My ship girl, my world

Chapter 43 Inquiry

"Are you really just a freshman? It's impossible, right? The entrance ceremony hasn't started yet, so there shouldn't be any new commanders who have done the first initial construction.

But you already have two ship girls, both of which are ultra-rare class ship girls, and the identity tag on your body is your mentor’s identity tag, right? "Wu Hao said with some disbelief.

"It seems that you know a lot." Qin Ge smiled and said, "But I can only answer you. My situation is a bit special. Before this freshmen joined the Commander Academy, I had to wait for more than a week in advance. Came to the academy and became a new commander.

But as for the rest, I believe you will know everything by the time of the opening ceremony tomorrow. "

Wu Hao nodded, "Indeed, I will understand everything after the opening ceremony tomorrow. But I was a reporter before I became the commander, so can I ask you one more question?"

Qin Ge said funny, "Just ask."

"You are now wearing the instructor's identity card, and the only available seats in the academy are the Strategy and Tactics class, so you are our new instructor of the Strategy and Tactics class?"

In fact, when Wu Hao asked this question, he didn't believe it. After all, no recruit had ever become a mentor. Commanders who can become mentors are all school-level commanders or above.

But Qin Ge in front of him said to him very definitely, "I am indeed related to the strategy and tactics class, but I am not the instructor of the strategy and tactics class, but the teaching assistant of the strategy and tactics class."

"What..." Wu Hao said in surprise, "Is it really you?"

Qin Ge smiled, straightened the badge on his body, and said to Wu Hao, "As you can see."

Wu Hao's mouth suddenly opened wide when he saw the words "Assistant Teacher of Strategy and Tactics" written on the badge. However, Gridley behind him quickly picked up the camera and took a photo of Qin Ge.

"Uh..." Qin Ge looked at the two of them speechlessly.

Seeing Qin Ge's expression, Wu Hao quickly explained, "Gridley is used to taking snapshots. I will ask her to delete the photos."

Qin Ge was speechless. He also knew some of Gridley's hobbies, so he knew that Wu Hao was telling the truth, so he didn't worry about anything. After all, it was not a big deal.

"It's okay, I'm just not used to being photographed suddenly."

"Assistant Qin Ge, I won't disturb your meal, I'll go over first." Wu Hao said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow." After Wu Hao said that, he left where Qin Ge was and walked in the direction he just came from.

The centaur on the side said to Qin Ge, "Commander, is there any problem with this?"

Qin Ge waved his hand and said to her, "It doesn't matter. After all, there will be a lot of things like this in the future, and my identity is not a secret. When they see it more, they will get used to it."

"Haha, Commander is really open-minded." The centaur smiled.

Qin Ge shrugged, "There is nothing we can do about it. Since we have accepted the teaching assistant position from the dean, we must do the teaching assistant things well."

"Well, senior Noshiro and I will also work hard to support the commander." The centaur smiled, and Noshiro on the side also nodded to Qin Ge.

"Haha, I have received your thoughts. But let's finish the meal first. We won't go to training this afternoon and have a good rest. We will have formal classes starting tomorrow." Qin Ge smiled at the two of them. road.

"Yes, Commander." Centaur and Noshiro nodded and agreed.

When a few people started eating, Wu Hao returned to the table where he came from. When a man saw him coming, he quickly pulled him to sit down and asked, "How are you doing? Have you found out?"

Wu Hao nodded, "I found out that he is indeed the new commander."

"Huh? Is he really a newcomer? How is that possible? Why does he have a ship girl now, and what's with the badge?" One of them said in surprise.

Wu Hao replied, "According to what he said, he should have come to the academy more than a week ago, and his current identity is the assistant teacher of the strategy and tactics class. So it is most likely that he summoned the ship girl at that time." ? But he didn’t go into details, he just said that we will know everything when the opening ceremony is held tomorrow.”

"Tsk, this is really a strategy and tactics class..." A commander on the side looked at Qin Ge in the distance and said, "But do you think he can teach well? Instructor Deng was a former colonel-level commander. Now there is a new person..."

Wu Hao shook his head, "Whether he can teach well will naturally be considered by the college. Since the dean asked him to be a teaching assistant in the strategy and tactics class, he must have his strengths. But I think that is not what you should worry about now. Tomorrow It’s time to start the big construction, have you prepared the materials and Rubik’s Cube?”

The man's face suddenly fell when he heard these words, "I'm ready, but it's a little bit short... You also know that I borrowed some from the college when I was doing the big thing, so I have to pay it back this time before I can start the big thing." establish."

"Didn't you say that you can still go to school before graduation? Why are you in such a hurry?" A group of people were a little puzzled by his behavior.

"Isn't it because Dajian consumed too many Rubik's Cubes and materials before? Although during the holidays, I did a lot of commissions, so I accumulated some.

But I don’t want to squander all these resources in one go. I have some awareness of my own luck, so I want to pay back the things I owe to the college before starting any big construction.

It would be better if it could be built, but it would be okay if it could not be built. Anyway, there is still one school year to slowly complete the tasks and then accumulate. "The man said.

"Indeed, and I want to ask you a question. You said that the two ship girls of the new assistant teacher are super rare. So how many times did he build them?" One person asked with a smile.

"You don't want to know." Suddenly, several people's faces turned dark and they said speechlessly.


"Anyone who builds gold is a European dog. No matter what status he has, it will not change this fact." One person said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, and both ship girls are super rare. He is definitely a European dog, not from the same group as us..." The other one also said through gritted teeth.


Of course, Qin Ge, who was sitting there, didn't know anything about these things. Even if he knew, he wouldn't publicize that he had two ultra-rare ship girls.

After all, the more familiar you are, the more you will naturally know some of the rules in the commander's circle. And he couldn't guarantee whether ultra-rare ship girls would appear in the next construction, so it was better to keep it as quiet as possible. He still knows the principle of shooting the first bird...

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