My ship girl, my world

Chapter 354 Conditions for joining

After completing the handover with Ning Hai, Qin Ge handed the large fleet supplies card to Li Chenming beside him, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Deputy Commander, please distribute these emergency maintenance tools to other members of the fleet. According to the formation order of our command ships, there are three people per one, in case of sudden situations." Qin Ge pointed to the emergency maintenance tools and said to Li Chenming .

Li Chenming nodded after taking the large fleet supply card. Without saying anything else, he started distributing emergency maintenance kits at the same time.

Qin Ge made it very clear last night that this is his job, so there is no need to say more words of thanks. Doing his job well is the best way to express his gratitude to Qin Ge for trusting him.

As Li Chenming began to distribute emergency maintenance tool kits, Qin Ge once again took over today's fleet task list from Ning Hai and read it carefully.

Because there was an encounter with the Siren Fleet yesterday, Qin Ge directly eliminated simple tasks such as recycling materials today.

He chose a merchant ship escort mission. This mission was relatively dangerous, but there were several aircraft carrier girls with very high levels of training in his fleet, so this danger was also an opportunity.

"Merchant ship guard? Are you sure you want to do this mission?" Ning Hai looked at Qin Ge and said.

"I think according to the configuration of our current fleet, the merchant ship escort mission in this erosion-level second-level sea area can still be completed. Although there are some challenges, wouldn't it be better for us to have some challenges?" Qin Song smiled.

"Yes." Ning Hai nodded, "Indeed, although your team is a first-level fleet, the strength of some of the main fleets is no weaker than that of ordinary fourth- and fifth-level fleets.

Then I will apply for this task for you. This mall guarding will take a day. You should also make some preparations. Just arrive at the designated sea area before 12 noon and hand over the task. "

"Understood!" Qin Ge nodded. Then, when Ning Hai applied for a task for him, he turned around and said to everyone, "Everyone has heard that this mall guard will take a day, so everyone goes now. Replenish supplies and we will meet at the port later."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded, and without any further delay, they immediately turned around and walked out of the warehouse, heading to restaurants or stores to replenish supplies.

After Ning Hai completed the task list and handed it to Qin Ge, Qin Ge left the warehouse with the ship girls.

"Belfast, do we need to replenish our supplies?" After leaving the warehouse, Qin Ge walked on the road and said to Belfast.

Because Qin Ge had been following the Royal Ship Girl some time ago, the task of preparing supplies fell on Belfast.

"Master, don't worry, our command ship has supplies that can be used for at least three days, so there is no need to worry." Belfast said.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "Then let's go directly to the port and wait for them. By the way, which camp's turn it is to follow us today?"

"It should be Akagi and Kaga." Amagi smiled behind Qin Ge.

"Chong Ying?" Qin Ge nodded, "Amagi, have Akagi and Kaga come to your place recently?"

"Well, my two younger sisters still come here often and seem to have regarded my house as their home." Amagi said with a smile.

"Haha, I think if Commander works hard, it is possible to add two awakened ship girls to our fleet." Prince Eugen smiled.

Qin Ge shook his head helplessly, "Do you think it's possible? With our current strength, there is no chance that we can invite a ship girl of that strength to join us.

Who are Akagi and Kaga? They are the leaders of Chongsakura. And they would rather give up Chongying's leadership position and come to Donghuang, which is already the biggest bet. If we expect them to join our fleet, then the strength of our fleet must be recognized by them. "

"Haha, Lord, actually, I have some news about this issue." Amagi said with a smile.

"Oh? What's the news?" Not only Qin Ge, but everyone else looked at Tiancheng. If the conditions for Akagi and Kaga to join can be met, it will be a qualitative improvement for the fleet.

The leaders of each camp are particularly outstanding ship girls. According to Mikasa's previous predictions, these camp leaders have at least experienced the first complete awakening, and have even embarked on the opportunity for the second awakening!

Compared with ordinary ship girls or initially awakened ship girls, their strength can be considered overwhelming.

Amagi suddenly whetted everyone's appetite. He smiled and said, "Akagi said before that if there are more than ten ship girls in the Lord's fleet who have fully awakened independently, then she will join Kajia. Let’s join the Lord’s fleet together.”

"Ten self-awakened ship girls?" Prince Eugen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Haha, you are indeed worthy of being the leader of Chongying. This condition is not difficult."

"What do you mean, Miss Prince Eugen?" Javelin asked Prince Eugen with a curious look on her face.

"If there are really 10 independently awakened ship girls in our fleet, it means that our fleet is enough to become the tenth force." Prince Eugen said.

"On the surface, the ones with the lowest number of awakened ship girls now belong to Donghuang and Vichy Holy See. If the number of awakened ship girls in these two camps does not include those from outside camps, it does not exceed 10, and it is still required Autonomous awakening.

What do you think will happen to the strength of our camp after 10 independently awakened ship girls appear in our fleet? "

"That must be very powerful. After all, it can be equal to the number of awakened ship girls in one camp!" U96 nodded.

"So, they want to see the potential of our fleet. If the potential is really strong, then Akagi Kaga doesn't mind adding icing on the cake. After all, with such a powerful awakened ship girl, even if our fleet has 10 awakened ship girls, It’s impossible to say no,” Prince Eugen said.

"But the icing on the cake is better, but why don't they join now and provide help in times of need?" Helena asked.

It was Amagi who answered this question. She smiled and said, "Because if there are two powerful awakened ship girls joining our fleet, you may lose your determination to fight hard and forge ahead."

A group of confused ship girls suddenly woke up, and Qin Ge nodded involuntarily.

Indeed, after a person has a shield that he can rely on, he will become involuntarily want to rely on it, so he will lose some momentum and become lazy, which will indeed greatly reduce the strength of his fleet.

"You don't have to worry about this issue now. Let's deal with the siren tide in front of us first. We can talk about the rest later." Qin Ge said with a smile.


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