My ship girl, my world

Chapter 401 Awakening initially completed

"Today's mission is finally completed." Guanghui looked at his companions getting closer and closer on the sea, and said to the unicorn and centaur next to him.

At this time, several very small airplane models were flying around Guanghui, as if they were controlled by someone. This scene looked very magical.

"Yes, Senior Guanghui." The centaur said to Guanghui modestly, and looked at the carrier-based aircraft surrounding Guanghui with an envious look.

"Sister Guanghui is so awesome today." The unicorn also looked envious.

"Haha, just like what Akagi and Kaga said, I can now complete a complete dream, so my current strength has also been improved." Guanghui smiled, "But you don't have to be envious, as long as you work hard If you train and reach full training as soon as possible, I believe it will only be a matter of time before you awaken."

"Well, I've always believed that." Centaur nodded and said, "But I feel that it's not just your strength that has changed, Senior Guangming, but your appearance has also undergone a major change."

"Really?" Guanghui touched his cheek with his hand and said to the centaur and unicorn.

"Yes, Sister Guanghui was very gentle and beautiful before, but now she has become gentler and more beautiful than before." Unicorn said.

"Haha." Guanghui couldn't help laughing happily after listening to the words of his adopted sister Unicorn.

In fact, she had already discovered this when she looked in the mirror in the morning. After all, ship girls have very strong powers of observation. And his commander seemed to have discovered this, and looked very surprised at his change.

"Here we come, Senior Rodney, Senior Belfast, Senior Aurora, Senior Noshiro, and Senior Javelin." The centaur said to Glory and Unicorn at this time.

"Yes." Guanghui and Unicorn nodded and looked at the people who were approaching.

"What are you talking about, looking so happy?" Rodney was at the front of the queue. When he stopped, he saw the smiling expressions of the Guanghui people, so he asked.

"Senior Rodney, we were talking about Senior Glory's awakening." Centaur replied.

"Haha, the awakening of Glory is indeed a joyful thing. And now you have become gentler and more beautiful. I believe the commander will like you like this, right? Glory?" Rodney smiled.

"Where." Guanghui looked calm and said to Rodney with a smile, "I don't think the commander will like me more because I become gentler and more beautiful.

Because his feelings for each of us are the same, I believe he will be excited about my increased strength. "

"What Miss Guanghui said is very consistent with the master's character." Belfast said with a smile.

"I think it's better for us to leave here first and return to the command ship, otherwise the commander will be a little anxious. And you see, the commander has already driven the command ship and is gradually approaching us." Aurora pointed The command ship that gradually approached their position said to everyone.

"Indeed, then let's quickly go back to command the ship. The mission has been completed now, and we should go back next." Noshiro said to everyone.

"Well, line up, anti-ship."

At this time, on the command ship, Hao Heqiu stood beside Qin Ge, looking at the ship girls gathered in the distance with a look of surprise on his face.

"I really didn't expect that Commander Qin Ge's brilliance has awakened to such an extent. According to you, it was half a year ago when the two Chongying people discovered the traces of awakening on her body, right?" Hao said to Qin Ge asked.

Qin Ge shook his head, "To be precise, it should be September last year."

"Tsk, it's so fast. You know, when I woke up, it took more than a year from the beginning of the dream to the completion of a complete dream." Counterattack said to Qin Ge, his words full of emotion Praise, "And your brilliance has only taken eight months from the time you discovered the traces of awakening on your body to the completion of your first dream."

"Commander Qin Ge, I feel that this cannot be explained by luck, so I would like to ask if the rapid awakening of Glory has a direct relationship with you, or do you know how to speed up the awakening of the ship girl? Hao asked Qin Ge.

She always asked questions directly whenever she had any questions, never beating around the bush or hiding her intentions.

After all, she came here originally to gain something useful to the royal family from Qin Ge's growth, and now such an answer can increase the number of awakened ship girls for the royal family, which is crucial.

Qin Ge smiled and said to Hao, "Actually, I am also looking for a clear answer to this question. Until now, I don't have a very accurate answer, but in the vagueness, I feel that there is The most important factor should be companionship, right?”

"Company?" Hao and Yiyi looked at each other and said in confusion.

Qin Ge nodded and looked from the window above the command ship to the ship girls lining up on the sea, heading towards the command ship, "Yes, I'll accompany you."

"Commander Qin Ge, can you explain it to us?" Hao asked Qin Ge.

"Of course. In fact, when I knew that Guanghui had traces of awakening, I went to her and told her such things. But at that time, we basically knew nothing about how awakening occurred.

And the information I learned is that after having the traces of awakening, the formal awakening will begin over time, but no one can tell me how long this time will be.

After that, I discussed with Guanghui to record everything so that we can collect more information later and find the key to the awakening of the ship girl.

But as I recorded the data, I found that what we did every day was actually the same as usual, but one thing had changed, that is, I spent more time with Guanghui, and I was with Guanghui almost all the time. She's together. "Qin Ge said to Hao.

Hao's expression was full of doubts, "But Commander Qin Ge, if we talk about companionship, there are many commanders in our royal family who have fully trained ship girls. They also accompany their ship girls every day, but so far So far, no one has been able to awaken on his own."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "This is not what I know. This is all I can tell you, because these are all what I actually recorded. If I insist on saying that it is different from others, maybe it is It can only be attributed to my better luck, so this is fate.”

At this time, Hao and Counterattack looked at each other and both fell into deep thought.

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