My ship girl, my world

Chapter 344 One Thousandth

"Commander, how is the data collection going?" Guanghui slid at this time and followed a group of fleet members as they approached the command ship where Qin Ge was.

On the command ship, Qin Ge held a purple-red mental cube in his hand. At this time, the purple-red mind cube was emitting light, as if it was conscious.

However, with the arrival of Guanghui and others, the light of the purple-red Rubik's Cube gradually extinguished, as if nothing happened just now.

Qin Ge smiled slightly when he saw this scene, "Well, the data of this battle has been collected, but it seems that there is still a lot left. If calculated according to this battle, at least there must be nearly 1,000 data to wake up. This mind cube.”

"More than 1,000 games?" Guanghui, Centaur and several royal ship girls looked surprised. They didn't expect it would take such a long time.

Especially Guanghui. She had been on the frontline battlefield before, and had experienced the longest and most urgent battle, which only lasted for a few weeks.

But there were only dozens of battles like that one after another, and now Qin Ge said that they needed more than 1,000 battles to summon the ship girl with this plan, which is indeed a bit surprising.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "After all, we are only in the offshore defense line now. The sea area with the highest erosion level here is only level three, so the Siren fleet's training level is also very low. This way we can collect There is also relatively little data.”

"It seems that this is also a very long matter. Even if I am anxious now, I can't rush it."

A voice came from the cabin, and a white-haired ship girl appeared in front of Guanghui and others. And she is one of the special envoys sent by the White Eagle camp, York City.

It has been half a month since the last time they visited Qin Ge's large fleet exercise at the training ground. In the past half month, Qin Ge would take the members of the large fleet to the training ground after finishing classes every day. joint exercises.

The ship girls from the eight major camps are also frequent visitors. As time goes by, Li Chenming and the others would still be curious about the arrival of so many ship girls.

But later, perhaps after hearing something from his own shipgirl, he no longer became curious about them. And they also clearly felt that Qin Ge had no intention of introducing those ship girls to them, so they didn't care much about the existence of those ship girls.

As for Cologne, trial lectures have now begun, and the response is quite good. Obviously, there is a beautiful ship girl standing on the podium, who is more popular than Qin Ge, a big man.

However, Brother Qin still teaches one class every week. This class is specially given to commanders who come to the academy from outside, as well as second-year students and some first-year students who want to listen to Qin Ge's explanation.

So when everything was on track, Qin Ge finally started doing tasks and collecting combat data.

He also took on an urgent mission this time, just to meet more siren fleets and see if he could quickly summon the ship girls with this plan.

Of course, this time there are also ship girls from the other eight camps accompanying them, and York City is the ship girl who goes to sea with Qin Ge this time. After all, all the ship girls from the eight camps are dispatched, which is a bit too many people.

But after his ship girl finished the battle, he took out the purple-red Mental Rubik's Cube to collect combat data, and found that the combat data could only fill one thousandth of the amount of the Mental Rubik's Cube.

"Yes, the road is long and the journey is far away." Qin Ge sighed and looked at the Mind Cube in front of him.

"Actually, Commander, there's no need to worry. Isn't it the Siren Tide coming soon? Maybe we can collect more than today by then?" Guanghui comforted Qin Ge and said.

"What's more, our next goal is to be on the front line. The Siren fleet there will be much stronger than here, and there should be a lot more combat data that can be collected. It may not take more than three years at all, maybe. ?”

"That's all I can think of." Qin Ge smiled, looking at the mental cube in front of him, he said with emotion, "I just don't know what kind of powerful ship girl this mental cube can summon in the future?"

"It took us so long and so much effort. I believe she will be very powerful by then, right?" Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, holding up the purple-red Mental Rubik's Cube in his hand, "I believe she will live up to our expectations!"

When Qin Ge finished saying this, as if in response to him, the purple-red mind cube suddenly flashed with light. This sight made Qin Ge extremely happy, "You must have heard it, right?"

"Haha, it looks like the ship girl inside is responding to the commander!" Guanghui naturally saw such a scene and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, she was originally an abandoned plan, but now she is in the hands of Commander Qin Ge, using her own efforts to transform her into a human form bit by bit. I think she will be grateful. "York City also laughed.

"Maybe." Qin Ge smiled and said to his ship's wife, "Then let's go home. The days like this will be quite long in the future. Come on."


With the sunset, the command ship left the combat area and sailed back towards the college.

When he returned to the academy, the sky was already dark. Qin Ge said goodbye to York City with his ship girl, and walked back to the guest house where he was.

After returning to the guest house, everyone was sitting in the rest area waiting for Qin Ge's return.

"Commander, how are you?" Prince Eugen asked Qin Ge first.

Qin Ge took out the purple-red Rubik's Cube and put it on the table. He said to all the ship girls, "After today's mission and the battle with the Siren Fleet, the combat data I collected is only one thousandth." about."

"One in a thousand, so few?" Prince Eugen, who was usually calm, was a little surprised at this moment. "Then if all the combat data required for this mental cube is collected, even if we have battles every day, we must Does it take three years?

What's more, we can't fight every day, so it will take us at least 4 years to summon this ship girl? "

"Four years? Such a long time?" The ship girls who had not participated in the battle were extremely surprised. This time was indeed a bit too long for them.

"How many ship girls can we develop in four years? Is it necessary to bother with such a mental Rubik's Cube?" Helena asked doubtfully.

“We still have to fight even without her, and instead of treating this as a goal, it’s better to put her aside and make her an add-on.

So don't worry, maybe one day in the future, she will bring us a surprise? "Qin Ge said with a smile.

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