My ship girl, my world

Chapter 351 After the battle

Although it was late at night when the battle was completed, everything was still going on in an orderly manner.

Kouki Shinano and others controlled their carrier-based aircraft to hover near the battlefield to prevent a new Siren fleet from appearing, while the others were led by Bismarck and Veneto respectively to conduct final cleaning of the battlefield.

The content of this part is naturally to investigate the material drops of the Siren fleet just now, as well as the remaining enemies. If there were mass-produced Siren battleships that had not been destroyed in that war just now, then this point in time would be the time to hit them.

Eliminating all the effective forces of the Siren fleet is Qin Ge's duty as a commander.

Because there were aircraft carrier girls escorting them, everyone in the fleet was very relieved when cleaning the battlefield. The battlefield at sea was cleared in a short time.

Along with the still-burning wreckage of the Siren fleet, a group of ship girls got into formation and rushed to the direction of each command ship.

Qin Ge's ship girl was no exception. When Guanghui and others boarded the ship, Qin Ge was still watching the radar. Although Veneto had explained the battlefield situation to him through the communicator before, this section of clearing the battlefield He still couldn't worry about time.

"Welcome back!" Qin Ge said to his ship girls, "It was a beautiful annihilation battle just now. Both Veneto and Bismarck commanded it very well, and everyone fought bravely!"

The ship girls all smiled, they were very happy and relaxed. After all, winning the battle and being encouraged by his commander are the things that make him happiest.

"By the way, Commander, the battle just came in a hurry, so I forgot to tell you something." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"What's going on?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"It's like this. During the Siren Tide, any battle that defeats a medium-sized Siren fleet or above must submit a written report to the Maritime Safety Administration.

Introduce the situation of the enemy and our side when the battle occurred, as well as the sea area where the battle occurred, the course of the battle and the battle loss ratio.

At that time, the Maritime Safety Administration will give corresponding rewards to the large fleet based on the authenticity of the written report. Sometimes, points, special redemption points, combat redemption vouchers, etc. may be awarded. Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"I see." Qin Ge nodded, "Then leave this matter to me, but according to the way we are proceeding, it seems that the Maritime Safety Administration will not be able to go. When the time comes, this report will be handed over directly to Ninghai. Roughly the same."

"It should be possible. After all, Ning Hai is responsible for the task handover between the Commander Academy and the Maritime Safety Administration. Coupled with your relationship with Director Canglong, I believe everything will go very smoothly." Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Okay, now that the battle is over, you can just enter the normal alert plan. Next, we will re-form and go back to school to hand over the mission."

"Yes, Commander!" All the ship girls nodded to Qin Ge.

Following the ship's wife's agreement, Qin Ge turned around and walked to the communicator, and also informed other members of the fleet of the news.

Although other members of the Grand Fleet were still enjoying the joy of victory in the first Grand Fleet battle at this moment, the moment they received Qin Ge's message, they all showed their awareness of complying and executing it.

Not long after, the entire command fleet had reorganized and sailed toward the college.

Although the sounds of fighting could still be heard vaguely in the distance along the way, they were already very far away from where Qin Ge and others were. There was no situation like before. When it reached midnight, everyone returned to the academy port safely.

Although a lot of time has passed since the battle just now, when Qin Ge gathered the other members, he could see the excitement and joy on their faces.

"You all performed very well for our attack on the first day. Not only did you successfully complete the mission of the Grand Fleet, but also in the subsequent encounters, you were able to remember my instructions as you usually trained, without any glitches. Confused.

This allowed us to cooperate in an orderly manner and successfully defeat a medium-sized siren fleet. This also gave us confidence, determination and ability to face any Siren fleet we encounter in the future.

So next, since it has already entered late at night, we will not continue to pick up the task. Everyone will go to their rooms to rest earlier. We will gather in front of the warehouse at the same time tomorrow morning.

Everyone is dismissed on the spot, except the deputy commander. "Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Yes!" Along with the joy of the previous victory, even though it was relatively late now, everyone's answer was still sonorous and powerful.

After answering, they each took their own ship girls, nodded to Qin Ge, and either returned to their rooms in the academy, or reboarded the ship and headed to the resting place at the Maritime Safety Bureau.

After a while, the crowd gradually dispersed, and Qin Ge's ship girl, Hao, Counterattack, and Li Chenming were left on the entire dock.

"Qin Ge, why did you ask me to stay?" Li Chenming asked with some confusion.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "You, the deputy commander, say you are the deputy commander, but you are usually the same as other team members, so I have to find some work for you.

It just so happened that we completed the mission of the large fleet this time, and also obtained a lot of trophies in previous encounters. So I leave all of this to you, and it’s time for you to officially take over the task of providing logistics and material supply for our fleet. "

"Ah? Is it so sudden?" Li Chen was obviously in disbelief. He thought that before he would accept this task, he would at least have to wait until after graduation and the fleet was officially on track. But he didn't expect Qin Ge to say such things to him now and arrange for him to do such things.

"This is not sudden. Everything in our team is on track now, so there is no problem in starting to formalize it. What's more, you have advantages in interpersonal communication and logistics material handling, so I believe you will be able to do this quickly. position.

Or do you have no confidence in your own abilities? "Qin Ge said to Li Chenming, with a playful smile in his eyes.

"No, of course I know my abilities very well, but I'm just a little surprised. But since the commander believes in me so much, then I will never betray your trust. Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely take care of it. Done." Li Chenming said seriously.

Li Chenming always calls Qin Ge by his first name in private, but only in some formal matters, he will call him commander seriously. Therefore, this also shows that Li Chenming is serious about this matter.

"Then, Belfast, hand over the supplies we collected in previous battles to the deputy commander." Qin Ge ordered with a smile.

"Yes, Master."

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