My ship girl, my world

Chapter 449 The meeting begins

After more than a day of sailing, Qin Ge returned to the station with his fleet.

Because a fleet was detected approaching, Wasp came to the dock early with Li Chenming to wait.

"Huh? Commander Qin Ge, didn't you say you were going away for a month this time? Why did you come back more than ten days later? Did something happen?" Wasp asked.

Qin Ge looked at the two of them and nodded, "This time I went out and encountered the mirror sea area and detected some information, so I had to turn back halfway."

"Mirror Sea!" Wasp said in surprise, "How come the Mirror Sea appears in the fourth-level sea? Don't those things only appear in the fifth-level sea or the sixth-level sea?"

Qin Ge shook his head. Of course he would not tell Wasp and others that Siren was targeting him. Because Li Chenming is still here, if he were told at this time that the Sirens were targeting him, it would definitely make people in the Grand Fleet nervous, and they would be uncertain about what would happen in the future.

So he said rather vaguely, "I don't know, maybe it was a special incident, so I came back to report specifically. By the way, how is the situation near the port area? Is there anything unusual happening?"

Li Chenming shook his head, "The situation here in the port area is very normal. There is nothing special. Now everyone has adapted to the rhythm here, so everything is going smoothly."

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "As long as it goes well, you can go and do your work. Next, I have to go back and make preparations before reporting to the people in the nine camps."

"Okay, don't work too hard." Li Chenming said.

"Yeah." Qin Ge nodded.

Watching Wasp and Li Chenming leave the dock, Veneto walked up and asked, "Why didn't the commander just tell them?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "If they know that Siren is deliberately targeting me, it will make the entire fleet panic. For everyone's safety, it is best not to tell them these things."

"But they will always know," Veneto said.

"It can be hidden for a while. Their power is still very weak now. It's better not to directly participate in these incidents." Qin Ge said.

The other ship girls couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, with the current strength of their fleet, they are too weak to face the Siren, let alone the other commanders?

"Let's go back to where we are staying first." Qin Ge smiled, then turned to Hao He and counterattacked, "Please go back and inform the ship girls from other camps, we will be together later Meeting.”

"I know." Hao nodded.

This matter must be notified to the nine major camps. After all, the matter is of great importance and the amount of information is huge. But the news that sirens and ship girls have the same origin is no less than a giant bomb.

Soon the two groups of people separated. Qin Ge took his ship girls back to the fleet dormitory, letting most of the ship girls rest first, while he took Guanghui, Bismarck, Veneto, Richelieu, The monarch walked together towards the area where the other eight camps were located.

Of course, he also asked someone to call the Wasp before he went there. After all, the Wasp here represents the Maritime Safety Administration, which is the Donghuang camp.

"Is everyone here?" Qin Ge looked at everyone sitting and said.

"Yeah." Wasp nodded.

Qin Ge nodded and said to everyone, "I know that you all have communication facilities that directly contact your camp, so open them all now. This news is serious, and you must talk directly to your senior officials."

When Zhang Qinge said this, people in several other camps were still confused, but Hao, who was from the royal camp, opened his communicator directly.

Seeing Hao's actions, York City asked with some confusion, "Commander Qin Ge, is this necessary?"

Qin Ge nodded, "If it is necessary, and if possible, please inform the camp leader directly."

"All right."

The ship girls from other camps also understood the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and turned on their communication devices one after another to call their own camps.

Soon, the figures of high-level camp officials appeared in the illusion. They were all stunned when they saw the scene in front of them. They couldn't figure out what happened and asked the ship girls in their own camp.

And when they learned that it was Qin Ge who asked the ship girl from his camp to contact him, all eyes were focused on Qin Ge.

"First meeting, Commander Qin Ge, I have heard your name many times." The company from the White Eagle camp said to Qin Ge with a smile.

"So, common people, why are you contacting me?" Royal Elizabeth said.

Although the others did not speak, their eyes were still on Qin Ge and others.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Qin Ge said slowly, "This time I went to sea and encountered the mirror sea, and it was in the fourth-level sea. And the first time the mirror sea was not in the form of a stronghold, but was aimed at me."

"Did I hear you correctly? Are you saying that the siren targeted you and dragged you into the mirror sea?" The Soviet Alliance glanced at Qin Ge and said.

Qin Ge nodded, "The heroes on the royal side can prove that we fought side by side in the mirror sea."

"Hao?" Elizabeth looked at Hao in surprise.

Hao nodded, "Yes, the lens sea I encountered this time is completely different from the mirror sea I encountered before. This time, three high-level siren humanoids appeared in the mirror sea. They are testers and purifiers. , and the observer.”


At this moment, everyone was speechless in surprise. Normally, if a high-level Siren humanoid appeared, it would be a big event for the entire camp, just like the Purifier who appeared in Zhong Ying last time.

But this time, three high-level Siren figures appeared directly, so it was absolutely necessary to hold this meeting.

"Wait a minute, since there are three high-level siren humanoids, they are unable to compete with the awakening power of one camp. How did you survive?" Bismarck asked.

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "So this is the key point I want to tell you next.

I have been wondering for a long time why the sirens are so powerful but don't just wipe out the entire human race and shipgirls, and this time I know the answer from their mouths. "

"What?" All the leaders' eyes lit up. It would be a lie if they said they didn't want to know the answer to this question.

Qin Ge looked at the phantom in front of him and said in a very serious tone, "Because the Siren and the Ship Girl have the same origin, and the Siren exists as another form of the Ship Girl. Both are created by Created by the author. In addition, the sirens appeared in this world to use this world as an experimental field, and their purpose was to collect experimental data.

The so-called experimental data is data generated in battles with ship girls..."

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