My ship girl, my world

Chapter 394 Choice

Especially remember that it was a long time ago, when he still existed as a battleship, he regarded Amagi as his opponent.

Whether you are playing chess or fighting, you are always thinking about how to defeat the opponent. At that time, Nagato was about to step down from the position of chief flagship, and the battle between himself and Amagi also decided who would become the eighth flagship of the Shige Sakura United Fleet.

And during the battle, the same scene as today also appeared. At that time, Akagi's armed forces had not yet been completed, and they were still following Amagi.

With Amagi's help, Akagi always looked delicate and savage, even when facing himself as a battleship at the time.

Thinking of this, Kaga looked at the two people in front of him who had shaken hands and made peace again with the help of Amagi, but the battle between their eyes had not stopped. He couldn't help but recall the scene next to the public notice board during that battle.

"Huh?! Are you an idiot? If you could participate in the battle, it wouldn't be Amagi-san's turn to take action? Just with your unfinished weapons and stupid energy?"

"Hmph, you can only talk nonsense at this time. Why couldn't you even be seen during the drill yesterday?"

"How many times have I fought against Amagi? I won't be fooled by that old fox anymore. Who knows if she has already set up an ambush when she goes into battle in person? Besides, I am a battleship and your battlecruiser's protection is not at all On the same level. With your weak armor, do you think I would be scared in a head-on confrontation?"

"Hmph, my sister and I are fundamentally different from you in terms of design from the very beginning. With our speed of up to 30 knots, we can chase you and beg for mercy all over the place."

"You mean you can run away faster?"

"You!! You unreasonable white-haired old monster!!!"

"You are the unreasonable, big-breasted and brainless follower!"

While he was arguing with Akagi, Amagi appeared. Just like what happened today, a big bump appeared on each of his and Akagi's heads, while Amagi smiled and reconciled himself with Akagi.

Seeing the familiar scene in front of him, Jaga suddenly turned to Qin Ge and said, "Commander Qin Ge, let's sign a contract."

As soon as Kaga said these words, all the shipgirls in the lounge suddenly became quiet and looked at her with wide eyes. Even Akagi, who was rubbing his head at this time, looked at Kaga in surprise, but Amagi looked like he had expected it, and still squinted and smiled, as if he had seen through everything.

Qin Ge also looked at Jiahe in surprise at this time, "Jiahe, you have to understand the consequences of what you say. You know, a ship girl who joins the commander's fleet will never be able to do it again. A senior member of the camp.

Although you and Akagi have resigned from the leadership position of the Shige Sakura camp, if you go back, you can still take that position again with your abilities.

But if you sign a contract with me today, there will be no going back. Although it is possible to fail when signing a contract, there is always a chance of success. You have to think clearly. "

Kagami smiled and said, "I have thought it over carefully before saying this to you. And Akagi and I have never planned to go back since we left Shige Sakura's place.

Everything today only strengthened my belief. In fact, what Commander Qin Ge and Akagi agreed on is now just a matter of time, because I found that Guanghui has now reached the edge of awakening, and only needs one You can enter awakening at any time if you have the opportunity.

For the project ship, it’s just a matter of time, and I’ve been with you and witnessed so many miracles, so what reason do I have to refuse?

So come on, sign a contract with me, and if it succeeds, you will get an awakened ship girl. If it fails, then I can also set an example for Akagi and let her join your fleet as soon as possible. "

"Kaga..." Akagi looked at Kaga with a surprised expression.

"It's okay, sister, trust me, trust Commander Qin Ge." Jiahe said with a smile.

Immediately, she turned to Qin Ge and stretched out her hand, "Come on, Commander Qin Ge, do you think you hesitate?"

Qin Ge looked at the determined Jiahe in front of him, smiled and shook his head, "How could I hesitate?"

After saying this, Qin Ge reached out and held Jiahe's hand. The two of them closed their eyes at the same time and began to debug from the depths of their souls.

After the Qin Ge fleet defeated the Siren fleet at sea, Spence was salvaged. At that time, Qin Ge signed a contract with Spence. The signing process between the two went very smoothly. When Qin Ge held Spence's hand, a glimmer of light shone between the two hands, and then it enveloped As the light gradually faded away between the two of them, Spence had already called Commander Qin Ge.

But now, will that light appear between him and Kaga? No one could say for sure about this matter. All the ship girls looked at Qin Ge and Jia He. Especially Akagi, her eyes were complicated and she didn't know what she was thinking.

One minute or two, as time gradually passed, the light never appeared where Qin Ge and Jia He shook hands, but the eyes between the two never opened, as if everything was going on, but no one knew When will this process end?

Suddenly, Qin Ge and Jiahe's eyes opened at the same time, and Akagi's face suddenly turned pale, "Did you fail?"

No one answered her, but it could be seen in the somewhat disappointed look in everyone's eyes.

But at this moment, Qin Ge and Jia He smiled at the same time, and a blue light burst out from the hands they held, covering their bodies in an instant.

"This..." Seeing the ups and downs in front of him, Akagi suddenly covered his mouth and couldn't say a word.

"Haha, it seems that my guess is correct. Even if it is an allotrope, if you meet the Lord, then all problems will not be a problem." Tiancheng looked at the scene in front of him and said with a smile.

When the light gradually dissipated from the two people's bodies, it returned to the hands of the two holding each other. Qin Ge looked at Jiahe in front of him and smiled, "Let me introduce you again. My name is Qin Ge. I will be your commander from today on. I can give you some advice."

"I am Kaga, the heavy aircraft carrier of the First Air Force. From now on, I will be yours. This is probably my destiny." Kaga said to Qin Ge, with a bit of relief in his tone. , with a bit of unruliness.

"Welcome, Kaga!" Qin Ge said with a smile, but he paused, "But we now have two Kaga in the fleet, how should we call you two? It is impossible for one to be called Zhanlie Kaga and the other. One is called Aircraft Carrier Kaga, right?”

For a moment, the battleship Kaga and the aircraft carrier Kaga were stunned...

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