still young." Mikasa laughed.

"No, I didn't pay that much attention to the expressions on everyone's faces in the first semester, but now when I look at everyone's performance and expressions, I suddenly feel nostalgic." Qin Ge said.

"Yes, they have all grown up." Mikasa said looking at the group of second graders.

"This is normal. Regarding these, I actually see more commanders. Commanders who have just left the academy and commanders who have served for many years. Each of them has a different feeling.

In fact, I quite like it here. In the past, at the port, I could always see enthusiastic commanders rushing to the battlefield. This kind of drive is something that older commanders do not possess. "Colon smiled.

When Qin Ge heard what Cologne said, he smiled and asked her, "So, what is the deepest impression that the older commanders left on you?"

Colon thought for a while, then adjusted his glasses and said, "Be calm, capable, and learn to give in."

Qin Ge nodded, he could imagine it. Because among the commanders of the large fleets he coached, there were also older ones. They don't like to ask questions, but they listen most attentively.

On the contrary, younger commanders always like to ask some questions to let themselves know more comprehensively.

The three of them were chatting like this. After a while, other instructors arrived one after another, and the environment in the venue gradually became quiet.

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