My ship girl, my world

Chapter 362 I love you

"But why does the commander say this time is an opportunity?" Guanghui asked.

"Now that we have determined that you have the opportunity to awaken, we can sort out your daily actions and make them into specific parameters.

When the next ship girl in our fleet begins to awaken, by comparing your behavior with her behavior, you can summarize the similarities and differences.

This may be very helpful for the awakening of our other ship girls in the future, and it can also help some fully trained ship girls awaken quickly. "Qin Ge said.

"It's true. The commander's first three ship girls now have more than eighty levels of training, and they have all broken through. After a while, they will also face the problem of reaching full training. If I If their awakening can help them, it will be an improvement for our entire fleet." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Yes, that's what I mean. But this period of time requires you and me to stay together for a long time, and we will work together to find a solution to this problem.

That's why I came here specifically to talk to you about this matter. I hope you don't mind. "Qin Ge said.

"How could I mind? Rather, I am very welcome." Guanghui smiled, "It is an honor for me to be able to contribute my own strength to our fleet.

What's more, the commander is by my side during this period of time. The happiest thing in the world is this. Why would I mind? "

When he heard Guanghui say such words that were like a confession, Qin Ge's expression felt a little unnatural. Although the two have held hands and kissed, and had some close contact, Qin Ge's character is still the same.

Perhaps sensing Qin Ge's uneasiness, Guanghui stood up with a smile, then walked to Qin Ge and sat down. The two people's bodies are close together, and each can feel the other's temperature.

Guanghui also took Qin Ge's hand at the right time and held Qin Ge's hand in his palm.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly, but when he faced Guanghui's gentle eyes, his heart also became drunk.

"I suddenly feel that I seem to be a bit like what my world once called a scumbag. It's getting harder and harder for me to choose between you.

I don’t want to let down any relationship, and I don’t want to neglect anyone. Ever since Chongying started dating you, I have always been thinking about this issue. "

"Haha, there is also the word scumbag in this world, but for the commander, I actually hope you become like this." Guanghui said with a smile, holding Qin Ge's hand tighter.

"Commander, do you still remember when we were testing trust in Chongsakura?"

Qin Ge nodded, "It's precisely because I know that's the case that I feel a little ashamed of your feelings for me. Some of the morals in the world I live in always make me feel a little reluctant to love you."

"Just like the story of Sword and Fairy that the commander told us before?" Guanghui said with a smile, "Li Xiaoyao wavered between Zhao Ling'er, Lin Yueru and Anu, but in the end he ended up alone. .

If Li Xiaoyao could be braver at that time, then maybe many of the thoughts of the few people will disappear in the future. Although there will be some barriers and friction between each other, at least it is better than one person to die alone, and the other two people are separated by yin and yang. There's a lot, isn't it? "

"This..." Qin Ge was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the story he told at that time would now become Guanghui's weapon against him.

Do you want to become like Li Xiaoyao?

Does Qin Ge think about it? He definitely didn't want to, even though he had thought about being like Li Xiaoyao before, enjoying grudges and indulgently. But as I came to this world, I got my own ship girl, and shared memories with my own ship girl.

From that moment on, Qin Ge could no longer become Li Xiaoyao.

"Commander, do you know? In fact, I am a very bold person, especially when I can be with the Commander." Guanghui said with a smile, holding Qin Ge's hand, slowly lifting it and letting go In his heart.

Qin Ge's expression was one of surprise at this time, and he wanted to take back his hand, but when he saw Guanghui's gentle expression, he stopped for a moment.

Guanghui also noticed Qin Ge's movements, so he smiled even more happily, "Commander, can you feel Guanghui's heartbeat?"

"I..." Qin Ge didn't know how to answer at this time. Can he feel it?

But the light on the opposite side was too thick. I could only feel the tenderness of the part touched by my palm, but couldn't feel anything else.

But can you say you can’t feel it?

Looking into Guanghui's eyes, Qin Ge couldn't even say such words to his death, otherwise, he would become a gangster, so silence is the best answer at this moment.

"Haha, the commander is blushing. It's so cute." Guanghui smiled. Although he was talking, Guanghui still didn't let go of Qin Ge's hand.

"Ahem..." Qin Ge was helpless, but in the face of such glory, what else could he do?

While Qin Ge was still thinking about countermeasures, Guanghui had already approached his body unconsciously, opened his arms, held Qin Ge in his arms, and then kissed him.

In the midst of the blending of emotions, Qin Ge had let go of all his thoughts. He opened his eyes and looked at the light with closed eyes in front of him, with a serious look on his face. All restraints and morals were forgotten by Qin Ge at this moment. The back of the head.

Coupled with the tense nerves during this period, Qin Ge fell deeply into this relaxing and gentle feeling.

So he closed his eyes and felt the tenderness and intimacy of this moment with his heart.

At this moment, the two people kissed each other, and along with this kiss, the two hearts began to beat on the same beat.

However, just as the two were kissing tenderly, a faint light emitted from Guanghui's body. However, no one noticed this glimmer of light.

Moreover, the light existed for a very short time, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But if Akagi and Kaga were here now, they would definitely shout out in surprise. Because at this moment, Guanghui has just had traces of awakening, and has become only one step away from the beginning of awakening.

Unfortunately, no one discovered it.

The kiss between Qin Ge and Guanghui lasted for a long time, until the two separated from each other. Neither of them knew how much time had passed. But the blush on their faces meant that they were not at peace at the moment.


"Yes, Commander."

"Maybe now I can no longer continue as if nothing has happened. I love you, and I am willing to spend my whole life loving you."

"Me too, for the rest of my life."

At this time, a crystal teardrop slid down from Guanghuang's face, silently, but it was actually so unusually beautiful.

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