My ship girl, my world

Chapter 371 Mobilization Meeting

Because he had already faced the lieutenant and the captain's fleet commander countless times in the lecture hall, when Qin Ge and Cang Long walked on the stage of the mobilization meeting together, he didn't feel much nervous in his heart.

Moreover, he has met most of the fleet commanders in the audience, and some of them are familiar with them, so Qin Ge is somewhat more confident about the mobile warfare plan he just talked about.

After the two came to the stage, Cang Long first asked Qin Ge to stand next to the stage, and she walked to the center of the stage alone.

"Commanders of the Grand Fleet, I am very happy that you can come to participate in this pre-war mobilization.

It’s the time of year when the Siren Tide is at its most violent. I hope everyone can perform well in this Siren Tide.

I won’t say anything else. After all, I say it every year and have said it many times. This year, there is something different that I want to explain to you.

First of all, let me introduce to you a person who is not a stranger. Many of you must know him. He is Qin Ge, the instructor of the tactics class at the Commander Academy. Moreover, he is also the commander of the Star Sea Fleet and also participated in this Siren Tide.

Because I was entrusted by the General Staff Headquarters, I came to our Shenhua City Defense Front as a combat consultant this time. Everyone is welcome. "

When Canglong said this, she clapped her hands gently. The audience also burst into warm applause.

Qin Ge walked to the stage under the eyes of everyone, and then everyone saluted with a standard military salute. Then he put down his hands and said, "Hello everyone, Director Canglong just introduced himself to me, so I won't repeat it again.

I hope that in this siren tide, we can cooperate with everyone to jointly resist this siren attack. "

After Qin Ge finished speaking with a smile, he took a step back and handed the stage back to Cang Long.

Canglong nodded and said to everyone, "Due to the change in the position of the combat staff and the fact that this year's siren tide is different from previous years, I discussed with the combat staff and determined the tactical options for this year's battle.

This time, we will weaken our defense and take the initiative. "

When Canglong's words came out, there was a sound of discussion below. However, some people looked at Qin Ge's position with a look of surprise.

And some people, this is the part of the fleet commander who has been listening to Qin Ge's lectures in the lecture hall for a long time. They understand Qin Ge's character. If there is a chance to attack, Qin Ge will usually choose to attack and never passively defend.

The reaction of this group of people was naturally seen by Cang Long. She smiled and nodded, and then said to the group of commanders who were discussing in the audience, "As for the specific action tactics, let me ask Commander Qin Ge. Let me explain it in detail for you.”

So, under the gaze of everyone, Cang Long retreated to the audience and handed the stage to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge stood in the center of the stage. At this moment, his expression was sharp, as if he had returned to the podium of the lecture hall.

"This time our combat tactic is mobile warfare. I believe many commanders in office have heard of this tactic in my class, but this is the first time it has actually been used, right?

Therefore, let me explain it to you again and make some combat preparations. If you have any questions, you can raise your hands and ask them after I finish speaking. "

As Qin Ge finished speaking, there was silence below, everyone was looking forward to Qin Ge's explanation.

"Mobile warfare is based on the distance from the front line to the offshore defense line, using space to pull the massive attacking Siren fleet into countless small pieces. This way, a small portion of the Siren fleet can be crushed with superior force. Pressure, in order to achieve the purpose of wearing down the enemy's offensive power until the enemy is eliminated.

In the process of executing this tactic, the most critical thing is to obtain information about the Siren fleet and update the information you have.

In this way, we can know our enemies and ourselves, and then we can fight without danger.

Therefore, next I will recruit aircraft carrier girls from all the large fleets. Each large fleet can only leave a maximum of 1 to 2 aircraft carrier girls for air strikes. The remaining aircraft carriers will all be under the unified dispatch of the Maritime Safety Administration to ensure air superiority and control. Absolute suppression of the right to information.

In addition, all employees of the Maritime Safety Administration were dispatched to ensure that the information brought back by the aircraft carrier group could be conveyed to each fleet commander in a timely manner.

So as to be able to wait for dispatch in a timely manner and carry out plans such as attacking, luring the enemy, and annihilating them. When executing the plan, you must remember to fight if you can, and run if you can't. During the escape process, contact the nearby fleet to assist in the elimination.

In short, you must become ants, and then eat the green worm of the Siren Fleet one bite at a time. "

Qin Ge's words were very simple and clear. Even some commanders who had never been to his class knew what he was talking about.

However, there will always be people who question novel tactics and unreasonable logic. No, when Qin Ge just finished speaking, someone raised their hands.

"Hello, Commander Qin Ge, I am Chen Xun, the commander of the Yongyi Fleet. I would like to ask, how can you guarantee that we will be able to defeat the Siren Tide within such a long distance?

And if we fail to defeat the Siren fleet and bring them closer to the coast, then the safety of the entire Shenhua City citizens within the coastline will be threatened.

Moreover, if the aircraft carrier girls in our fleet are removed, if we encounter the opponent's carrier-based aircraft, wouldn't we lose the power to resist? "Chen Xun asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "This is a good question. What should we do if we don't have a chance to use the Siren main force in mobile warfare?

I believe you all know that this time the Siren Tide is not the Siren Tide of previous years. At the beginning, the danger of all eroding sea areas increased by one level.

And I can responsibly tell you that so far, the risk of all erosion sea areas has once again increased by one level, that is, it has reached the original two levels.

Therefore, there will be a siren fleet with a level of more than 70 or even 80 levels in our coastal defense lines. And Commander Chen Xun, tell me, if we defend in the original way, how many large fleets will we need to build an effective defense line?

Moreover, in a direct collision with such a highly trained Siren fleet, how many commanders and ship girls need to be sacrificed to ensure that the defense line will not be torn apart? "

Chen Xun was speechless for a moment. He did not expect that the situation would be so dangerous.

When he didn't react, Qin Ge continued, "That's why we need mobile warfare to wipe out most or even all of the Siren fleet on their way.

And even if they are not all wiped out, we can lure them to attack other places instead of our coastline. "

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