My ship girl, my world

Chapter 342 Taking advantage of the situation

"So, Commander Qin Ge, are you ready?"

Scharnhorst's problem goes straight to the core. As she said, it is not easy to cultivate a powerful fleet. Logistics, material support and clear command are all essential.

Qin Ge smiled as he walked and said, "These things need to be considered by the general fleet. Do you think I will lack these things now that I am backed by the nine major camps?"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing, and a hint of approval flashed in Akagi's eyes. Yes, facing the surveillance or control of the nine major camps, it did not only bring negative effects to Qin Ge.

On the contrary, he now has the potential of the nine major camps. Since these potentials are already in front of him, he has reason to borrow them.

"Then I can't wait to see the joint training of your fleet. I think something like this must be very suitable for promotion in our camp." Zara from the Sardinian Empire said with a smile.

"Then please come with me." Qin Ge said with a smile, then walked to the front and led the special envoys from the eight camps towards the training ground.

When Qin Ge brought the ship girls from the eight camps to the training ground, he heard bursts of roaring sounds of naval guns and carrier-based aircraft. A few people stood at the dock and looked towards the sea in the distance, and found that Qin Ge's ship girls were conducting offensive and defensive drills.

The tactics used were the attack and defense tactics Qin Ge just talked about.

"Haha, I just listened to Commander Qin Ge's class and saw the same actual combat drill here. It seems that we are quite lucky." Hao said with a smile.

"Yes, when he was in Chongying, Commander Qin Ge used this set of breakthrough methods, right?" Dragon Cavalry asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "At that time, I judged that the opponent's aviation power was far inferior to ours, so I suppressed them with air supremacy, making them the first to lose air supremacy.

After losing air superiority, their defensive position will change, and the ship girls with relatively high air defense performance will definitely be placed on the outermost edge to resist our incoming carrier-based aircraft attacks.

But this gives our sea vanguard fleet an opportunity, because they are no longer facing destroyers with lightning strike capabilities, but light cruisers with relatively weak gunfire.

This is more suitable for cutting and breaking through. In addition, my ship girls include auxiliary ship girls such as Glory, Unicorn, Centaur, and Helena, so the breakthrough is more worry-free and simpler. "

Following Qin Ge's explanation, even the ship girls who had never witnessed that battle could outline the scene in their minds.

Carrier-based aircraft danced all over the sky, and the sound of roaring engines compressed the range of activities of the combined fleet ships. One of Qin Ge's ship girls acted as the vanguard and rushed toward the combined fleet with lightning speed.

Several auxiliary ship girls constantly adjusted the status of the vanguard fleet, using the fierce gunfire of the battleships to tear open the gap in the defense line, guiding other ship girls to rush towards the weak area that was cut, and then blossomed in the middle. The crushing attitude won the battle.

At this time, on the sea, Qin Ge's ship girls also discovered Qin Ge and others standing on the shore. They immediately stopped fighting and slid in a single column in the direction of Qin Ge.

Qin Ge naturally saw this scene. He stretched out his right hand and waved his hand to the team of ship girls from a distance, indicating that he already knew. Of course, he also meant to say hello to the ship girls.

"It's a pity. I still want to see what the final result will be." Hao looked at the ship girl who had returned from preparations and said with some pity.

"Anyway, this is not the only opportunity. When they train later, you can come and take a look if you have nothing to do." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"That's right. It's quite a long time anyway, so there's no rush." ​​Hao said with a smile.

Because the place where the ship girls trained was not far from the pier, they returned to the edge of the pier after a while. At this time, Qin Ge and the other ship girls had already moved away from the dock. When Qin Ge's ship girls came to the edge of the dock, they jumped up one after another and got out of the sea.

"Commander, have you finished the class? Who are they?" Guanghui asked Qin Ge first.

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "I have finished the class this morning. The new commanders performed well and the whole class was completed successfully.

As for them, they are here to visit our training, so you don't need to take them into consideration, just follow our usual training methods.

I just told Li Chenming that they will come back later, and then we will form a joint exercise square and start offensive and defensive training. "

"Oh?" Prince Eugen smiled slightly, looking at the people coming from the eight major camps, he couldn't help but smile, "It seems you have worked very hard throughout the day."

Scharnhorst grinned, and the eyepatch on his eyes looked a little strange at this time, "You also understand what this means, we are just being loyal."

"Sister." Gneisenau pulled Scharnhorst's clothes and pointed at Bismarck, who stood silently aside. Scharnhorst reacted immediately, coughed slightly, and stopped talking.

Although the two of them knew that Qin Ge's Bismarck was not their iron-blooded leader, they still didn't dare to be presumptuous when they saw this familiar stranger standing here.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Even if it's like this, you don't need to deliberately target them. After all, they are here just to be loyal.

If they had a choice, I believe they would be willing to stay with their familiar friends instead of coming all the way to Donghuang. "

For a moment, except for Qin Ge's ship girl who nodded, the ship girls from the eight major camps couldn't help but look at Qin Ge in surprise. Because Qin Ge was right, if it weren't for the request of the leader of their camp and their responsibilities, they would not be willing to leave the place where they have been for a long time.

"I suddenly understand why she likes you so much. It seems that you are indeed a commander who understands people's hearts." Scharnhorst glanced at Bismarck and said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled, "So let's just wait a moment, they should be coming soon."

"Yes." Everyone nodded at the same time, and at this time Akagi and Kaga had already walked to Amagi's side and were whispering something.

After everyone chatted for a while, a group of commanders came to the entrance of the training ground. They were accompanied by two or more ship girls. As they walked with their heads held high, there was a look of determination and excitement in their eyes.

And they are members of the Xinghai Grand Fleet. At the front is Li Chenming, the deputy commander, followed by several veterans who founded the Grand Fleet.

But when they saw Qin Ge, they were surprised by the ship girls from the eight camps standing next to Qin Ge...

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