My ship girl, my world

Chapter 444 Scientific Research Ship Girl Drawings

Just when they were within visible sight of each other, a wave of carrier-based aircraft rushed towards the location of Guanghui and others.

"Should we attack first to seize air supremacy?" Qin Ge smiled, "It really has my style, but this is just me in the past."

As the carrier-based aircraft entered the sky above Qin Ge's fleet, Belfast, Aurora, Javelin, and Zeal anti-aircraft guns opened fire immediately. Guanghui and others also took off carrier-based aircraft and participated in the battle for air space.

With the cover of anti-aircraft guns, the carrier-based aircraft that Guanghui and others took off this time did not disappear in the air with the opponent like the previous round. Instead, they used the firepower of anti-aircraft guns to completely wipe out the opponent's carrier-based aircraft. machine.

Although the carrier-based aircraft fleet also suffered losses, the losses were completely within the acceptable range. So after the carrier-based aircraft re-formed, they began to attack the opponent's airspace.

At this moment, because the battleship was at the forefront of Qin Ge's fleet, when the opponent's vanguard fleet reached the firing range of the battleship, the opponent's vanguard fleet was unable to attack the battleship.

As a result, the battleship formation led by the monarch neatly poured firepower on the opponent's vanguard fleet! The firepower of two awakened ship girls and one scientific research ship girl is definitely not something that the clones of Belfast and others can withstand.

Although the opponent Belfat also raised smoke in time, and the Javelin clone also tried its best to avoid it, the result was doomed. A round of gunfire accurately hit all the opponent's vanguard ships. In an instant, except for the Belfast clone that was still supporting them, the others' clones had sunk into the sea.

Soon, the second round of artillery salvo was prepared, but the opponent's battleship group had not yet entered their range. Therefore, there is no suspense about the result. All the opponent's vanguard fleets were wiped out.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. If it was an unknown enemy, he might have a headache and try to deal with it. But it's a pity that the opposite side is his own fleet. Qin Ge knows very well about himself.

Moreover, the reason why he implemented that tactic before was entirely because he had four aircraft carriers, and the glory was still an awakened aircraft carrier.

But if the quantity and quality of the aircraft carriers of both sides are completely unified, then timely change of formations, using air defense power and the ultra-long range of the battleships will be necessary to determine the direction of this victory.

When the opponent's vanguard fleet was completely destroyed, Qin Ge could be said to have won the battle. The next step is to minimize your losses. After all, the opponent still has three awakened ship girls and a scientific research ship girl.

The main force has not been lost, but the prevention and control force and vanguard force are lacking. The most important thing next is to seize air supremacy.

Just after the opponent's vanguard fleet was fully launched, the carrier-based aircraft groups of Guanghui and others also came to the sky above many battleships. Although the battleships also had anti-aircraft guns, the gap between their anti-aircraft guns and destroyers and light cruisers was visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, aerial bombs and torpedoes rained down around Rodney's clone. This order was naturally issued by Qin Ge.

Because Rodney is the only ship girl in the battle fleet who is not fully trained, and the only ship girl who is very weak. Therefore, pick the weakest persimmons and eliminate the enemy's most easily eliminated forces first. This is the key to victory.

And just after an air attack sank Rodney, the opponent's carrier-based aircraft group took off again. After fighting with the carrier-based aircraft of Guanghui and others for a while, and losing several carrier-based aircraft, they rushed towards the place where Qin Ge's ship mother was.

But this time, Qin Ge's ship girls acted as defenders more easily than before. Fewer carrier-based aircraft were lost. With the help of the vanguard fleet's air defense capability, the opponent's carrier-based aircraft group was successfully eliminated. At the same time, the carrier-based aircraft group launched an air attack on the opponent's battle formation.

At this moment, the battleships from both sides were already within each other's range. Suddenly, three battleships faced off against four battleships, and they had to watch out for the carrier-based aircraft groups above them. The result can be imagined.

After the opponent's last ship girl fell, the ones on Qin Ge's side who were most seriously injured were only the battleships at the front. However, these merchants cannot reach the level of major damage. They can completely repair everything with emergency repair equipment after boarding the ship later.

At this time, the charming voice also sounded from the sea, "Haha, I didn't expect that you could pass the fifth level so easily. It is even easier to pass this level than the fourth level.

It seems that the most important thing about your fleet is not your strength, but your commander. Making timely changes to transform the defensive fleet into an attacking fleet was a real eye-opener for me.

Then welcome your reward. This time the reward is the scientific research ship girl blueprint. Ten hours later, see you again at the six levels. "

After the charming voice finished speaking, a whirlpool appeared in Qin Ge's sea area, and a box fell from the whirlpool and floated on the sea.

Qin Ge saw this scene and immediately said, "After recovering the box, everyone will return to the ship immediately."

"Yes, Commander!"

As the sea fog gradually rose on the sea, Belfast picked up the box and returned to the command ship with a group of ship girls.

"I didn't expect that we would actually have a fight with ourselves. If the commander hadn't changed the formation temporarily, I'm afraid we would have paid a huge price in this battle." Guanghui said with lingering fear as he thought about the previous battle.

"Yes, if I were the javelin of the opponent's fleet and faced Sister Monarch's cannon, I would probably sink in the sea." Javelin said with lingering fear.

Qin Ge smiled, "So we must flexibly adjust our strategies against the enemy. All formations are not fixed, and we must learn to adapt to changes.

Only in this way can the opponent be unpredictable and win the battle with effective means. "

"Commander Qin Ge is right. The battle just now was really a beautiful command." Hao said with a smile.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's take a look at what the scientific research ship mother's drawings are. Previously, the monarch existed in the form of a Rubik's Cube. What are the drawings like this time?" Qin Ge said.

Upon seeing this, Belfast placed the box on the table, reached out and opened the box. It was discovered that there were indeed several drawings inside the box, and those drawings had several different code names on them.

"Light cruiser Seattle, heavy cruiser Cheshire, battleship Gascogne, aircraft carrier August von Parseval, destroyer North Wind." Belfast read the drawings one by one and faced the crowd. said.

Qin Ge looked at the drawings in Belfast's hand and said to the monarch, "Sovereign, do you know the function of these scientific research ship mother drawings?"

The monarch nodded, "I know!"

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