My ship girl, my world

Chapter 436 Second Level

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded firmly, "I believe she will be a very generous person, so you have to relax and prove your strength. Let the monarch also see that the royal family at that time There is value in choosing you.”

Hao smiled and nodded, "Suddenly I feel that you are very good, Commander Qin Ge. I think after this battle, I will apply to the royal family to change the special envoy sent here."

"Oh? Why?" Qin Ge asked confused.

Hao smiled sweetly, "Because I'm afraid that if I stay by your side any longer, I will be infected by your charm, and then leave everything behind and join your fleet."

Qin Ge couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "Is this a compliment to me?"

"Perhaps there is no truer compliment than this?" Hao said with a wink.

Qin Ge smiled and touched his nose, "Okay, your compliments are very helpful to me. But I hope you can stay. Maybe joining my fleet in the future will be a good choice?"

Counterattack smiled at this time, "Commander Qin Ge, I can't pretend not to see your blatant inducement behavior."

"What's the point? Anyway, Akagi and Kaga from the Sakura camp have already joined our fleet.

Although we had an agreement with our commander before, as Guanghui became the awakened ship girl and the monarch was successfully summoned, this agreement has been completed.

After we leave this mirror sea, and when we go to battle next time, our fleet will have three awakened ship girls! Rodney smiled.

"However, they are both very powerful. The leader of a camp will be abandoned at any time. An awakened ship girl will join the commander's fleet when she is asked to join. They really leave no room for themselves." Counterattack said with emotion.

After all, such a long time has passed since the meeting of the nine major camp heads of state, so it is no longer a secret that the other eight major camp leaders know that Akagi and Kaga have joined Qin Ge's fleet.

"Okay, let us talk about this later. Don't think about anything now. Everyone will anchor the command ship immediately and go to rest. We will gather here again in nine hours to prepare for the second wave. Checkpoint." Qin Ge smiled.

"Yes, Commander!"

All the ship girls said to Qin Ge, including Hao He who temporarily joined Qin Ge's fleet and counterattacked.

So everyone else moved to the crew dormitory, and Qin Ge also walked to his own dormitory. They must now ensure adequate rest so that they can better face the second level.

Nine hours was actually not a long time. It passed quickly after everyone fell asleep.

When the time passed, all the ship girls, including Qing Ge, returned to their original positions in the hall.

According to the previous formation, except for Hao and counterattack, everyone else was in the water. In a wheel-shaped formation, they guarded around the command sword, waiting for the sea fog to dissipate.

Soon, the sea fog in front of everyone gradually dissipated, and the charming voice reappeared.

"Haha, it seems that you are very energetic now, so the next step is the second level challenge. With the added strength of one person, can you pass it successfully? I'm looking forward to it."

By the time that charming voice gradually disappeared, the fog on the sea had also receded. The entire sea and sky were cloudless and calm.

At this moment, four large fleets appeared on the radar in front of Qin Ge.

"Everyone's attention, four large Siren fleets have appeared in front of us. The aircraft carrier-based aircraft have taken off to compete for air supremacy. The rest have put up a defensive formation and are alert to the incoming vanguard fleet."

Qin Ge quickly ordered, and in the end he said specifically to the monarch, "Monarch, this is the first battle you have participated in. Try to follow Rodney's side and don't do any unnecessary things."

"Reporting to Commander, when the Mental Cube decomposes the combat data, your usual training formations, plans, etc. have been recorded in my data, so please rest assured that I will definitely follow the fleet's footsteps." The monarch's voice appeared in the communicator.

Qin Ge nodded clearly, "Then this is best."

After the order was completed, Hao and Counterattack began to stare at the battlefield in front of them, waiting for the war to begin.

The first one to reach the sky above the four Siren armies was still the glorious fighter jet, and she judged the situation of the four Siren fleets very quickly.

"Report to Commander, among the four fleets that appeared, three fleets are exactly the same as the last fleet, and have the same level of training. And the other large siren fleet has a game breaker in it!"

Qin Ge nodded after hearing the message, "Gamebreaker, battle-type siren humanoid? I understand. This time the order of battle has changed. After seizing the air supremacy, the Gamebreaker will be dealt with first, using air strike tactics, and the others will be killed." Ship girl, just follow the previous steps!"

"Yes, Commander!"

After hearing the response from the ship girls, Qin Ge put down the communicator in his hand and began to raise his head to look into the distance, where a fierce battle was breaking out high in the sky.

Hao on the side stepped forward and said to Qin Ge, "If I guessed correctly, then there will be five siren fleets appearing in the next level, and it is possible that the leader of the fifth siren fleet is the chess player. Aircraft carrier-type Siren Dolls, I believe that fleet will have more aircraft carriers.

If that is really the case, then Commander Qin Ge, your tactic of gaining air superiority first will not be guaranteed. "

Qin Ge looked into the distance and couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, four aircraft carriers against four fleets is the limit. This time the fight for air supremacy is much slower than before.

If there is a fifth Siren fleet led by a chess player, then the guarantee of air supremacy at the beginning is nonsense. At that time, it is time to consider how to prevent the opponent's carrier-based aircraft from attacking. "

"Then does Commander Qin Ge have any solution?" Hao said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "Although it is a bit risky with our current fleet strength, if we want to cause the largest battle loss ratio, we must do this.

So wait until the third level, then you will join the battle sequence together, and we will start a strong attack. "

"Indeed, it's time to launch a strong attack." Hao smiled, her eyes full of fighting spirit.

For nearly more than a year, she had never fired a gun. She had to have a hearty battle to soothe her mood.

And the next level is when she attacks.

The counterattack on the side was also very exciting. Although he didn't like fighting, how could he escape such a battle?

She is a veteran of the royal family, and this time she will definitely let the royal light shine on the entire sea.

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