My ship girl, my world

Chapter 439 The third level

"Haven't found it yet?" Bismarck said, standing in front of the communication device.

"No, I haven't contacted the commander until now." Prince Eugen's voice came from the communication device.

"How is it possible? We all passed through that storm. Logically speaking, the commander cannot fail to pass!" Bismarck said solemnly, "Eugen, how are the searches of the other two fleets going?"

"They have been found. Except for the slight damage to the hull of the command ship, everyone is fine. Moreover, the damaged hull is already being repaired. Once the repair is completed, we can search for the commander together," Prince Eugen said. arrive.

"Report your position quickly, we are ready to move over. Now we are facing the sea area with erosion level four, so don't spread too far to avoid discovering the Siren fleet and causing unnecessary damage." Bismarck said.

"Yes, our position is in your 275th direction. You can let Peter's carrier-based aircraft lead you to find it." Prince Eugen replied.

"Okay, we'll be there right away." After Bismarck said that, he hung up the communicator.

"Sister, haven't you found the commander yet?" U556 asked at the side.

Bismarck shook his head, "We have contacted the other two teams of ship girls, but we still haven't found the commander."

U556 said to Bismarck, "Don't worry, eldest sister. The commander is so smart, he will be fine. Moreover, he is accompanied by Guanghui and the special envoys sent by the royal family. They are all awakened ship girls, and they will definitely ensure that the commander It’s okay.”

Bismarck nodded, "I hope so too, so we have to step up our search now. Notify Peter and have her carrier-based aircraft follow our 275 direction to track down Eugen's location."

"Yes, eldest sister!" U556 saluted Bismarck, then hurriedly ran out to find Peter Strasser.

Just when Bismarck and others were looking for Qin Ge and others in the sea, Qin Ge and others faced a new round of level challenges!

This time, Hao and Counterattack also joined the battle. Although they have never fought with the army commanded by Qin Ge, they have been familiar with Qin Ge's command formation after staying on Qin Ge's command ship for such a long time, so after a simple run-in, they have quickly mastered it.

At this time, the glorious carrier-based aircraft also came to the sky above the Siren fleet that appeared in the third level, and reported the opponent's lineup this time to Qin Ge, who was still in the command ship.

"Commander, as you expected, a total of five large siren fleets appeared this time, and the fifth large siren fleet was commanded by the chess player.

Our carrier-based aircraft can only compete with them in competing for airspace, so there is a high probability that they will not be able to help the surface fleet this time. However, we will also do our best to intercept their carrier-based aircraft and prevent them from posing any threat to the surface fleet! "

Qin Ge listened to Guanghui's report from the communication device, nodded and said, "I understand, you will fight each other in the airspace. All other sea ship girls, this time it is your turn to attack!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The communicator sounded the response of a group of ship girls, and then Qin Ge saw that his ship girls began to move forward, and he also activated the command ship and followed them from a distance.

The offensive and defensive battle on the sea soon began. Belfast worked steadily, and after confirming the view of the battleships behind him, he directly raised smoke bombs on the spot, protecting himself from being attacked by the opponent's battleships. Also in the smoke bombs, a torpedo is released in the direction of the opponent from time to time.

After the modification, the javelin has become very flexible, and its maneuverability has been greatly improved. While constantly pouring artillery fire on the destroyers and light cruisers approaching her, she slid her body gorgeously, allowing the shells to land one by one at a place beside her where they could not hurt her.

As for Zeal, they provided fire interference behind the two of them, making it impossible for the opponent's vanguard battleship to damage one's own battleship so quickly.

The battleships began to pour out artillery fire, and the cannonballs and barrage rained down like rain. After each round of shooting, the Siren fleet in an area of ​​​​the sea area was directly evaporated, and the situation on the sea area was excellent.

However, such a scene made Qin Ge feel that something was wrong, because when he first entered the mirror sea, the Siren side should have known that he had an awakened aircraft carrier and two awakened battleships.

But until now, the fleets sent by Siren have been proceeding step by step. Although it has increased to five large fleets, it is already a disaster for ordinary commanders, but for the awakening ship girl, these fleets are not Too much to watch.

So, what exactly is the Siren planning? Now it’s the third level. Could it be that...

Qin Ge suddenly thought of something bad, and his face darkened.

"This appetizer lasts a bit long. It seems that the real test starts from the fourth level." Qin Ge said to himself as he looked at the battlefield in front of him.

But what he didn't know was that everything he said was listened to by the Siren.

"Haha, interesting. He is really a flexible-minded human being. I can see it now." The observer looked at the screen in front of him and said with a smile.

"Now that he sees it, should we adjust the fourth, fifth and sixth levels?" the tester asked.

The observer shook his head, "Why adjust it? Since he has already seen it, we should stick to the original appearance. This is more interesting, isn't it?

We are not here to win, we need to collect more combat data. And have you noticed that under his command, although the strength of his ship girls has not changed much, the formation has become more flexible, and the overall combat effectiveness has been improved a lot.

Haha, facing this situation, isn’t that what we want to see? "

"But if they really pass the sixth level, are you really going to hand over the Mind Cube to them?" the tester asked, "That guy is not easy to deal with!"

"Why not? The anomalies that came to this world through time and space formed the most powerful awakening force in the world. I want to see how powerful these two strange combinations can be.

If everything proves feasible, then we will report this situation to Dream Weaver so that she can perform such operations in other numbered worlds. "The observer said with some profound meaning.

"But I advise you not to go too far. If you lure them here and turn this world into a battlefield, it will be more than worth the gain." The tester warned.

"Haha, them? They are chasing that person now, and they haven't had time to come to the numbered world yet." The observer smiled, "Even if they come, what's the use?"

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