My ship girl, my world

Chapter 385 After the War

"Commander, you should press this button, and then press this button again, so that you can release your ultimate move." Javelin guided Qin Ge full of energy.

"I know, but I just can't beat Lingbo. Her reaction was too fast, and I had no chance to take action." Qin Ge said with some embarrassment.

"That's right, even I can't defeat Lingbo, she is too powerful." Javelin said to Qin Ge, but at this time, she was full of energy and became a little depressed.

Behind the two of them, Unicorn was holding Yujiang, looking at Qin Ge with a blushing face, "Brother, come on, Unicorn believes in you."

Spence also nodded, looking serious.

But on the other side, Lingbo was holding the controller expressionlessly, watching Qin Ge and Javelin talking, looking indifferent.

Qin Ge's face fell helplessly. There was no point in trying hard. This was simply a gap in physical strength. But looking at Ayanami who didn't care, she still couldn't say the words in her mouth.

So Qin Ge rolled his eyes and said, "Lingbo, let's play some two-player adventure games. I feel like I'm not very suitable for fighting games like this."

"Okay." Ayanami nodded, then took out the cassette in the current game console, took another cassette and put it in the game console.

Seeing this, Qin Ge couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If he played a two-person cooperative game, Lingbo could still play with him. If he played a fighting game, he would be abused one-sidedly.

Now that Unicorn and Spence are still behind him, he cannot let these two little girls look down upon him.

So as a melodious music sounded, the two-person adventure game began. Qin Ge also became engrossed and started an adventure in the game with Lingbo.

This is Qin Ge's daily life now. Due to the Siren Tide a few days ago, Qin Ge was commanding the overall situation on the battlefield, but he overtired himself, which not only hurt his throat, but also drained his energy.

After returning from the battlefield that day, Qin Ge took a bath and went to bed under Belfast's service. He slept until the morning of the second day before waking up.

And such a long time almost frightened his ship girls, so they quickly took Qin Ge to the school infirmary, found the Kitchen Goddess, and helped Qin Ge check his body.

After the female Kitchen God checked her, she shook her head and told Qin Ge's shipgirl that there was nothing wrong with him. It was just that her voice was overused due to talking for a long time, which made her throat hoarse. She could recover as long as she rested for a period of time.

And it's not just his voice. Qin Ge's whole body is now a little weak. He must rest for a while, and during this time, he is not allowed to delegate tasks or work.

He also prescribed some medicines to Qin Ge, including those to treat hoarseness and some to promote the recovery of vitality.

After receiving such an explanation from the Kitchen Goddess, Qin Ge's ship girls felt at ease. But no matter what Qin Ge said from now on, they would not let Qin Ge work anymore unless he returned to the way he was before.

So Qin Ge, who was bored, could only stay in his room and rest quietly, but taking a long rest was not an option. After all, under the instigation of Javelin, Qin Ge ran to Lingbo's room to play games with them.

Naturally, his shipmates knew about this behavior, but they all acquiesced to it. Because as long as Qin Ge doesn't work, everything is easy to talk about.

Of course, several people came to visit Qin Ge during this period, including the Prince of Wales, Mikasa, Aurora, and other mentors who had a good relationship with Qin Ge. Special envoys from the other eight camps also came to the guest house. Visit Qin Ge inside.

After all, everyone knew about the previous battle in the sea outside Shenhua City, and they naturally knew what kind of miracle Qin Ge had created.

So after the visit, the Prince of Wales gave Qin Ge an order without hesitation. During this period, he should focus on rest and recover his body before doing other things.

As for Qin Ge's feeble rebuttal, Prince Will ignored it gracefully. After all, in this commander's academy, her words were the loudest.

And after Yixian in the cafeteria learned the news, he also brought a medicinal meal to the guest house and specially delivered it to Qin Ge.

As for the other members of the large fleet, after two days of rest, they reorganized their fleet and began their personal missions.

Because they clearly know that the distance between them and Qin Ge is getting bigger and bigger, so they can only work harder and harder to make up for the gap between them, so that when Qin Ge needs it in the future, they can be with him. Stand side by side on the front line.

It can be said that the last period of October has passed like this. The trauma caused by the siren tide to Donghuang is slowly healing. The Maritime Safety Administration is also working overtime to sort out battle information and battle details in various sea areas, striving to distribute mission rewards to every large fleet as soon as possible.

When the time came to November, Qin Ge finally couldn't stand anymore. After a few days of recovery, he felt that his body was fine. Except for his voice being a little hoarse, everything else was the same as usual.

"I said, I'm not that squeamish. In fact, there was nothing serious before. Now that I have used this excuse to rest for such a long time, it is time to deal with the next thing." Qin Ge said to his ship girl .

"But the commander's throat is still hoarse, and he still needs to rest for a few days." Guanghui said to Qin Ge, with a look of concern on his face, similar to that of other ship girls.

Qin Ge said helplessly, "I won't be giving lectures for the time being, so the time I use my voice is relatively small. And my most important thing now is to finish writing the book on information rights, and to participate in some Mission entrusted, continue to collect combat data."

"But..." Guanghui wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Brother Qin.

"There's nothing to worry about. I'm very aware of my own body, and I didn't hold on too hard before. I'll still rest when it's time to rest.

It's healed now, so there's no need to rest anymore. "Qin Ge said.

At this time, Bismarck nodded to Qin Ge, "Since the commander asked so, then I will follow your wishes. However, if there is anything strange about your body during the mission or writing the book, then we will also The right to stop you from continuing.”

Qin Ge couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, "Don't worry, if my body really doesn't recover in the future, then you let me rest and I won't say any more words of rejection."

As a result, Qin Ge's life returned to normal again, and everything was back on track.

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