My ship girl, my world

Chapter 368 Temporary Order

"Kaixuan also said that to me when we were on the ship before. Although I have never participated in the Siren Tide before, I can still feel her dignity." Qin Ge said to Guanghui.

"Well, Commander. The Siren Tide can take away the lives of dozens of commanders from all major camps every year. It is not as simple as it is now." Guanghui said to Qin Ge, "I wonder if you have noticed it. Of all the siren fleets we encountered, where were they headed?”

"Direction?" Qin Ge thought for a moment and said in surprise, "Coastline!"

Guanghui nodded, "Yes, whether it is the front line or offshore, the destination of all Siren fleets is the coastline, and their purpose is to destroy everything on the coast.

The reason why the Siren fleet cannot be seen offshore is because the pressure on the front line is not high yet. Therefore, these scattered siren fleets cannot exert much pressure on the offshore waters.

In a few days, when the pressure on the front line increases, more Siren fleets will appear in the offshore waters. At that time, the greatest pressure will come here.

The siren fleets in the entire sea area will come one after another like the tides of the sea. Therefore, if our mission can only be carried out for a few more days at most, the Maritime Safety Administration will change all missions into defensive missions. "

As Guanghui spoke, Qin Ge nodded, "I see, no wonder I feel that the number of times we encounter enemies is increasing every day in the past few days.

But there is one thing I don't understand, that is, since the fleet came from the front line, why is the training level in the offshore waters? Shouldn't it be the level 4 erosion sea area or above on the front line? "

Guanghui shook his head, "I don't know, that's the truth, but what appears in the offshore waters is indeed within the training range of the offshore waters.

The situation of several major camps is also the same, it’s all like this. So some people speculate that there may be someone behind the scenes. "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "It seems more and more confirmed that all of this is a 'homework' assigned by Siren. And these people are too lazy to set a program and then ignore it."

Several ship girls couldn't help but smile bitterly. In fact, they believed Qin Ge's guess. But the more I believe it, the more I find it hard to figure it out.

What's the point of Sirens doing this? Is it really like Qin Ge said, raising Gu? Select the most powerful 'student'?

No one could answer their question except asking the Siren directly. But this is obviously unrealistic, so to get all the answers, we can only continue to strengthen ourselves and pursue deeper information.

Sure enough, in the next two days, the number of Siren fleets in the sea increased, and Qin Ge's large fleet even encountered two medium-sized fleets together.

On the 14th day, the Maritime Safety Administration indeed canceled all maritime missions and notified civilian cargo ships and passenger ships that they must berth at the port and are strictly prohibited from leaving the port, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Moreover, all large fleets must report to the Maritime Safety Administration to participate in the offshore defense strategy organized by the Maritime Safety Administration.

"Then are there any arrangements for our fleet?" Qin Ge. Looking at Ning Hai in front of him, he asked his question. Since all the large fleets must participate, then naturally his large fleet is also included.

Ning Hai glanced at Qin Ge, "Actually, according to the wishes of the dean and Director Canglong, it is arranged that you don't have to go out to do tasks for these two days. Because the situation this year is relatively tense, I am worried about what kind of accident will happen to you after you go out.

You should know why, after all, you are now serving as the instructor at the Azur Lane Naval Commander Academy. "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "What happens next? According to your tone Ning Hai, there must be more to say, right?"

Ning Hai smiled and nodded, "Actually, you can turn around and leave now. After all, you have performed well enough until now."

Qin Ge smiled and said to Ning Hai, "Now that we have reached this situation, what reason do I have for not participating in the final battle?

Compared to other commanders, I have more ship girls, and I also have greater strength. They all go to participate, why can't I?

What's more, as a mentor, you should lead by example, lead by example, and show your mentor's style. "

Ning Hai smiled and took out a document from the ship's installation space and handed it to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was a little confused, then reached out his hand, took the document and read it. And as his gaze went lower and lower on the document, his puzzled expression gradually turned into surprise.

And when he finished reading it, he raised his head and said to Ning Hai at the first moment, "How is this possible?"

"What's impossible?" Ning Hai said with a smile, "This approach not only ensures the safety of your fleet, but also allows you to participate in the battle at close range. Isn't it a method that has the best of both worlds?"

"But this method is too risky, and my qualifications are still low. If I are asked to command this battle, what if something goes wrong?

I'm afraid my brother Qin's life is not enough to repay the efforts of these commanders, right? "Qin Ge said to Ning Hai.

"I knew you would say that." Ninghai Smiler took out the second document from his ship's installation space and handed it to Qin Ge, "Now, this is the Dunhuang General Headquarters and the Eastern Commander Academy and An order jointly signed by Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration."

Qin Ge took the document and scanned it quickly, his eyes becoming helpless, "Commander Yixian, does she really dare to make such a big gamble?"

"I don't know why Commander-in-Chief Yixian made such a decision, but since it has been signed by three parties, it is obvious that all three parties understand the consequences." Ning Hai paused here.

"So, it's not something you and I can decide now, so let's go to the port of the Maritime Safety Administration. Director Canglong will be waiting for you."

Qin Ge was speechless, "Military orders are like mountains. If this is the case, then we have no choice but to go!"

After Brother Qin finished saying this, Li Chenming behind him asked, "Commander, what kind of order is it?"

Qin Ge handed him the two documents, "From now on, I can participate in this battle as the general staff officer. And you are my guards, responsible for supporting and conveying my orders!"

"Ah!" Not only Li Chenming, but other commanders also made surprised sounds. But Qin Ge's own ship girls were smiling, because they could see that Qin Ge's era was coming.

"Goodbye, now we have to report to the Maritime Safety Bureau. The defense battle in Shenhua City will begin today.

So everyone, the real fierce battle is about to come, and I hope that each of you will have a 12-point spirit in this battle. Because if you don't pay attention in this battle, you will really die. This is not our ordinary drill, understand? "Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Yes, understand!"

"Okay, let's go!"

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