My ship girl, my world

Chapter 413 Registration

Qin Ge smiled and looked at Zhenhai in front of him, "Maybe, but now is not the time to talk about this."

He took a step forward and extended his right hand to Zhenhai, "My name is Qin Ge. I will be your commander from today on. Please give me your advice in the future."

Zhenhai looked at Qin Ge's outstretched hand, chuckled, and then took it, "Commander, please give me more advice in the future. I believe the days to come will be very interesting."

Qin Ge was noncommittal. This Zhenhai was obviously different from the Donghuang shipgirl he had seen. He left at least 70% of it in his words. It is similar to Amagi in his own fleet, and he is probably a counselor-level figure.

However, he would not be surprised if a counselor-level ship girl appears in Donghuang, because Donghuang has a long war history, and the concept of tactics has always been regarded as a bible by the whole world.

Looking at the nine ship girls who had been summoned next to him, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded. This time, the summoning of ship girls was completed. So he turned to the other ship girls and said, "Then let's go back together now and register with Ning Hai."


When Qin Ge brought several ship girls to Ning Hai, Ning Hai looked at the new faces and said to Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge came to build again today? I found that the ship girls built during this period It’s much more than before.”

"It's not too much. Last year, the construction frequency was more. This year, the number of constructions is less. But there are more ships built, so it will appear that more ships are built each time than last year." Qin Ge said to Ning Hai .

"And this time it seems you built them all in a special builder? Either an aircraft carrier or a submarine." Ning Hai said to Qin Ge.

"Yes, my current fleet policy in the future is to be composed of mainly aircraft carriers and supplemented by battleships, similar to the action method of the White Eagle Task Force." Qin Ge said to Ning Hai.

"I see. Let me tell you why you saw so many aircraft carriers this time. It turns out you wanted to arrange such a formation." Ning Hai took out the registration book and said, "Then tell me, what did you build this time? Please tell me your name, I will register it, and then you can recalculate the oil on your oil card."

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded, "There are three ship girls in White Eagle, namely the Essex-class Bunker Hill, the Ticonderoga, and the Independence-class Independence."

"I remember Ticonderoga hasn't appeared in White Eagle yet, right? Commander Qin Ge, you summoned him here?" Ning Hai said to Qin Ge, his eyes full of smiles.

Qin Ge smiled, he was used to it, "Well, there are three iron-blooded ship girls, namely Count Zeppelin and Peter Strasser of the Count Zeppelin class, and U556."

"You have captured all the iron-blooded aircraft carriers in one fell swoop." Ning Hai turned his head and looked at the two iron-blooded aircraft carriers behind Qin Ge, and couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

"Low-key, low-key." Qin Ge smiled, "The Royal Glory class also has the Chongying submarine I-25 and the Donghuang seaplane carrier Zhenhai."

"Wait, senior Zhenhai?" Ning Hai put down his pen and said to Qin Ge in surprise.

Qin Ge nodded, turned around, and revealed Zhenhai who was following the team at the end, "Isn't this right?"

"It is indeed Senior Zhenhai!" Ning Hai said in surprise.

"Hello, Ning Hai." Zhenhai said with a smile.

After Ning Hai said hello, he moved his eyes to Qin Ge, rolled his eyes and said, "Commander Qin Ge, you are really surprising. I have been guessing when you can take Donghuang's ship girl. I summoned it, but I didn’t expect that once it was summoned, we Donghuang hadn’t appeared yet.”

"Others have told me a lot about this. I can only answer that I have better luck." Qin Ge said with a helpless smile.

"Okay." Ning Hai smiled and nodded, "I will report this information to the college. I believe other camps will receive this information soon. After all, you are now the focus of the nine major camps."

Qin Ge nodded, he knew this well. So he said to Ning Hai, "Then I will go back first and arrange their accommodation."

"But the guest house is almost full, right?" Ning Hai said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, that's almost it. So this is the last summons in the academy. When I summon again next time, I guess I have already arrived at the guard's port station, right?"

"Yes, it's already April and almost May now. Time flies so fast." Ning Hai smiled, "Commander Qin Ge takes advantage of today's rest and rests for a while. He has been picking up questions from me during this period. Tasks, don’t tire yourself out.”

Qin Ge nodded, "Well, thank you for your hard work, so I'll leave first."



After saying goodbye to each other, Qin Ge walked towards the guest house with his wife.

On the way, Peter Strasser asked Qin Ge, "That Ning Hai just said to the commander that the commander is now the focus of the nine camps. Why did he say that?"

"The answer to this question is a bit bragging. In fact, it is because my existence is so different from that of ordinary commanders that it has attracted the attention of the nine major camps.

And now the nine major camps have sent special awakening-level ship girls to protect me to prevent me from encountering accidents during the mission. "Qin Ge said to Peter Strasser.

Peter Strasser's eyes moved slightly, "So, the presence of the commander has put some pressure on the nine major camps? That's why they took this action called protection, but it is actually surveillance?"

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "Who knows? But I don't care. After all, the purpose of me and the nine camps is the same, which is to protect mankind and fight against the sirens. And I don't think the nine camps will gradually change because of me. If you are strong, you have to kill me, which will be a blow to the entire commander system and will cause distrust between ship girls and humans."

"Interesting." Peter Strasser chuckled, "So what we are most in need of now is time?"

"It can also be said that as long as we are given enough time, our strength will definitely not be worse than that of the nine major camps." Qin Ge nodded.

"Haha, then I will definitely supervise the commander in time in the future. I am quite confident about time management." Peter Strasser said.

While Peter Strasser was talking to Qin Ge, Zhenhai's eyes began to narrow slightly. Obviously, she had read no less information than Peter Strasser from the series of events just now, and probably more than Peter Strasser.

But obviously this is not the place to talk about this...

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